The cuck logic of Jow Forums:
>If american vote GOP
>get rid of minority groups in massive holocaust
>fight ebol heebs
>Ah yes finally our own country by the white man for the white man.
>Capitalism is the only way forward if you arent rich roll over and die cuck!
>White etho state is just a super competitive cut throat economic system in which libertarians can sell snake oil
>The state only exists to enforce white jihad against women while the (((free market))) goes into effect
>no one can afford to raise a family because free market says i have to work 100 hours a week for coca cola tokens while my boss gets 99.9% of the money... but he earned it if you cant get rich just roll over and die.
>laugh at the starving dying white families
>get sick because we got rid of all those stupid libtard sjw laws that said companies cant sell spoiled food.
>Lose my job at the coke mega corp because i cant take a sick day
>Oh well, this alpha game of life is for the big dogs and I failed it. clearly it was my fault.
The cuck logic of Jow Forums:
Other urls found in this thread:
Except that things will greatly improve without the tax burden of shitskins.
The cuck logic of Jow Forums:
>If american vote GOP
>get rid of minority groups in massive holocaust
>fight ebol heebs
>Ah yes finally our own country by the white man for the white man.
>Capitalism is the only way forward if you arent rich roll over and die cuck!
>White etho state is just a super competitive cut throat economic system in which libertarians can sell snake oil
>The state only exists to enforce white jihad against women while the (((free market))) goes into effect
>no one can afford to raise a family because free market says i have to work 100 hours a week for coca cola tokens while my boss gets 99.9% of the money... but he earned it if you cant get rich just roll over and die.
>laugh at the starving dying white families
>get sick because we got rid of all those stupid libtard sjw laws that said companies cant sell spoiled food.
>Lose my job at the coke mega corp because i cant take a sick day
>Oh well, this alpha game of life is for the big dogs and I failed it. clearly it was my fault.
>if there's no niggers, The
>ohmgerd sabe m'niggers nuuu!
Unironically these last few years have stolen any vestige of innocence or goodwill I once had. I used to believe that our life’s had narrative and that as long as we stay on the right path and do the right thing everything will work out fine. I now see that as a lie. The universe is painfully apathetic to my pain and my existence. I’ve been indoctrinated since birth to care about people who will never care about me. To prioritise the needs of foreigners over my own flesh and blood. And for what? Where’s my reward, where’s my golden chariot? My tolerance only makes the world more and more insufferable and I struggle to think about the future would a heavy heaving despair in my heart. I’ve considered suicide many times to escape this but my hatred of them won’t allow that. I just want to make them suffer the way I did. I want their pretensions and hopes and dreams burnt to ashes before their very eyes. I want to see them die inside like I did. Then I want it all to just die.
>pol is one person
But we are talking about how free market will effect whites.
The thing most people fail to understand is that even people who support a 100% free market know it's a bad idea for anyone that isnt them. So explain how you can live in a white etho state WITHOUT enacting any economic laws that would be considered to be "liberal".
This means no min wage.
No safety at work.
your company isnt required to give you time off.
your company isnt required to compensate you if you are injured at work.
your food isnt required to be inspected.
your medicine isnt held to a standard and 90% of it is sugar pills and snake oil.
99% of whites in the etho state are basically free market slaves in which they also have to buy their own things.
your comsumer products (if you can afford them) are held to no standard and break easily in order to sell you more.
Welcome my brothers to the white GOP ethostate.
>no one can afford to raise a family because free market says i have to work 100 hours a week for coca cola tokens while my boss gets 99.9% of the money... but he earned it if you cant get rich just roll over and die
Yes, because this is how capitalism works ... and why the fuck would we need laws saying that companies can't sell spoiled food when no one would buy spoiled food in the first place? Why would employers suddenly take away your sick days when they already give you a lot of PTO that they aren't legally required to give? Wouldn't allowing companies to keep more of their profits logically make PTO / employee benefits less of a drain on the organization's budget?
You have no understanding of economics. You think employers view their employees as expendable, useless pawns when in reality they're tripping over themselves constantly to hire and keep good people - ESPECIALLY in the current labor market. An employee leaving a company or being fired can cost literally thousands of dollars in wasted training and productivity gap until somebody else is onboarded.
With the socialist mindset, if the State didn't decree 'let their be housing and food' we'd all be starving savages living in mud huts. It's honestly appalling - it's almost as if in their minds NOTHING can be the product of voluntary exchange and co-operation. It all has to be decreed top-down by the State.
Because a few hundred unaccomplished senile bureaucrats who play on racial and economic divides, as well as hyper-emotional rhetoric, to weasel their way to power are TOTALLY better at managing and organizing enterprise than millions of hardscrabble, self-made innovators and entrepreneurs across the country.
Because bureaucrats are TOTALLY more qualified to make choices for the citizen and manage his retirement / medical care than the citizen himself.
Fucking communists.
Nobody on Jow Forums likes the GOP. The GOP resisted Trump at every turn. Implying that Jow Forums cares about the GOP in any positive sense reveals you as a foreign element. Go away.
The left cannot meme.