All these worthless white people in the U.K. have nothing better to do then protest an American president who does not effect their lives. I hope the towel heads take over, impose sharia law and rape all your women. I can't wait to hear all the dumb cunts saying "remember when we protested Trump and we were allowed to go outside wearing shorts and a tee shirt? Now we are forced to wear burkas and be covered head to toe. The U.K. is filled with a bunch of pussy cowards and I will enjoy watching you all burn. You faggots get arrested for carrying a fork or mentioning a Muslim rape gang and you think Trump is your problem?
Sharia law in the U.K
Britons who live in the cities are basically just niggers. Out here in the country it is nowhere near as bad, I assure you. Far from it, actually.
Why would that happen to a nation you're are occupying with your military unless its to your benefit?
I'm hoping we bring our military back home so you all will have to spend more on military and not be able to afford Gibs for rapefugees.
We'll I hope there is enough of you out in the country
If anything he is trying to make it better. Bong's are muslims and refugees destroying your culture? I need an honest answer from you guys?
>Bong's are muslims and refugees destroying your culture?
Our culture has been dead for decades. All we have now is Americanism.
How do you perceive Americanism?
rather, what is Americanism?
Bongs are the worst Americans. Sometimes I think we won a little too much...
Yes, I had a friend murdered by niggers, I was almost murdered by niggers, multiple of my white friends and family have been robbed, assaulted, threatened, almost raped, etc.
Living in a big city in England is like the fucking jungle at certain hours, even in the center of the town. And not insane hours either. People are getting stabbed in broad daylight on major thoroughfares and robbed with acid. No exaggeration.
Americanism is the culture that has replaced the native culture of several European nations through its increased familiarity with people, via media sourced from America. It's why nearly all our movies are American, nearly all our music is American, and why people's conception of history is American.
A good example is that even over here "The Civil War" is the American Civil War, while our own Civil War needs to be specified as "The English Civil War."
Basically it's a people seeing the world, and consuming culture and media, through an American context. It's why Europeans protested net neutrality, yet have no idea about the existence of the Snooper's Charter or Article 13.
Free Tommy. Take your country back. Death to Islam
Yeah listening to nsync and katy perry is exactly like hatchet attacks and rape gangs.
Knife attacks and rape gang's aren't an attack on CULTURE. It's an attack on the PEOPLE.
The attack on CULTURE occurred decades before the attack on the PEOPLE.
Definitely no hope for you.
Thank you, I appreciate your insight. Terrible spot we're all in.
That is terrible. Do you know any police officers? Do they share the same sentiment?
Yeah, we know. The nation and its history was killed by Americanism, making native concepts seem foreign, and the people robbed of any sense of grounding float about aimlessly and without grounding.
I know people who think that the British Empire never actually existed. Not "they don't know it did", but that it was about as real as the Holocaust.
Waaaaahhh are you the same German proxy that cries about how its all the USAs fault?
You can fucking die and we will pick up the pieces for all I care if all you're cappable of doing is crying.
Yeah. I asked the detective who investigated my attempted murder, after the cunt got sentenced to a couple of years, and none of his co defendants got anything "So, basically what you're saying is if I want any actual justice I'd have to get some lads together and do it myself" to which he agreed. And he wasn't even white. Good bloke though, just shit situation for the rank and file police.
> cries about how its all the USAs fault?
Hate to break it to you, but ruling the world means the world is subject to your rule.
We ain't the EU but go ahead and cry yourself to sleep and hope allah doesn't take you in the night
user, the bongs are in a terrible position. The only thing they can realistically do is revolt and overthrow their govt. The voted to leave the EU and if not for Trump they probably wont. Their govt hates their people.
The problem is that any action like that would have to come from a sense of aspiration. The idea of "Make America Great Again" only can apply to you, because no one living remembers us as a great nation. People are so deracinated and amnesiac about their own past here that any call for unity for a cause would ring totally hollow.
They're practically begging for it
I don't care what they do, but the projecting and blubbering is unbecoming of a person that supposedly lives in a western nation.
Most bong posters on here don't even accept the premise that there is a problem at all, and posters like crybaby blame US and never get beyond it. If 300 million Americans got together and held hands and said we were sorry to bongistan for everything we ever did, it wouldn't stop those faggots from being stabbed to death outside a kebab shop.
They had it easy for a long time blindly blaming US for everything they did and simply say "well look at your country" we did, we got out there and fought and voted and elected somebody to make changes and he's doing it. We walk the walk. AMERICANS WALK THE WALK.
UK needs to step it up. Not on Jow Forums not in Brit/pol/ threads, not in their CS:GO clan. Fucking go out and vote and bitch and defend yourselves.
You can only say that because you're from a nation of cultural strength. You wont live to see it (hopefully for you) but sooner or America will be as trivial and irrelevant as we are now, functioning as nothing but a platform for a foreign leader to swagger about with his dick swinging.
What terrifies me is what happens after Trump. Will there be enough of the cabal exposed and brought to justice that people will see their puppeteers?
I just do not understand how people in the UK cannot be seething, en mass, as to how the monarchy and parliament let them down so. I guess I can understand though. I am a paramedic in CA and have seen it happen here. It is just so infuriating. I really wanted to visit London.
If you got a dick you can swing it. Nobody is gonna swing it for you
This is just the way things are. For many people living England was never a safe country, never strong, never anything other than a joke. There's no reason to be angry about how "things are."
No one really wishes for a change because they have absolutely no way to conceptualise any alternative.
The jews put the towel heads there yet the UK is content to let the Jews destroy their culture.
Start fighting back, take back your government root out the jew and drive them from your lands!
The culture is gone, mate. The time to worry about culture being destroyed was decades ago.
Maybe there is still hope for you yet.
I don't see how pro-Trump protests help US outside of more of the Americanism I highlighted here:
Nah he's a Tokyo Rose.