Something Just Went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico
Something Just Went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico
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>not a gif of the bezerk
cool story bro
tell me more
I remember this, something about a submarine?
how about you provide some backstory?
Ayyy.... old school glpeeeee reeeeeeee
GULFSOSUS detected a massive anomalous audio signal nearly 2000 feet below sea level that sound like a hull implosion of pressure hull reaching crush depth.
Literally pissed 3x in the Gulf of Mexico today
fuck BP
Yeah, well something went berserk in my pants. Pic also unrelated.
She's gone comrades.
Sub sank?
Fucking french comandos.
Must have rammed the deep water horizon.
that was just an oil platform getting nuked to hide evidence.
>Move along naow. Nothing to see hair
There is a big ass dust storm apparently right now.
What's that? an oil platform attack by a giant squid? CTHULU RISES!
real american
Can confirm the Bermuda triangle just flew over my house.
The Ayys are coming out
I am an incarnation of Thoth, ama.
9.3 earthquake coming.
Digits for tsunami
oil platforms being consumed by glow in the dark giant squids in the gulf of mexico around 2:00 - 2:30 in the afternoon is completely normal
GLP memer pls go.
>1 post faggot
Keep me posted
Truly a man of culture.
Kek > Thoth confirmed.
Fuck off demigod nigger, we're full.
Holy shit I'm sorry Thoth.
That was me.
There is an EPIRB (US navy) transmitting on 5.680 MHz USB triangulated to be broadcasting 220 miles NNW of Havana right now.
And it is impossible that this is an exercise because testing emergency equipment is for faggots.
What am I looking at
I dunno, child pornography? Weird question.
Saharan dust? Thanks a lot niggers.
What's Guts doing there
Cthulhu is coming
A UV light pointed at my ceiling.
Here is a gif of that big tsunami to cheer you up.
Fuck yes! I can finally get ocean front property!
Probably a drug smuggler. Some of them use shit tier old subs to brink in coke.
This guy was at the helm
Im in Houston. Should I be concerned?
I'm in Galveston, don't worry, we'll stop it.
Do you make Bacchus ride bitch on Thoth Sunday?
Highly underrated movie.
Thank you Galveston user.
fake and gay
All that lost cocaine that will never make it to jew york city.
No problem.
Wrong body of water you upside down kangaroo rapist.
Mы нe хoтим зaтpaгивaть гpaждaнcких лиц, вы дoлжны cкpывaть
Motherfuckers keep banning me for no reason, probably to shill their paid accounts. Fuckers
who keeps banning you? Jow Forums?
Lol i got shoad with the 6 gorillion. Superbowl sunday.
Does it matter? He is retarded enough to put a random comment in a thread with no source or real information.
Yeah what was that? Did you detect it too?
not really, I suppose. Just curious.
>be hungry nigger
>hurricane kills every one else on shitty island
>train for the fight of your life to take revenge on hurricanes
What's happening in Mexico?
the aussies always seem to forget that this is an American board
that was a bunyip, ya bunyip
Any less glitchy streams?
The main one keeps lagging and cutting in and out.
Kill yourself
Details OP
Heh. I remember...
i knew i read that sentence somewhere before
Fake and gay
The Chilean Sub?
slide thread something got posted of value
Don't worry. Corpus Christi will take the shit. Consider it payback for Houston being unexpectedly wrecked by Harvey.
Anyone that's lived in Houston long enough knew we were going to get Allison X10. Somehow Puerto Rico is still whining more than we ever did.
fuck all digits in this thread, youd think godzilla would bring a fucking get
A submarine just flew over my house. Happening confirmed.
fantastic roll.
Well I wasted that get, didn't I?
>tfw browse GLP everyday but never post because I'm scared of being banned
Please excuse my ignorance, but GLP?
In this timeline it is.
Will you send me a tacocat?
One of my all time faves.
Did you donate to the telescope fund?
Godlike productions, it's a massive psyop site where you can get banned for saying certain the word Tavistock there and see how fast you get the hammer.
Nearly every fucking poster there is a doomtard I used to lurk there but got tired of every little bang, explosion, or occurrence being attributed to the end of the fucking world.
Jl is a cunt.