Why are you so butthurt about women? Their lives are terrible beyond 30, let them enjoy the precious few years they get

Why are you so butthurt about women? Their lives are terrible beyond 30, let them enjoy the precious few years they get.

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Cope. White dudes go bald and look ugly af when they’re older.

Because at no point in their pathetic existence do they come close to feeling shame that a healthy sane man feels on an almost daily basis.

>Their lives are terrible beyond 30
they're paying the toll of the previous 15 years, doesn't have to be like that

Nah breh, that bitch let herself fall apart. It doesn't have to be that way

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You realize that Tom Cruise is like a decade younger than her, right?

Quit larping, poindexter. You will never be Tyrone.

Become Scientology.
Age with grace.
Where do I sign up?

Unfair comparison. Tom Cruise has spent trillions on plastic surgery, personal trainers, hair dye, and PR people to make him look like that.

She probably just blew what little money she made from Top Gun on booze and heroin.

Holy fuck that is a real pic of Kelly.

Geez. She wasn't even bad in Starship Troopers. What the fuck happened

She appears decades older. There are well preserved old women like Phoebe Cates that hardly age, top gun girl is either bad genes or hard living.

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Unfair comparison. Tom Cruise is 5 years younger and has gone under the knife multiple times. This woman is in her 60's and chose to age naturally. Fair play to her.

>Their lives are terrible beyond 30
Gee I wonder why.

Lol my grandfather looks younger then her and he's 88.

Black dudes just end up in jail

rachel ray became a ham galaxy

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If she loses 15-20 pounds she'll be okay

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Yeah but with her it was always obvious she was going to turn into a hippo. I can't totally articulate it, but it's easy to take one look at a woman and know if they are a ticking time bomb.

That's what happens when your career literally revolves around fatty shit food. The great martyr Bourdain tried to warn her.

kiersty alley

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Speak in kg please it's and international board

If my memory serves me right, that chick was raped pretty viciously and never recovered from it. She's an alcoholic hermit.

it's not actually

the beauty of the white woman they said.

Meanwhile asians don't look like grandparents until retirement age.

That one isn't a surprise at all.

As an Operating Thetan Tom has control over time. That's in the theory at least, and I would say it's mostly true. As virtually all stress is released the body stays young and the spirits remain high.

She has always been gross. Body was 8/10 but that face is fucking hideous.

>your career literally revolves around fatty shit food.
Remember poor Paula Deen - she got diabetes from her cooking before being crucified by SJWs for cracks about negroes (like attending an antebellum ball with colored manservants in white and she loved it).

I'm 29 now, and while I do think it's more optimal to get married and all that in your mid 20s, I'm honestly happy I haven't just yet, because most girls look good in their early 20s, but it seems hellish to get with a cute girl who turns into a hideous beast. It seems like by your late 20s, you can tell which girls will get fat and ugly, and which will age gracefully.

thats what happens when you can cook an entire meal in 30 minutes.

jennifer lien (kes from star trek) went batshit insane full on sjw. great sadness.

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lol I can't stand her and I loved Bourdain's attacks on her, but I honestly thought it was ridiculous when the SJWs went after her. Like, come on, she's an old southern lady, so you know she didn't mean anything by it. It's just like that Roseanne thing where she compared that politician to Planet of the Apes; I understand why black people are sensitive to being compared to apes, but that lady literally looked like the characters from Planet of the Apes.

Not if those white dudes use minoxidil and stay out of the sun and take fish oil and do intermittent fasting. ;) You could have great hair, a six pack and good skin well into old age.


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Example here. You could look like Poseidon as an older white dude. People let themselves go because they give up on life mostly.

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Like Kelly Clarkson.

Don't be a dork. Post something relevant. Here's my country.

If you fuck your back or anywhere on your legs, you are generally fucked

Fuck off kike

Retarded virgins ITT. If you need to gauge a woman’s future prospects look at her biological parents. Whichever she takes after more will be the best estimate not accounting for external factors like a bad diet.

>if she doesn’t have both parents what do i do?
dump the bitch. You’rewelcome I just helped you dodge a bullet

>fat is bad for you
stupid fucking nigger

she's 71 years old, you retard. You would be long dead from cheeto encrusted arteries

most of it is genetic, the rest is having great wealth and what you spend it on.
the real flaw is what you worship, most Americans worship money and youth

Leave that lady along Jow Forums. She was raped during a home invasion. She was left with all kinds of PTSD problems, she left acting, her husband couldn't deal with the PTSD and left her, and in the end she went lezbo over it all. She just wants to be left alone.


too much fat is. I recognize the bigger issue is sugar and processed carbs.

Also take care of your skin, eat healthy, and work out. Low stress is also good. Tom Cruise isn't the -best- example because he has top tier genes already. Sylvester Stallone is a pretty good example - Dude is in his 70s and look better than more guys half his age, and his genes are no where near as good as Tom's.

women are less than human
don't take them seriously

Tom Cruise is a manlet, however.

Fuck off kike

Nuke yourself please. Thanks!