>Better food
>Pleasant Music
>Well Manners
>Hot Women
>Strong Religion Beliefs
>Better food
>Pleasant Music
>Well Manners
>Hot Women
>Strong Religion Beliefs
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I tried this coke with peanuts.
Don't it tastes like shit
>Coke peanuts
I knew this was a thing, but that's disgusting.
I thought that was Benedrex cotton. I was "damn this nigga's gettin' fucked up".
Thank god, I thought it was maggots.
Because we consistently vote against them.
Coke with peanuts is great fuck all yall.
Shhh...thats how we the niggers and the jews ITT
The only things I hate about Southerners are that they allowed niggers to be brought into the country, and that they call sodas "Cokes."
Jews will always get everyone to against them. They are true sick people.
>Yeah, can I get a Coke?
>Sure, what kind?
I think it's an old trucker thing.
u people are obese retards who drag america down
>>better food
>>taking down the zog machine jew by jew by jew
>>terrible Manners
>>obese Women
>>support christian sharia law
Niggers mostly live in the south.
>Well manners
Lol wtf
Coke penis?
>better food
fried pickles and soda are not food
>pleasant music
TWANG TWANG *violin screeching*
Will ya please fuck off from my road, my farm here is the only one on this road so its mine and if ya won't kindly move your ass i'll shootcha
Heretic protestants are good now? Go back to licking snakes cletus.
Mediocrity is not art. Make liquor properly or don't make it at all. "But it's hard and takes forever, ya'll"
What's the point? you eat the peanuts as you drink your coke? Does it taste any different? I don't get it.
While we're at it, why do Mexico and the Jews only get real sugar Coke?
Except thats not what its like at all. We say "coke" as a generalization of colas, but if we want something specific we say what we want.
>t. Raised in Texas
Hi spic
I think it's like a sweet and salty snack you can consume while driving and it has the caffeine to keep you awake.
I don't know really, I wouldn't do something stupid like this.
We get it, you hate white people Schlomo.
>>Hot Women
More like obese matriarch homewreckers with screwfaces who smell like every form of excreta.
Not to mention the absolutely repulsive southern accent which sounds DISGUSTING on females, in particular.
Southerners are the most matricucked, whore worshipping, limp dick faggots and their women are gargoylic insults to femaleness.
Signed, lifetime Louisiana resident.
Bluegrass is good, and while people here may cut you shit we welcome most people with open arms. Southern Hospitality and all.
No, I was born in the midwest, southern IN. I'm as white as you'll get there
It’s an amphetamine and I haven’t slept in 3 says and if I take my hand of the steering wheel imma die thing
city people voted for clinton suburban and rural niggers voted for drmupf
You're not white, you're a bunch of 1% niggers from the slave days. "Ya'll" fucked your slaves and if you didn't, northern niggers raped your women.
REEEEEEEE! Peanuts go in Dr Pepper not coke you yankee faggots.
t. Southerner
Historically there were prejudices by northerners, but the history books generally portrayed the civil war as a brother's war until the middle of the 20th century
Anti-Southernism is just anti-Americanism by another name, since Protestant Christians descended from Colonists are far more numerous in the south than in New York City and because the South, Midwest and Great Plains were all unjewified they represent the great bastion of authentic Americans which threaten to push jews out of their unlawfully acquired domination of the government.
I suppose in short- the Northeast was dominant after the civil war, jews moved there and took over. But since the 20th century the South/Heartland has taken power away from the Northeast which threatens Jewish power. So Jews have ramped up anti-Southernism since the South and the Heartland are the bastions of traditional American culture.
Also southerners can be trashy cunts sometimes
this, I never understood why people think southerners say coke for everything
Obvious Jew.
as a .2% nigger, I agree.
We should all be contained in America, the pure whites sent back to Europe, European niggers sent here, and then Hitler 2.0 reigns in a good 1000 year empire
It's pretty good.
