Outlawing abortion won't do shit. How will the prosecution prove that a woman intentionally fell down the steps to abort her babby?
Jaxson Flores
>Mainstream Republicans >Hating the UK as an ally >Hating Israel as an ally >Doing shit about abortion Aho Girl is the right reaction image for your stupid aho post.
Soft eugenics is acceptable (I.E. using drugs to make pedophiles become asexual). Men and Women are biologically different. God exists but we aren't made in its image. The government is largely amoral, but making it out to be the ultimate evil/a giant conspiracy probably means you are of average/below-average intelligence, or you are a blame-shifting loser.
Christopher Perry
Just because people can get away with murder doesn't mean murder should be legal, user.
Women arent to blame for your lack of sex, its easier than ever to have sex
Daniel Lewis
Whatever their intent, the nazis eugenicized the jews by persecuting them, and dysgenicized whites by killing their besst, exposing females to mass rape etc, and inoculating Western society to everything the Nazis were (((supposedly))) against.
I think spic, nigger and Jewish women all need to have forced abortions. If any have kids, then that offspring should be shot and killed
The 1965 immigration act was a fucking mistake that’s killing America.
Eugenics was the greatest thing to ever be created, the world has enough genetic trash.
Automation is unironically a good thing and should be accepted. Any company that still uses people to do labor should be sued and have its businesses blocked.
There are no nonwhite allies in America. they’ll eventually show their true colors if you criticize legal and illegal immigration.
Optics are a lie, only meant to make the right become even more liberal and degenerate.
There’s nothing wrong with liking furries and ponies.
People who unironically call nonwhites who like Trump “based” are pathetic civic nationalists and aren’t true right wingers.
Margrant Sanger was the only good female to ever be brought to this planet.
"Gay" and "straight" do not exist, and were concepts invented by the Jews and other Abrahamic religions. You are attracted to "feminine" and "masculine", and if brought up in a different society/culture would not feel disgust towards homosex.
This however does not mean gays are okay. Gays make their entire life revolve around a retarded identity that doesn't exist just so they can be hedonistic degenerates.
Don't give an ounce of a shit about abortion. If I were a girl I'd be pissed I wouldnt have access to it, though. The wealthy would be the ones that could afford to take time off from work and fly to any other state/country and get one so the laws wouldnt really apply to them and that would piss off girl me.
I didn't make them, I got them in a .zip posted on /a/ The guy who made them took multiple screenshots during a camera panning scene and stitched them all together.
>Abortion should be banned because the white birthrate in the US would more than double and more than half of the abortions in the US are white.
>Civic nationalism should be encouraged until it is the most accepted political view at that point you start pushing ethnonationalism because people will be more opened to it.
>Gays are okay but the flamboyant faggots deserve a bullet to the brain. Not joking.
>Racemixers deserve nothing less than death. No matter what the race combination. Stay in your own ethnogroup.
>Giviing women the right to vote was the single worst mistake in western history. It directly caused the 1960s immigration act, end of racemixing laws, the sexual revolution, and open borders.
>I would rather genocide latinos more than blacks.
>Jews are the only religious group that is more of a problem than Islam.
Jack Ortiz
The Confederate War was a psy-op by kikes to make sure America kept niggers.
I don’t like Nasim, I think she just gave kikes more ammo to censor criticism of YouTube’s fucked policies.
Israel has been the biggest money destroyer for the US and is one of the reasons we are in debt.
Mexican Americans shouldn’t even exist because they’re traitors in my eyes and have been since the end of the Texas war.
The Northeast, Midwest and Northwest are the last true parts of America that can still be salvaged. The Southern US has far too many mestizos, amerindians and negros to even be considered a “white homeland”
Jordan Peterson is a con-man made to distract people from the demographic invasion of their home countries.
Video games aren’t the reason why shootings happen. If anything they actually make people control their anger to commit such crimes.
Boomers are the worst generation in history and are one of the reasons millennials even became leftist.
Socialized Healthcare isn’t that bad, however I still disliked Obamacare.
Every country should look at Japan when it comes to success. Taking immigrants who aren’t white in the current year is pointless when we have machinery.
