>The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
There is realistically no way to stop this at this point.
>The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
There is realistically no way to stop this at this point.
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Ridiculous, whites are already the minority, just think of how many mongrels call themselves white.
no, you have to understand that everything on a real timeline is linear
always to the left, always up
Would you prefer them to identify as spics and vote democrat? Mutt pride is the only thing that's keeping republicans in power
Wherever I am, there the United States will be: I am American. And, I am planning to emigrate.
>Wherever I am, there the United States will be
The United States has never had a cohesive national identity...it's entire foundation prevents from having one...a liberal democracy based on a civic commitment to the Constitution is one that eschews race, religion, or culture as an underlying connective force.
Not saying this is inherently Bad or Good, but it is the reality of the situation.
>And, I am planning to emigrate.
Where to?
I think we are going to end up whiter actually, minorities stay in minor numbers make interracial babies that will eventually have a kid with another white person. Making a lighter shade and then it just continues, and we're back to white people again.
Will still be the largest minority for sometime
one drop rule senpai
>Making a lighter shade and then it just continues, and we're back to white people again.
That's not how it works
Fun fact, Hispanics are becoming more and more bleached (after already being bleached centuries ago by their Spanish conquerors) and are increasingly identifying as non-Hispanic white.
I wouldn't necessarily expect the current demographic trends to continue, OP. As soon as Hispanics become a majority and identifying as a minority is no longer beneficial to them, they'll join us and we'll both band together against the blacks and other minorities.
Hispanics aren't white
that's exactly how it works. How do you tink the whites are the apex of evolution? The moment the white enters the genetic pool it's over for darker shades, it will never go back.
The United States had a cohesive national identity
it's foundation WAS INTENDED TO having one
pic related
Jessica Alba isn't white.
Charlie sheen isn't white.
Look at how this is only be celebrated in white countries practically every year. If this isn't a case of ethnic genocide I don't know what is.
>implying the Republicans are a force of good and not just the slightly lesser of two evils
Reminds me of that old adage. This world isn’t dying, it’s being murdered. And the people murdering it have names, and addresses.
Majority minority is unavoidable, unfortunately. However, there is still going to be around a 20% gap in the next largest demographic. It will be many more decades before the US is officially a spic nation, before which hopefully civil war pops off when whites still have the numbers.
>Implying whites need the numbers.
If the race war pops off, it won't even be a contest. We've always been the best at warfare.