Great points, Tom. Me and some other dads would love to discuss it with you in a local parking lot late tonight
Great points, Tom. Me and some other dads would love to discuss it with you in a local parking lot late tonight
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I swear to God and everything that is holy I’d commit actual murder if when they truly push for pedophile rights in a few years, if there’s no major pushback from the public.
Nothing gets me angrier than pedophiles
and yet its black democrats who kill pedos in prison
twitter has suspended that account and (((snopes))) has him labeled as a "republican" troll from >>/b/
They are already pushing for it and you aren't doing anything
Neck yourself, pervert.
What wrong with fucking kids?
Since the 60’s, the public has been complacent and enamored with notions of being on “the right side of history.” If current trends persist, pedophilia will be accepted, lauded (much like gay pride, there will be pedo pride), and normalized (more people will come out as pedos and there will be more excuses made for pedophilic behavior). In fact, relationships with children may readily become accepted by many leftists - not all, but a worryingly large number of leftists may adopt this as their new civil rights crusade.
Sex is evil, all people should be castrated at birth.
Someone is going to do something bad to this guy.
Walk away white man!
Snopes is a pro pedophilia website
So what exactly is bad about a child receiving oral sex? Does it hurt them or feel painful? Or is the problem that it feels too good and that makes it degenerate?
black criminals kill pedos in prison because theyre shit tier niggers with a propensity to thuggish violence on weaker people.
You pervert POS. Remember this - I am a father of two young kids. If some faggot pedo piece of trash like you laid a finger on them they would not have much time left in this earth. There are many fathers like me out there. Your garbage will never be accepted, and if you force the issue you and your kind will be annihilated.
Why are pedos always fat, bald, Jewish, or some combo of the three? At least it will be easy to identify them on the day of the rope.
That’s very intimidating of you but you didn’t answer the question. Why do you feel the need to murder someone for giving your kid sexual pleasure?
Why do people just say shit.
>makes claim
>no proof
>wash rinse repeat
Its not up for debate, chomo. Call it instinct. Maybe do some research on victims of pedophiles and see how it affected them. Stop thinking with your dick. Your kind is fucked up and no amount of mental gymnastics will ever make it OK, or accepted in society.
>Why do you feel the need to murder someone for violating another's autonomy because they couldn't keep it in their pants?
If they don't understand what they are agreeing to, including all the potential long term consequences (i.e. std risk, pregnancy, degeneracy of casual sex), then they cannot give consent. That means you would be taking advantage of a vulnerable population to satisfy your own urges. So yes, in that case you would deserve to be thrown into a deep lake wearing a pair of cement shoes.
>can't decide bed time
>can consent to sex acts with an adult
Whew lad.
What are the long term consequences of oral sex?
I did not choose to be attracted to dead pedophiles. It is merely how I was born. A condition I must bear nobly. Society wrongly persecutes and marginilizes DPAPs. It's time we take a mature stance toward DPAPs and acknowledge they have a place in society. Persecuting DPAPs simply make them more likely to offend.
>wat iz reeding comprehenshun
I was literally arguing that children cannot consent to sex. Try again sweetie.
First sexual experience has very significant psychological effects because it socializes the child to certain behaviors. Sex as a child normalizes powerlessness insex and leads to self loathing and fear around sex which creates significant ant sexual dysfunctions as an adult.
I'm a pedophile and I wuz born this way bigot.
STDs from filthy faggot mouths, psychological damage that has been documented by numerous studies, etc etc
Nah, even thugs have some semblance of standards. Pedos get killed in prison because even drug-dealing niggers, methhead trailer trash and murderous mexicans know that pedos deserve to die.
Imagine being such fucking losers you create a fake twitter account and then circlejerk each other into a rage. Wew. Trumpcucks such dumbfucks.
Oh by the way, the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House was a lifelong Pedo and was able to hide it until the end. Trump endorsed a Pedo in a Sentate race THIS YEAR, and right now the GOP is protecting a pedo from allegations by 8 wrestlers.
Kill these fuckers. Slice them open and feed them to pigs alive
>a couple people I don't like are pedos so therefore all people I don't like are pedos
Reminder that Thomas Jefferson was a pedophile.
pedo acceptance is not going to fly.
they pushed too far.
The current transgender trend, along with all of the sexual degeneracy and disorders that have now been normalized, and the easy access to pornography ensures that more children will be primed for pedophiles in the coming years than ever before.
>mainstream ethics and morals were different 200 years ago compared to now
not sure if troll or what
What are you implying? Do you think being a pedophile is a matter of morals?
So now that faggots are socially accepted what is the next step of degeneracy? Pedos or animal fuckers?
Killing pedos is
In your case, a rope.
Do you have any non nigger tier responses?
Kids don't understand sex or what it is you disgusting freak, stay away from our kids or we'll make sure that you'll never get close to them again.
>late tonight
Fuck that noise. Don't be afraid to take out some pedophile in broad daylight. You'll be a hero and possibly a martyr once you accidentally kill yourself with two shots to the back of the head.
White prisoners kill white pedos
Mexican prisoners kill Mexican pedo
Black prisoners are cool with pedos if they are black