Quebec, Newfoundland and the Maritime Dominion all need to become independent nations of their own.
Europeans are the only immigrants that can truly integrate into American Society.
I also really just hate illegals and globalists desu. Im an individualist so i try not to hate people on their race. That being said, nuke the fucking muslim countries.
The common belief on Jow Forums of favoring authoritarianism over democracy and liberalism is, I believe, misguided, and actually counter-productive. Think about it, if our governments actually followed the will of the people, we probably would not be in this mess. Do you really think most people would vote FOR mass immigration? Would most people vote FOR invading other countries? Hell no and yet the government does it anyway. The problem with our societies is not that the government listens to the people too much, it's that they don't listen enough. In countries where governments better listen to their people, like in Denmark, we see that authoritarian leadership is really not necessary. If anything the American and western European governments are already authoritarian in their disregard for what most people want.
David Fisher
>Judaism is a great religion and only the secular jews are a problem
>We need to go back to old testament law
>Europe is complete trash despite having less jews than the US.
>Abortion is murder, LBGT should be a crime, Nazis should get the rope just like communists.
I am not a National Socialist. I believe that a small degree of facism will work with the constitution. Also i believe that certain people shouldn't have rights or opinions because certai people are just plain fucking stupid.
Benjamin Green
I thought you were trying to prove you weren't a shill.
Anyway, the earth is a flat, enclosed plane (of as yet undetermined outside shape) created by God as a home for man.
This same God sent Jow Forums a warning last week. Repent, for the End is nigh. It would behoove you to confess that you are a sinner, learn to believe that Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of God, died for your sins and rose again, just like the Bible says. (It also describes a non-moving earth with a firmament above it separating the waters above from the waters below.) Then you should confess that Jesus is Lord and call on Him to save you.
Islam is not wrong in making women wear hijabs and other kinds of modest clothing. Our women are too libertine in the way they dress.
Gavin Brown
Reddit has fewer shitposters than Jow Forums
Nolan Long
Ayy lmao's are real but Ayy lamo abductions are not.
Abduction phenomenon is real but it is conducted by humans on humans as covert false flags to propagate the meme of "le big scary ali'ems" in the mind of the 1st world populace in order to prevent the benevolent Ayys from revealing themselves on a mass scale to the public. This is to accomplish largely the same goal as Hollywood astro-turfing Americans into thinking all Ayy visitation scenarios are also by default invasion scenarios.
The only Turks I have a problem with are the ones in the east. Western Turks look a lot like Greeks in my opinion. Fuck the Kurds though
Adrian Perez
Also Tunisians and Northern Morrocans look white so they’re ok
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Bentley Morales
Degeneracy is not bad if unkiked. while not ideal at all, unless we can literally release a genetic patch against it, self selection and evolutionary competition is the only panacea. if we lock borders and ensure white survival, theres no harm in continuing to let the fags and idiots do our thing. we can even hasten this process with mandatory sterilization. make it a requirement for welfare for even more hygenic perpetuation.
What about unpopular reasonings to common beliefs? Like being pro-life is a common opinion, but saying that you are pro-life because abortion attracts niggers isn't that popular.
Dylan Cook
There are too many people and not enough resources. Part of me thinks that Thanos and the antagonist from Inferno (Da Vinci Code 3) are the good guys because of this. The key difference with me is that half the population should not disappear randomly; it should be weighted based on how much you contribute to society overall. The more contributing you are, the more likely you're safe; and the more of a leach you are, the more likely you will "not feel so good".
Overpopulation is real, but a bunch of white academics swearing off kids does nothing. Africa needs a strict one child policy, and increased sex education. Anthropogenic Climate Change is happening, and we need to rapidly replace fossil carbon with Nuclear Power. The Left wants to ban Coal once and for all, but I propose a gradual shift from Coal to Nuclear that would see that older coal miners got to live out their careers doing what they could and would see transitioning miners being trained to man more menial positions inside a power plant. Coal should be eliminated as early as 2080. Until then, cleaner, more efficient processes for burning coal should be instituted.
anti eugenics. just looking at what we have done to certain farm animals is enough to show how bad it could fuck up
Brayden Clark
well....feminine boys are much better than traps, I think. That's quite unpopular opinion on /pol....
