Sorry, sweetie - not even close:. Even iconic American brands like Sears are getting wrecked:
>Chicago's last Sears to close for good Sunday
>...The Six Corners store, on the edge of Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood, will shut its doors for the last time Sunday, two months shy of its 80th anniversary. The closure is part of Sears effort to turn around its business after years of losses and declining sales, but when the store rings up its final sale, the city will lose one more link to a hometown company that used to be the world’s largest retailer....
>At Sears on Friday, ground-floor apparel racks were liberally sprinkled with neon-bright signs touting discounts as steep as 80 percent off. The walls were bare, and the store’s upper and lower levels appeared to have about as much space devoted to selling store fixtures and furniture as merchandise... Since May, Sears Holdings has announced plans to close 78 more stores after another quarter of losses and slowing sales. The company laid off 200 corporate employees last month, including 150 in Hoffman Estates, following a round of 220 job cuts earlier this year.
fuck Sears, they went chink and their merchandise stinks, and their online presence stinks too
Jackson Davis
Trump supporters stink of fascism, racism and islamophobia.
Brayden Smith
I know this is bait, but a lot of the small shops and fast food places I drive past every day have been begging for people to apply for months. I'm getting calls from recruiters to change jobs in my field and even outside my field. Economy is doing fine.
William Hernandez
sears failed years ago, shit bait
Chase Hughes
>chicago >sears
Trump didnt have anything to do with this. im not sure anyone could've stopped this actually. I literally had to look up what Sears even was because it had been so long since id been to one, and Chicago is Chicago.
Xavier Walker
No, they don't, but you have a stench about you, user.
Andrew Wilson
Amazon is hot garbage. Even shitlib "online magazine" exposed them as a scam:
>"Earth's Biggest Bookstore"? Pshaw. Cheaper, faster, and more convenient? Pshaw again.
>By Jonathan Chait and Stephen Glass
> calls itself "Earth's Biggest Bookstore," and the media, online and off, have accepted that claim uncritically. "The toast of cyberspace" is the Economist's accurate characterization of this Internet book-ordering service, which was founded in 1995. Time rated Amazon one of the 10 best Web sites of 1996. The Washington Post called Amazon a "megawarehouse." The New Yorker pointedly compared Amazon's claimed inventory of 1.1 million books with the mere 170,000 titles available at a Barnes & Noble superstore.
>In fact, Amazon's "megawarehouse" in downtown Seattle contains just 200 or so titles. Any other book must be obtained from a wholesale distributor or the publisher. This is exactly what any traditional bookstore does when it doesn't have a book in stock. The difference is that traditional bookstores start out with a lot more than 200 titles in stock. "Earth's Biggest Bookstore"? More like "Earth's Smallest."
Sears has been in the downfall for over a decade, nice bait OP.
Justin Sanchez
Sears has been on decline wayyyy before trump. Worked there for a time, shit chinese tools, shit deals, always a swindle. 90% of shit sold there was from china. Trump is putting tarrifs on them because we have them by the fucking balls lmao. Only a blinded fool would say otherwise.
If you didn't know, chinese steel is made at a lower standard due to state minimum requirements. Automotive tools required almost twice as much material to compensate compare to thinner and stronger american made steel.
uhhh sears has unfortunately (was my favorite store) has been on the slide for like 8 years now, sweetie.
Henry Fisher
They didn't evolve with the times. They got out tool store'd by Home Depot, and deparent stores are a thing of the past.
Eli Garcia
They put a nigger in charge of Sears. Then it became a toilet fire. Aylwin B. Lewis ran them into the fucking ground.
Henry Parker
People who say "sweetie" will be killed painfully and slowly.
Nolan Howard
Sears closing is NOT a sign of a bad economy. Kek
Lincoln Ortiz
This is because of online shopping, not because of Trump. How fucking dense are you?
Justin Walker
Trump is a good boy he dindu nuffin
Camden Watson
hello, yes, retard? Sears has been collapsing since the 70s. Not even God could save it now
Grayson King
>go to mall >go to sears >assaulted by dindus and illegal spics >absolute wasteland of coloreds or >shop online really activates the almonds
Jaxon Harris
>The closure is part of Sears effort to turn around its business after years of losses and declining sales
Owen Sullivan
Sears is just one of many examples; Blockbuster Video is also down to one store. One store! This used to be the biggest video rental chain in the country.
Nolan Reyes
This is why I can't take you neverTrumpers seriously. The only thing you are consistent about is your dishonesty. You know damn good and well the reason why sears is about to check out is because they didn't adapt to the culture change. See Netflix and Hulu's effect on Blockbuster. But on top of that, sears are typically in malls and malls became overrun with mexicans and nignogs loitering within the last ten or so years, so most people avoid those places. You knew that too.