You throw away perfectly good money to destroy your own health. Name one good thing about smoking.
Smoking is for losers
Jaxson Taylor
Mason Cooper
it brings you closer to the end
Evan Russell
It keeps me from killing non-smokers.
Samuel Johnson
He has a nice looking penis even if it is uncut.
Noah Gonzalez
Job security for me. Keep puffing those death sticks faggots
John Reyes
Back when it was really common people were less fat.
Lucas Robinson
>even if it is uncut
Hudson Stewart
its treats ibs.
Jacob Morris
The demonization of smoking is one of the reasons we have an obesity epidemic.
Jonathan Roberts
i was smoking lightly for a bit, then i quit. feels better because even just 1 cig a day is pretty addicting. turns into 2 or 3 easily and if you dont have one it's hard to put out of your mind