This is the most eloquent shit I've ever seen taken on someone's post. 10/10, lost
No, we call them soft drinks.
Jewish anti-southernism goes back to before the 1950s, when both Jews and Southerners voted Democrat. It comes down to the fact that Jewish influence in the South is minimal and Evangelicals are strong enough to oppose Judeo-Socialist control of America.
It is also worth noting that the Ashkenazi socialists who founded Israel have largely been removed from power by Mizrahi religious fundamentalists, largely with help from the Evangelicals. Of course Evangelicals and Jow Forums make no distinction between different kinds of jews, but the ashkenazi socialists despise religious mizrahim very much.
Because if "rednecks" aren't viewed as retarded then the only other explanation is niggers.
>Hot Women
>I hate blacks.
You could have just summarized.
This, well put...
All negros must go back to africa, and since you've offered you can go back with them mr. mulatto.
>>Hot Women
Southern women are obese pigs.
It's definitely the niggers. I've met decent rednecks, although many are retarded as well.
California is so much superior than any other states.
is this how you activate peanuts?
It's not my message, it's kek's message. And it's been delivered.
>Get the terminology right.
>Hate black people.
It's really good, especially with Mexican Coke.
wow ;_;
If you are a real Coca Cola fiend, as I was when i was an adolescent, this is what you do;
You make a coke SUNDAE.
No, not a Coke FLOAT. A coke float is when you put ice cream in a big glass of Coca Cola soda pop. Very nice but NOT a COKE SUNDAE.
How do you make a COKE SUNDAE?
Like you make a chocolate syrup sundae, ONLY USING COCA COLA SYRUP without the soda added.
I'm telling you all my fellow Coca Cola fiends, this is super super delicious.
Here is a 2.5 gallon bag of Coca Cola Syrup on ebay for Around $80. You can get bottles of generic coke syrup for around $7.00
Just lay down your ice cream and pour that Coke syrup on it and you, my fellow Coke fiends will be in heaven.
Remember; this is not a FLOAT made with ice cream and soda....it's a sundae made with syrup. OMG YUM
>Better food
I like most of it. Best barbeque outside of KC I ever had was made by Arkansas hillbillies.
>Pleasant Music
>Well Manners
The most repugnant people I've ever met in my entire life were Southerners, bar none. You're a bunch of nasty pricks to everyone an inch above the Mason-Dixon Line, no matter how friendly they are to you. I lived in Jew Yawk for a year, and even they weren't as bad.
>Hot Women
In Florida, maybe. The rest are fucking cows.
>Strong Religion Beliefs
Obese Boomers on their last leg, maybe. Younger southerners are fucking degenerates.
I'm an alcoholic, and even I wouldn't touch that bathtub swill. Kentucky bourbon kicks the shit out of everything else in America, though.
I'm a Missourian, not a cosmopolitan, so feel free to roast me or argue about whether or not we're the south or whatever, idgaf. Just saw a bunch of bullshit in your post and wasn't about to let it slide.
They are soft-drinks here too, but soft drinks are anything that doesn't include alcohol, so lemonade and tea are soft drinks too. All I can tell you is that when I traveled to Texas and Louisiana they called sodas/carbonated beverages "cokes."
I love the south. You have a great reputation for hospitality and kindness.
Jew confirmed
>Heretic protestants are good now? Go back to licking snakes cletus.
Holy fuck, i laughed so hard I started crying
>Oh really, well let's see if that's true, I have some IQ and demographics data right here--
If white southerners are stupid, then how do they explain Matlock? Retards.
>Better food
...that'll take 30 years off your life
>Pleasant Music
...can't completely disagree. Lynyrd and Allman Bros, they had some catchy tunes.
>Well Manners
...true......if you're white
>Hot Woman
...some can be smoking hot, but most time landwhales.
>Strong Religion Beliefs
...sure, but I want enjoy a cold beer on Sunday. They can fuck off.
