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GET IN HERE Jow Forums
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This will not end well
Shes not a woman
I bet the Uber driver is considering to drive into oncoming traffic by now.
She'll be mugged
Screencap this
She's off to Compton for some BBC
I though the Mexicans took over?
Compton is all mexicans now
What does she mean by this?
I live in LA compton ain't that bad. Crenshaw is nigger town now.
She's taking suggestions on where to go
this is why I'm not an Uber driver in LA anymore. Only weird people don't own a car.
Let's send her to yr house to fuck?
she has nice dicksuckinglips
Those eye lashes are so realistic, so sexy!
Samantha Bee is hungry for some BBC
Who are these two low iq retards?
Someone find some Compton accounts and tweet out there's a bunch of rich old white women wandering around the hood.
Does she have street knowledge doe?
is this compton?
the guy is a fat but entertaining felon and the girl is a middle aged game whore.
word is that some crips found out on twitter
>is this compton x30
Listened for 3 minutes and I couldn't take it anymore
>Not knowing Compton is already gentrified.
Why are whites so incompetent on this shit?
Who the fuck is this cackling nigger?
LOL nigger spammed hahah
That doesn't narrow it down between the two of these weenies
RIP OLD WHITE WOMAN. Death by Walmart security.
She is the dumbest human alive.
She's now yelling nigger randomly. wtf lol
holy fuck the niggers are kidnapping her
She got herself fucking kidnapped - holy shit
her stream is better
What the fuck is this all about
Cheap entertainment. Of a low IQ white woman getting BLACKED in real time
hes a fat redneck married to a paki
he faked this whole thing to get stream donations, never trust a race mixer
she isnt even in public
Oh God they're sending her to church's chicken.
She was just shouting nigger at niggers sitting in their porch
what are you talking about? She just got kicked out of Walmart and then talked to a gangbanger for 5 minutes
Holy shit she's so fucking airheaded and annoying. I thought she was acting at first
What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
She seems about as smart as a box of rocks
shes a 47 year old troll
where's Jim?
They really don't get it. They don't come out until its dark.
No she really is that dumb
compton is 85% mexishit and it aint cracking like the 80's and 90's.
What the fuck is this dumb shit
no shes a fucking troll you could tell when dick masterson was talking to her
even jim left this shit show and he was the one that wanted it
God even Jim doesn't want to be a part of this. Hopefully they'll keep her wandering around until nightfall when the real fun will begin
>ain't that bad.
Define plz
i'm going to flag his stream soon if it doesnt get good
Unironically, what is the point of this?
They need to not have her on the show anymore. Her non-stop talking, never saying anything is too much to take.
This whole concept of going to Compton to troll blacks is retarded. It's not the 1990s anymore. Compton is Mexican now.
Should have gone to Crenshaw
is she dead yet?
no the only nigger around is ralph
Her channel is Corrine forever
Literally the only thing they had to do was book her an appointment at a hair dresser and have her try and talk to people
She refused to step out of the car for 4 hours.
She's only finding nice niggers
>drop me off at Rosco's chicken
>drop me off at MacArthur Park
I think she is close to retrieving a repressed memory of when she was dropped on her head as a child
She's about to fuck some random nigger lmao
This is stupid, she just loudly squawks over any of the good TTS. What's even the point
anyone wanna donate this for a poor fag?
lol she's talking to an old dude
I can't believe she hasn't stopped talking for like 2 hours straight...and Ralph shouts just as much as her, I hate them both.
...but her pissing off this old crip is getting funny
We need her to say bloods for life infront of crips or find some bloods and get her to tell them about her crip friend.
Oh my god. If we want all of the minorities to leave the US we just have to unleash her upon their neighborhood. They would all leave en masse
She's gonna give shived
What's wrong with white women
have you not been watching?
she wouldn't go to where ralph wanted...
She is every stereotype of women and LA people rolled into one obnoxious loud fat botoxed old package. But if these homeless bums spitroast her then this stream was worth it
she's only been out of her uber for a couple minutes out of the 2 hours she's been streaming with ralph and her voice sounds like a drill through my skull.
Here we go...bum fight!!
does anyone have vid of her sucking that producers dick?
wait what
she's gonna get killed
hahahah Sparky's with her. Is that her original driver or a different one?
we can only hope. I don't have money but if you want you can donate this song that will get her shot for sure.
This. There are barely any niggers left.
this is just some elaborate troll shit.
Holy shit this cunt is annoying. I can't make it more than a minute.
When they get out, someone should 5150 her
she's bipolar and having a manic episode
I lasted about 30 seconds before mute
This dude right here gets it.
Nigs ar night about to start
You might be right, but it's hard to tell because women are like this regardless.
there is no way she's bipolar, she is way too annoying and arrogant to be bipolar which comes with narcissism, not arrogance.
Guys I think I wanna be a Jedi.
Wat do?
take a hunch of mushrooms and dress up in bed sheets. Go beat some dark jedi with a stick.
what I don't understand is, who she is or how she's actually got views or any exposure in the first place, she's clearly just pulling content out of her ass.
She's gonna get raped by a pack of feral niggers on Livestream
She gun get dabbed on
Bi-polar is episodic relapsing and remitting mood disorder, do you know how it works? someone with bi-polar will have massive variation in personality depending on mental state they're in. she's clearly in the manic zone.
arrogance and flamboyance are part of the manic episode along with grandiosity, flight of ideas, rapid thinking and risky behavior, all of which she's displaying in this stream.