Is there literally anything gayer than being a christian?

The bible literally says all believers become the "bride of christ". That's right, if you're a dude, you'll be forced to get married to a man. Christians can look forward to an eternal afterlife of getting ass raped by a male jew (Jesus of Nazareth).

ITT: Discuss the political ramifications of having nations controlled by a religion that literally forces you into gay sex.

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23The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27And last of all the woman died also.
28Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
31But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,
32I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
33And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.

nice try though you dumb heeb

First of all you are missing the context + its an anology and not to be take literally.

Ill try to put it that way. Imagine you went to military and left your girlfriend alone. You would want her to be loyal and pure for the many years you spend without her. And once you actually come back and acknowledge that she indeed was loyal to you the whole time, wouldnt you value it as a great treasure?

The same applies to Christ. He was here, he taught us and left us. Soon he will come back. And as long as he is gone, he want us to stay pure, so that once he comes back, we can all enjoy the victory of God over the devil. We will "marry" and become one.

>I, as a man, am eager to get married to a man, because when I twist a completely unrelated passage of scripture talking about angels (not people), I can take that as assurance that I won't actually be ass raped.

You christcucks are remarkable.

>The bible is literal when it supports whatever made up crap I'm spewing, but metaphorical when it contradicts whatever made up crap I'm spewing.

Got it, reverend. You should ask St Peter for some KY jelly on the way into the gates.

Your statement is illogical.

Why would Christ teach us to stay away from the evil, which includes sodomy, but then "assrape" everyone? There is already enough perversion in this world, so why would he want to fool us to assrape after death, if it is possible right now?

No, he gave us the holy spirit so that we can differentiate between good and evil and he lived a difficult and perfect life as a role model for us to follow him. Love is his core teaching for a reason.

>Why would Christ teach us to stay away from the evil, which includes sodomy, but then "assrape" everyone?

I didn't write the idiodic book, you'll have to ask the 2nd century jews. I guess because he wants all the virgin man ass for himself, no sloppy seconds?

If you talk to someone and a story is being told to you, which contains an anology, metaphor etc. do you recognize it as such, or has the narrator to tell you specificly "here starts the anology" and "here ends the anology"?

Dont be ignorant.

I dont see any reason to continue a discussion with you, since you are obviously not interested in different opinion, but rather blindly hating and insulting christians. Your aregument have no substance, just shallow rage.

That's OK, I'm sure you have to go and welcome some migrants with the rest of the cat ladies in your church.

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Christianity is what you get when you don't have the brains for Judaism or the balls for Islam.


You may not like it but accept it

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Americanised sing-song and preacher Christianity makes me cringe. Catholicism and Orthodox have nice aesthetics but are still judaic

> the bible says...
> doesnt cite chapter and verse
> doesnt actually say that, but OP cant touch a bible without bursting into flames, so he cant check for himself.
> OP just heard some shit while sucking anonymous cocks in the truck stop mens room.
> OP assumed it must be correct, because when a 60 year old, fat, hairy trucker is balls deep in your anus, why would he lie?
> the kind of intellectual and spiritual people who OP meets when giving up the bareback at a bugchaser party in an abandoned warehouse down by the railyards are simply too reliable to bother double checking their claims
> who has time to check the facts, when there so many gallons of pozzed semen that have yet to be drunk, and OP is always thirsty. so very thirsty.

Oh look, another christcuck having to lie to support his jewish religion. It's in revelation 19 & 21.

If you want to further deny what's in your own book, here is is from christcucks themselves:

>For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
>So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Don't forget.

>the bible literally says
You forgot the classic christcuck defense for anytime someone finds a contradiction in the bible
>B-but god didn't literally mean that! You're just interpreting it wrong! I understand what the perfect cosmic omniscient being really meant by that!

Yes, I imagine after all the male christians marry that jew, a lot of them will be getting on their knees and doing things with their tongues.

LOL, they've already used that one here, see

It's spiritual not materialistic. The thief was on his left. The murderer on his right. Christ was in the middle. What is the left in politics? or associated with in regards to the brain? What is the right in politics or associated with in regards to the brain? Where does understanding exist? Where does Christ?

Thanks for your feedback, Q.

>"bride of christ".
It actually doesn't say that. It is inferred from a verse that says Christ gave himself for the church. But the Church is Christ's body and therefore "male" in type. The actual bride it identifies is New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ.

Have you ever read about the life and death of one of the martyrs of the Church?
The cultural and legal changes of the past fifty years suggest that our Catholic faith may once again become illegal.
In some circles, Church teaching is already considered "hate speech" because we do no buy into the abortion and contraception industries; we reject same-sex marriage and "gender
theory". What are you prepared to do about this very real possibility of the faith being outlawed?

O but according to Arianna Grande, God is a woman!! So reeeee