The Jews have always been a bastion of tolerance, love and progress everywhere they went. They were very often so tolerant and progressive that the countries who hosted them simply couldn't catch up and threw them out in confused anger.
Jews have a history of bravely fighting nationalism, ethnocentrism and toxic homogeneity all over the world in the 20th century yet ironically, today's Israel remains a majority Jewish state, where they still persecute the muslim minority. I say the racist Nazi (National-Zionist) government of Israel isn't doing the Jewish nation justice. Israel should accept unlimited mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East and I know that if the choice stood behind it's people and not it's racist ruling class they would do just that.
Jews need Diversity
Other urls found in this thread:
In this thread I will try to reignite the fire of love and tolerance regardless of race in the hearts of all the anons who happen on this thread, especially Jewish ones.
Jewish women should be free to chase their own sexual interest. In a free and democratic country, we can allow our women the pleasure they want and deserve.
After all, men and women are equal in Israel. They are not some backwards medieval country like Poland or Iran.
Would be glad if others
contributed into my collection of Jewish tolerance and diversity
Can we also take a moment to appreaciate how tolerant the Jews are towards homosexuals. Not all western countries can say they are as tolerant as Israel.
Love knows no race, religion or gender
As a fellow jew I agree, us jews are to privileged!
I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!!!!!!!!!!
I think mr Negro Deshauniquantosha Spectre here has a point
This won't be over until we saturate the internet with BMJW pornography.
Find BMWF pornography with Kiken looking thots, re-upload explicitly as Black Man - Jewish Woman/ Jewess loves the BBC
>This won't be over until we saturate the internet with BMJW pornography.
They do that themselves.
A large portion of "white" porn actresses are actually Jewish.
look at me
i jew now
The racism and xenophobia must stop!
For the sake of humanity! DON'T BE A RACIST!
Want to really piss off the kikes? Show them this:
Porn actress with many screens with niggers. The daughter of a rabbi. The kikes edited her wikipedia entry, editing her ancestry to be "Nigerian and Slovak" rather than "Israel and Slovak", even though she's clearly not a mulatto and the source stated her father is a rabbi. Eventually they deleted the wikipedia page entirely! lulz
Do you have that in higher rez?
One of the highest quality threads on Jow Forums ever.
No, unfortunately lol but I wish I did. I'm sure someone can fix it for you, though.
Thank you dear user. I try to make my thread a bastion of love, tolerance and solidarity to shine a light in this eternal darkness that it Jow Forums especially with all this division and shilling.
No matter. This one will still be useful when I make this thread again some time soon.
Wait these chicks are Jews?
Yes, a large portion of Jews have stolen European genetics. I see 2 of them with nose-jobs, and 3 with the Jude nose.
Jews come in all shapes and sizes, for they are a true bastion of multiculturalism and diversity.
Shalom! Israel needs to stop with this Bigotry and Xenophobia. These racist walls must come down NOW!
Damn, those nigger Jews really get into fucking the Shekinah don't they, imagine trying to fornicate with a wall. Literally imagine.
This is news to me, but I do agree with this thread. It’s 2018 and Israel needs to get with the times
Never forget, it's the Shabbat today (Saturday, Jewish Sabbath) and the JIDF are forbidden to post and de-rail as it is considered work.
That's what the Orthodox do. They literally make out with the wall
I'm literally shaking r/n. This racist state of Israel must be brought to heel. #BoycottIsrael
Man that Doug lookin bitch is hideous.
Great thread. Jow Forums is a board of peace. We would like to see open borders and diversity for Israel.
lmao this shit triggers modern day bolsheviks so hard
Shut up you antisemite!
Bump to save Israel
Thank you Greatest Ally!
If we don't protect the Jews user, who will stand up for us? Diversify Israel!
Jewish women LOVE getting BLACKED
I don't get this thread, doesn't israel already have a sizeable arab minority along with a 100,000 or so Ethiopian jews?
Is this the Jow Forums satire I was told about?
>be me
>go see gas station on opening weekend
>7/11 PACKED with black monster energy cans
>talking, dancing, yelling at the screen, blasting rap music on their phones before
>settle in to my seat in the first row of the fridge
>whip out rotisserie chicken i snuck in
>black monster energy can next to me nods
>"you alright white drink”
>store opens the doors, people go crazy
>im really enjoying the grand opening
>gets to the fight scene between boomer and a zoomer
>whole store laughs in approval and acceptance of my joke
>black monster energy can next to me "that's my man, you one of us brother"
>females start dancing down the aisles towards my seat, twerking in front of me
>"he cute"
The Ethiopian Jews are held in internment ghettos and aren't eligible to the same rights as normal citizens in Israel. It's basically Jim Crow 2.0.
The Arabs in Israel are native Arabs in areas that Israel Imperialistically conquered and claims as their own land now. The agreement after WW2 wasn't followed.
bump to infinity and beoynd
SHEEEIT. Dem big-nose hoes know where da big dick at 100
How to meme the Jews out of your country
Its simple really. Just create posters of them sucking baby penises and explain what it is on the poster.
Then post them in front of synagogues, churches etc. Post them on message boards of the zionist churches etc.
There is no way to defend this. And these are facts.
If they scream anti-semitism it will spread even faster.
Y-you first, user.
This is fake btw. The term was used around 1902 way before Trotsky and he didn't even speak English so it wouldn't make sense. Just letting you know
Okay, Chaim Shekelstein. We believe you.
Great thread op,
At this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society it once was in the last century. Gentiles are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and gentiles will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
Bump for my fellow Jews. Great thread!
Bretty good
Holy shit that nose.
I heard there will be 4 billion Africans by the end of this century. It’s right next door and they won’t have to get on those human trafficking boats and risk drowning. Sounds like a great match.
Let these people home
Oh hey what an original idea that will definitely not languish in irrelevance on Jow Forums for years, being repeatedly posted by naive, recently "redpilled" summerfags.
Intermarriage could solve the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Allready happened OP isreal allready accepts migrants to compinsate for a tiny population
Just like europe the jews have allready fucked themselfs over and will be blacked by 2050
How can this liberating message be promoted where it is most needed?
didn't they get killed ?