Cooper Walker
the worst thing we ever did was give women the right to vote.
Isaiah Jenkins
That's just a faulty implementation. We can ensure genetic diversity at a better level than our ancestors could. We could breed a better human in every way, where they could only breed for perceptible surface traits.
Jews are not evil. The (((Modern))) State of Israel being founded by the Crotchilds, and other Zionists with their supporters is. I personally think there are still good Jews, with Judaism being hijacked by such groups of cannanite rape babies (Ashkenazis). Basically the Synagogue of Satan is Satan taking God's people and using them against Him. Pretty good insult and plan considering. A group with enough power infiltrating just like the idea of fellow (((white people))) and causing so many conflicts and issues in this world that will eventually lead to the Jews destruction? Genius I guess. Do I think the Jews are innocent? No, they are complacent because of their blind acceptance of the Talmud, but anti-Talmudic Jews and anti-Zionist Jews shouldn't be lumped into the oven.
If in the Bible in Revelation it states all the Nations of the world will go against Israel after all of the Jewish people return there, I think it's solely because everyone is going to become aware that the Holocaust was infact, fake. The following wars, military aid, economic aid, the white genocide and browning of Europe will be blamed on them rightly, and whatever innocents are there will be attacked, with the Zionists either fully siding with Satan and just saying lolnah to Israel in general.
Homosexuality is a genetics war by Satan to corrupt the Seed of Man. Can't kill God's greatest creation? Fine, make sure they don't breed.
Earth is not "flat", it's probably a snowglobe, and there is a crap ton more to explore outside of the "dome". Look up Byrds Documentary on what he really found in Antartica. Before you call me "HURHUR FLAT EARTHER", just remember you believe in an International Cabal of Elite Jews that are devoted starting one of the largest genocides in History and are so morally corrupt they want nothing but death in their way. Why wouldn't they want to limit man, who they consider sub-human, from exploring and finding someplace new?
My problems with government stem from the fact that people in government are normal people, like you or me. Except they are strangers and many are probably dumber than the average pol poster.
Lucas Bell
>College should be nationalized, quantitative easing should be employed to eliminate student debt >Fed should be nationalized >Global warming is real and the government needs to be involved in mitigating it >"More white babies" isn't an excuse for horrendous sexual norms >All sex outside of the confines of marriage is inherently immoral and disastrous to civilization >Mentally disabled, low-functioning autists, etc. should be aborted/euthanized. >Iran is right, America really is the great satan >Meds are the best stock of Europeans >'Hard work' & 'bootstraps' are a meme at this point.
Oliver Powell
I hate niggers more than jews. At least jews can make potato pancakes, who dont like potato pancakes?
Andrew King
The Jews aren't running a conspiracy. They can simply outperform whites for cultural reasons.
Fascism is socialist, and they're just as dumb as the gommunists.
Abortion should be legal only if the baby has a genetic disorder or if it threatens the mother's life.
Caleb Baker
>post your unpopular beliefs
Stormfags are the fucking plague and will destroy all of trumps and republican parties work if given spotlight. These faggots should be forced to move to leftypol because National SOCIALISM isn't even politically incorrect in the first place.
Owen Rogers
There's literally nothing wrong with being jewish t. 1/8 israeli
Isaiah Wright
Christian Cox
A two parent home with a working father and stay at home mother is the best way to raise a child
Anthony Thompson
You're that dude with that fucking Blue Star Fox Crystal furry thing tattoo'd to your arm huh?
Get your paws off my waifu you filthy fucking ape.
Jason Adams
The less jobs we have that kill off undesirable men (hard labor, infantry, etc.) the more we need to curtail birth rates. Western european birthrates, minus third world immigration is the perfect combination for the current status quo.
This means that all the recent cultural norms which encourage people not to procreate if they don't want to are good for society. For example, easy access to contraception and abortion, more acceptance of homosexuality, freedom to divorce for whatever reason you want.
Chase Barnes
I hate anime.