...never looked for it myself, but it's there I'm sure.
...because it's fucking true. Take the good with the bad, user.
Stop being black and/or a wordlet.
This is, perhaps, the most boomer post I've ever read.
Because (((they))) took huge losses in the war between the states and forgiveness is not (((their))) thing.
>anyone who points out the truth is a jew
This is some next-level kikery. Jfc, just own it, the south has redeeming qualities just like the midwest has a lot of problems. Relax.
>You're a bunch of nasty pricks to everyone an inch above the Mason-Dixon Line
Weird, in my experience Southerners have been some of the nicest people I've met.
yanks are traitors and should be hanged
>give negroes freedom
>give them the right to vote
>give them guns for self defense
>constantly vote open borders
It's a boomerpost for sure, but that's definitely a southerner. I like the enthusiasm in the post, kind of sold on the idea of trying that sundae.
Where you from?
>music that isn't about niggers doing crimes and shaking their asses is a "problem"
I know you've all heard it now for the last 18 years at least, but really, what Southern Food thread would be complete without it?
>Strong Religion Beliefs
Like sucking Jew dick?
>strawmanning this hard over being a little butthurt
Now show me where I said I like coon tunes, you stupid faggot.
>Protip: you can't
Same actually.
State? Huh.
I think I get flack because I'm from a disputed territory, and since I don't come off like a diehard Dixie guy, I'm seen as a carpetbagger or rugsacker or whatever. It's been kind of thrown up in my face more than once, and I don't recall ever saying anything to warrant it.
Want to meet up and fuck?
>better food
>has one of the highest rates of obesity and heart disease in the nation
>pleasant music
>literally the birthplace of all trashy american music
>well mannered
>hateful to outsiders and anyone who hates dixieland
>hot women
trust me the only thing hot down there is the temperature
>strong religious beliefs
it rivals sharia for how terrible it is, frankly... calvinist protestanism... not even once
>implying that distilleries are a thing only in the south
top kek lad
If I pretend I'm a poo from Amazon will you show vagene?.
Tell me what is wrong with singing about trucks, pets, or fishing.
To keep niggers and jews out...
>All these Yankees mad.
Just existing is enough to make them rabid. kek
your yardstick of comparison is pretty funky
perhaps you need to get off the drugs
(the new poo in the loo is a san franciscan, btw)
>they allowed niggers to be brought into the country
As slaves....then the yanks came along and let them all loose and entitled to equal rights.
What are you talking about? They got their money from cotton afterwards and Grant bent the knee to them so he could be potus.
It's the one place Jews can't get a foothold in.
Not really. There are some beauties, but they are few and far between.
Evangelicals are hardcore Zionists wtf are you even trying to pull retards
Judah P Benjamin on your currency?
This right here...every year the church take trips to israel
>t. faggot from the worst state in the south.
>drinking coke
In case you haven't noticed (((they))) harbour eternity long grudges against any who rise up against them.
They don't consider us human. They are responding as we would to a wild animal killing one of ours. Loathing and a determination to destroy the offending creature.
It's essentially the same shit as rap, but for whites, considering every other song is about the same shit as the last:
>muh truck
>muh dawg
>muh fishin'
>muh hawnkee tawnk
>muh dik
>muh guns
>muh munny
>muh club
Singing about dogs, trucks, and fishing is leagues more acceptable than anything you hear in niggerbabble, but for fuck's sake, change the record.
for what purpose?
couldn't you just get candied peanuts and drink a soda?
>>has one of the highest rates of obesity and heart disease in the nation
thats because the blacks can't eat or drink anything without covering it in sugar and salt.
but the food and moonshine makes up for the backwardness of the southerner state right
you seem like you get too much caffeine
From Arkansas, always said soda. Maybe I'm defective.
They shouldn't have been here to begin with, we already had white indentured servants if you wanted cotton pickers on the cheap.