We should start a campaign to make porn illegal

We should start a campaign to make porn illegal.
Except, there will be no penalties for making, distributing or using pornography. This way the govt is justified to shut down major porn sites, get rid of those hentai-game popups and in general allow us to produce a generation of functioning adults.

You will still have plenty of porn, but your kid won't forever be an addict.
The business would be 'illegal' and 'underground', but the real business is dying anyways what with every woman being a whore.

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1st amendment disagrees.

What should be done is women should be banned from jobs that were held exclusively by men before the 1970s and if they are attractive banned from welfare or state support.

Nearly all single roasties will literally need to find a man then or become a whore. Not much need for porn then because men will have a poontang paradise.

"we" cant start shit. this place is a joke.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Is porn speech? Is it press?
In the past, the Supreme Court has ruled that “obscenity” is not covered under the First Amendment.

We cant make it illegal. Freedom is important. We just need to improve our culture to dejewify it.

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i agree. but this place is where ideas can enter the greater consciousness.

I outlined the "real" solution above.

We need to gradually de emancipate women. Force them to husband up with any responsible available men or go into prostitution.

Also repeal laws against "marital rape" and ban divorce in all but extreme cases.

>We should start a campaign to make porn illegal.
Get fucked, incel.

>We cant make it illegal. Freedom is important
What about the freedom of a people to decide that gratuitous obscenity should not be a part of daily life? Should we be free to make it not immediately available to anyone who enters "bewbs" into google?

Did you even read the first my dude?
Porn should be outlawed.

Mandatory incel thread

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how about no

i do fine. incels would not benefit from this, they would probably lose all hope and enjoyment and eventually snap (out of it, hopefully).

no. we should inspire people to rise above their fleshly desires.

porn is degenerate, but prohibition doesnt work

Kek agrees we must (gradually of course) make women property again. That is the REAL solution.

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I agree. And I agree that prohibition does not work. I think you should try reading the entire OP.

(((they))) will never allow it

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I also didn't say (if you read my original) literal force at 1st to marry.

Just ban them from working all but their traditional pre 1960s jobs and also ban any attractive ones from state support.

Thus the ones who weren't already working as in traditional female professions (which would be flooded) would be forced into either marriage or prostitution.

If you take away porn, you may just force men to BE MEN again. Which is what we really need. Not to fascistically cattle-breed lonely broken incels.

stop posting with reddit spacing. i instantly hate your guts.

I dont understand why Jow Forums is obsessed with living under authoritarian rule. If I want to look at porn let me look at porn. I dont want the government controlling what I can and cant look at. Fucking bootlicking cuck.

Being men is illegal now. Only dumb criminal blacks and spics can be men because they have no careers to ruin and don't care about jail.

Just reverse this decision with the new Trump-approved SCOTUS.

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Reddit spacing is a stupid meme it makes posts more readable. I've made ONE post on reddit in my life that was during the election on The Donald... the thread didn't take off and I never posted there again.

Lol. ALL poster in this thread (expect me, of course) have to die,
Fucking incel NEETs.

Also, if "degeneracy" is so bad then explain why all the countries with the highest standards of living have the highest degree of freedom? IN countries in western europe and australia and canada and scandinavia, as well as japan, you can look at all the porn you want and do drugs and stuff. Meanwhile its always the third world shitholes that limit your freedoms harshly and have strict internet monitoring. The reason why mostly white countries can allow this stuff is because whites respect freedom and liberalism. I honestly think that wanting to ban all this shit is anti-white itself because you're going against the values of freedom that whites have come to respect.

hey i actually really think you might have something here

Did you read the OP? How is that authoritarian rule. We should be free to limit the availability of porn to minors who are on the internet. Anybody who wants it will still find it, have it, use it.
I don't want to hear any more of your sick incel ideas

if we can really calibrate it and organize it we can make something happen and fuck with the nation

>fuck with
no, that is not what it will do at all

Rather, I think it would save the nation in some small way.

turn it into a feminism thing, turn them to attack the porn industry lets watch the fire works

OP is a fag

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Gee, I wonder who could be behind porn..

I don't care. You are obviously a white knight who wants to ban porn to help women. If you want to order society correctly need to structure society for men and not for women.

This doesn't mean going full Islam but we need to revert the laws to what they were say in the mid 19th century. And back then women either got married or became whores.

Nah fuck that I like lesbians on demand

Jow Forums there is only one way to beat porn and that is to encourage the return of classical beauty. This is a David Dubnitskiy photo, he does some highly risqué stuff but it is mixed with classical beauty.

The risqué edge also serves to bridge back people that are too far gone in porn, from models to photographers to consumers.

I've literally gotten 10/10 women turned away from the current hip hop and tatts trend with just a few viewings of images like these.

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>It is my freedom to tell you how to live
That's not how that works. There's no good way to implement your way of thinking without taking control of others' lives. What you need to do is make people believe in the collective values of society rather than individualism. A contradiction, to be sure. You need to make everyone want it gone to make it stay gone. Just straight outlawing something will never solve the problem, because nobody gives a shit about what the government tells you to do. Government regulation will fail over and over again in a country this populated.

kys, profligate.

fuck these whores, no one is trying to save them either we get feminist to stop porn with is against their sexual liberation agenda

>How is that authoritarian rule.
>We shoud start a campaign to make porn illegal


dope, peace dude.
and porn is the only good thing in your life
you will STILL have all your degenerate porn
>That's not how that works. There's no good way to implement your way of thinking without taking control of others' lives.
you can make the same argument for welfare
affirmative action
right on down the list

lets not make it illegal these fucking cucks still need it but stir some shit up its been awhile

>you can make the same argument for
Yeah, fall down the slippery slope instead of taking what I said after the fact to be the actual point of the post. What a god damn retard.

