Smoking is for losers

You throw away perfectly good money to destroy your own health. Name one good thing about smoking.

Attached: Harry potter puffs a fag.jpg (500x340, 88K)

it brings you closer to the end

It keeps me from killing non-smokers.

He has a nice looking penis even if it is uncut.

Job security for me. Keep puffing those death sticks faggots

Back when it was really common people were less fat.

>even if it is uncut

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its treats ibs.

The demonization of smoking is one of the reasons we have an obesity epidemic.

i was smoking lightly for a bit, then i quit. feels better because even just 1 cig a day is pretty addicting. turns into 2 or 3 easily and if you dont have one it's hard to put out of your mind