Muslims hate:

muslims hate:
>post modernists
>drug addicts

Muslims pray to God every day, goes to church every week, keep their women in the kitchen, you can marry four women, the comunity can get you a virgin wife if you're a beta, they stone cheaters and kill gay people.

Give me one reason why should I hate them.

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Thanks for the fap material, mate.

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They smell bad and are ugly.

Most of them are ugly, but not all.
Still trying to kick this fucking fetish.

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None of that is really true and they are being mass imported into the West because they vote for the Left.

must donate 2.5% of your wealth to charity

Unironically this. Is just because most polacks try to live up to the blind racism Jews promotes Nazism to be. They also buy into muh 9/11 american warmonger agenda

Redpilled people understand this and know that muslims are our natural allies. Plus, Hitler was highly simpathetic towards the Muslim world.

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Is there something wrong with that?
If niggers in the US were mandated to pay 2.5% more in taxes, would that be wrong?

They worship Satan.

You forgot:

Muslim countries are all shitholes inhabited by semi retarded inbred assholes sons of subhuman harem slaves.