Hunter Taylor
Fags need to grow the fuck up and realize what's really important: making sure you pass on your knowledge and genetics to the next generation. If you're a faggot, just do what I did and suppress your urges by finding a dominant transguy to impregnate!
Joshua Gray
you must be a fucking filthy arab or nigger
Aaron Bell
Civic Nationalism works and you fucking know it Jow Forums.
Christianity is the truth, polytheistic religions arose from demon worship.
The only way to fight degeneracy is anarcho-capitalism
Daniel Parker
I am for abortion because it helps the shitskins with population control. It also helped me to dodge a major bullet once. I fucked a Mexican whose husband was in jail for stabbing someone (I think the fight was about her), pulled out and came on her stomach, she tells me a about 8 weeks later she is pregnant with twins. She is against abortion but wants to get one anyway because she already has two kids with this guy in jail so she cant start another family. I drove her to planed parenthood and she was really upset and crying when she came out. I feel bad about this. I heard she broke up with him after he got out of jail.
Carter Rodriguez
All non Catholics (and many Catholics) go to hell
Josiah Hernandez
Hitler was a retard
Hudson Garcia
>annex Canada, Greenland, and Iceland. NOT MEXICO. I don’t want more spiks. >0% corporate tax >white ethnostate is a great idea >gays should be beaten >I genuinely don’t see fat women as people
I acknowledge the fact that the aftereffects of slavery, Jim Crow, redlining and racial bias in sentencing laws have irreparably fucked over African Americans and they do deserve reparations for the shit they've been through.
Thomas Wright
>Eugenics is disgusting > Eugenics (in the form of IVF) is amazing
> Abortion is murder > The womans place is to be the homemaker and bare children, that's literally it > Homogeneity is best > National Socialism would be a perfect system, if it would've taken the pagan elements out of it > Hitler did nothing wrong > I once supported Jews before I saw Marching to Zion > IFB is the way to go And finally, to end it... > ANYONE WHO COMPLAINS ABOUT WHITE GENOCIDE THAT DOESN'T HAVE AT LEAST 3 KIDS IS A HYPOCRITE
Nicholas Hughes
Race mixing is fine as long as niggers keep to themselves. Anything else doesnt really matter that much.
Camden Powell
Let them do stupid shit I ain't paying for it
Elijah Clark
Also I think it is very important to teach your kids not to date or fuck other races. I have a friend who is the sweetest mexicanamerican but white looking, and liberal indoctrinated (live/grew up on Cali coast, went to school at NYU) girl. She is raising her 3 yr old as best she can with help from family but I know it is very hard for her. She used to say she had a bf, but the nigger is in New York and I think has almost no role in her life. Everytime I see bags under her eyes, or when she gives me the feeling she hopes we could have a relationship I think you poor girl, why did your parents not tell you that niggers dont raise their kids? It is so sad because she is such a great person, but the leftist lies have made it impossible for many people figure out the facts of the world until it is too late.
Nicholas Lopez
>being okay with race mixing I'm starting to hate normie conservatives even more.
America needs to be unironically nuked along with China. America has a creedal national identity based on ideals that have failed, and because of this America needs to be destroyed as an idea as well.
Carson Clark
Right? Fucking nigger lovers
Ian Rodriguez
Putin and Trump are both in the Jew World Order.
Based and Kek are cringy as fuck.
Reality is Black Pilled more than most on Jow Forums realize.
Name one thing wrong with it without looking like a leftist stormfag
Chase Myers
>Nazi flags arent politically incorrect.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Yeah because leftism is politically correct
Kayden Roberts
All family semblance is gone, they have a higher rate of mental illness, they have a genetic intelligence potential lower than at least one of the parents and they look like gremlins 90% of the time >But muh cherry picked images of mixed race models Fuck off I don't care. And there's the point about demographics as well, white births are struggling as it is. We don't need more non-whites and mixed race people are just that.
Tyler Stewart
I don't care about you.
Children are trash that should be exploited as payback for all their crying and stupidity.
Ethnonationalism is inherently anti-imperialist because ethnonationalists believe that people have the right to rule themselves, not be under the laws and customs of a foreign power.