The Public Spaze is starting in two minutes. Today we will find out that Jews did 9/11. Get in here!
The Public Space
Oh shit niggers I forgot link
Watch Corrinne getting lynched in Compton instead.
It's LIVE!
Please respond.
>Today we will find out that Jews did 9/11
Jow Forums knew this from the beginning. fuck off stupid ecelebs regurgitating Jow Forums memes back at Jow Forums god damn..
I have never watched Ralph Retort for more than a few seconds. What does he talk about?
We don't move forward by only catering to the already redpilled, but those that are still skeptical about the issues.
ralph retort is better
Reported, tell JF good luck without monetization on his video.
then go spam r*ddit
BigCatKayla is the only stream I watch now. I can't stand all the obnoxious people in other streams who piss and moan about meaningless drama.
I wish Jared Taylor did streams
We know that already.
Fairly amazed at how JF pulled out of his big fat mess. More power to him. Good shows consistently.
Could you do it for me? I'm not really familiar with roddit, unlike you are.
Which fat mess you are referring to?
him banning people in his own chat, disabling likes/dislikes, white knighting lauren, lauren quitting, etc etc. He had a rough couple of weeks
I will not watch ziz live strim
dislike and report dis vi de oh
I'll take the ''banning people who dindunuffin'' seriously once I get banned. I've said stuff that allegedly should result in ban, yet I am not banned.
Those who accuse JF of white knighting Rose, ironically were white knights themselves for Emily Youcis.
No more wars for jews.
just watch ralph.
>thot goes to compton roscoes chicken
why is she doing that?
ask jim
Holy shit JF is 35? LOL wow
Why would he even make a stream about 9/11 when he previously stated that he would not allow his guests to talk about conspiracy theories?
Great show.
Thot-who, and why do we care?
When has he said that?
Oi vey! I agree goy.
if it has facts to back it up it's not a conspiracy "theory".