How long before The Lobster gets murdered by a false flag "nazi"?
How long before The Lobster gets murdered by a false flag "nazi"?
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This is the power of thr goyim.
Jesus Christ -- who's opening for him?
Your mom, she's good at opening.
I was there AMA
youtube censored, sign in to watch
No you weren't.
Yes I was
Prove it.
Peterson doesn't speak out against globalism, white replacement, immigration, who controls the global economic system or any other such issue that would get him (((suicided))). Not to mention he gravitates people towards ""enlightened individualsm" (consumer globalism), so he's making the suiciderers money.
So never.
Why are all these people there? He is not saying anything interesting. Real question.
I unironically paid to go see JBP next week, what should I expect?
What the fuck
That's like half the country
He is saying things that no one in the MSM is saying, doesn't matter how obvious they are for you.
Whats your verdict?
Irish are goyim.
About a week ago there was a thread with a pic of an empty arena (with a stage being set up) and a vague hint of an assassination/false flag. Does anyone else remember that?
Pretty much the same as anyone of his lectures on youtube
Meh. Interesting but perhaps a little tame. Wasn't sure what to expect, frankly. Harris is quite dull at the best of times. Peterson often came off as extreme by comparison, as a passionate speaker.
WOW, is this real?
People pay for this?
Jow ForumsJordanPeterson/
When we were parking, I saw a Muslim guy wearing a hi-vis jacket, leaving by the back gate of the arena and get into a car with another Muslim guy (both had very distinctive beards, driver wore a skullcap) True story. Nothing happened in the end anyway. Home safe and sound. Good few police around the arena too.
>steps on stage
>holds head in hand for 5 minutes
>"Look... the thing is... ya know..."
>grunts heavily as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders
>tears up
>"Clean your rooms, bucko!"
>stupid question from sjw audience that never ends
Disenfranchised whites coming together to relearn something about God, and undertones of racism and how European whites are the best. I'd pay $100 for a seat if he came to my area
Except JBP's audiences are filled with shitskins
Didn't have Q&A. Pretty shit tbf senpai
That looks suspiciously like a leftist meme