In fact Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals despite the unwavering support Evangelicals offer to Israel (pic related).
How can we wake up the good goyim Christians to the fact that the Jews hate and that they hate Jesus?
In fact Jews prefer Muslims over Evangelicals despite the unwavering support Evangelicals offer to Israel (pic related).
How can we wake up the good goyim Christians to the fact that the Jews hate and that they hate Jesus?
This is such a misnomer.
a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching.
Everyone understands what the term "Evangelical Christian" means, and many self identify as such.
Well of course. Don't you know the story? The evangelicals love the Jews because the Jews need to be in possession of the Holy Land for Jesus to come back.
And when he does - the Jews and ALL NON-BELIEVERS don't get to be raptured. Jews know the Evangelicals love is based on cultitst bullshit in the end.
>Christians like Jews more than fellow Christians of other denominations
God save us
That's an important point that I neglected to include in the OP. Thanks for pointing that out.
>Rabbi Felix Rogin: Jesus Was Witch Or Sorcerer With An Eye For The Ladies
>Christians in Israel face rise in hate crimes
>How Christians are treated by zionist jews in israel, abused and insulted.
>How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel - It's Serious!
>The Insanity of Christian Zionism!
Christians are dumb.
we’ve known this a while
fuck protestant churches and evangelicals
Why must they mock Christ?
>Worship Canaanites and Jesus will come back. (((We))) promise.
>Evangelicals Love Jews, Jews Hate Evangelicals
The epitome of cuckness
This is the nature of cucks.
See, "Messianic Judaism". We occasionally win converts. Rarely.
It triggers my autism that the table can't be transposed. That the columns and rows aren't identical and out of order. Holy shit need my medicine. Who would ever conduct a study like this where Jews and Catholics got asked about Jews and Catholics, but Muslims didn't get asked about Muslims?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Also OP is reading the chart wrong.
How so?
I'm waiting.