>ballroom dancing
Idk why that made me laugh

Feminism isn't sex positive at all.

Feminism is about supressing fertility of all but the dumbest people atomizing society and getting women into the workforce to increase taxes without running into the laffer problem.

Another reason why women should become property again.

How do I stop masturbating Jow Forums ?

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sounds like you are getting a little heated. why dont you masturbate and then come back.

>make it illegal to make money with it on the black market, also the governament will start a war on porn that will be so funny to watch on tv
user, you are a fucking genius


just a touch of self-disgust can take you very far!

feminism and civil rights are definitely more toxic to this country than porn is

porn is still degenerate though

That feeling we get of what we've lost when we view a classic architecture or painting, women feel it x 100 but no one ever sits them down and articulates it this way to them such as showing them Ophelia here next to the prior.

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easy shove your figures in your ass

Today is my third day of noporn. Also I'm on my 4th week of nofapping for seven days.

>What you need to do is make people believe in the collective values of society rather
what, dude?
>you need to make everyone want it gone to make it stay gone.

like mind

i could never finish the nofapseptember thing

Nooicce now promise

pocket money fines for possession, hefty fines for creation, crushing fines for distribution.

so whats up fags we doing this or what?

Watch your favourite pornstars, and jerk up to them so brutal until you have the feeling you can't get your dick up anymore, forever.
Then you'll be cured.

kek, i guess i need Jow Forums to tell me the dark side of all my ideas. please go ahead and make this happen.

Think about your grandma naked.
Works everytime

I don't even know what that means but I spank it to dykes on occasion

>A porn addict incel calling the OP and incel.
Oh that's rich!

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>Is porn speech? Is it press?
It wasn't until 1957. A couple of key cases to research if you are interested are roth v US, and miller v CA. The interesting thing is that as obscenity has become more protected, political speech is more censored. That is the goal of jews. It's the inverse of what was meant, which was absolute freedom to say what you wanted about the government, or particular groups of people, like jews or gays, etc. They want absolute freedom to disseminate any type of sexual obscenity, as well as the ability to have public displays of obscenity, while curbing freedom of speech and classifying certain speech as hate speech.

Well I nofap for seven days and break the fast on the seventh day and the next day I restart the cycle. One month is too much.

>A strawman on Jow Forums
Oh that's rich!

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cant make it about god that wont fly no one likes to hear what a christian has to say

Women don't want to be in porn, they want to be in pic related and be the center of attention. You need secular reasons to combat porn so they can't dismiss you as religious nuts.

If you could start an effective movement to dial porn one step back to classical eroticism you'd have something effective as a weapon. You'd have a very marketable visual campaign to get back to "wholesome" values while keeping it both sexier and classier than a girl with ear discs shoving a cheap plastic pink dildo up her twat.

Men might even start to see ass eating whores as something to avoid again instead of something to enter the paypig webcam farm over.

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lets get the feminist do it and watch them make there own kind lose work and pay

>stop enjoying what you like
are you a cuck or a landwhale ?

hello newfriend

we should make morn missionary only and then sell the other shit

porn literally got me to have a Tranny fetish. without porn id be 100% into pussy. but i am not the worst case. some guys keep experimenting and get into homo shit, bestiality, and some other sick shit. porn makes normal stuff old and boring, only to have you look for more 'exciting' things.

That does not sound good, public would not buy it. They still want all their porn and dont want anybody to get in trouble. But they dont want their kids to be porn addicts.
rev up those accounts, user. you can take all the credit.
lovely thing about supreme court decisions...
It's sort of true. But all Christians would be behind this even without having to mention God. Most people I think understand that porn is obscene and too prevalent and easy to access and find, even for a minor. I know because I did it.
You'll still have all your porn and wont be punished for sharing it.
its actually more likely that the people who enjoy watching porn are the "cucks"
a touch of self-disgust in your life can really do wonders.

normal porn is the gateway drug for pedo

triggered much?

dios mio nos protecte de los incelitos del sur

if you want porn to be illegal feel free to move to the middle east or africa. in the west we actually respect personal freedoms

how about the freedom of a society to lawfully limit how easy it is for minors to access porn? re-read the OP

This faggot knows what's up.

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All you anti-porn incels have to die.
You make whites look like a joke.

What the fuck did you just try to say? Jesus Christ man your Spanish is terrible.

Most people will die in mortal sin and go to hell without knowing it. That's what the fake-Jews want.

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just because your country has passed the degeneracy threshold doesn't mean mine has to.
this thread is about American law, anonito

Why would an incel want to ban porn? It's all that they have.

and then the use it as political promotion, make porn a patriarchy thing. all feminist man will stop watching porn and porn will become so rare to get , and so lucrative to do and sell.
>we will could get easy sex with whores starting our own illegal sex industry
>contract some hoodlums to sell the porn on the streets since Media on pc will be too risky
>we will become lords or the new world with all that money, funding our own lucrative porn mafias.
>all incels and virgins will become at our hands, and we could recruit them as a militia to fight against the governament war on porn, paying them with porn or giving them the experance of fucking someone

Getting more realist:

>the unrest caused by the lack of porn will make people against feminism and feminist ideas and take them as autoritarian.


We should ban Jow Forums instead.


Porn doesnt matter. What matters is the kikes producing it. If the producers were 100% white they would not be producing what they are now.


Yikes this. The constant subliminal messaging about traps on Jow Forums got me to watch the ones that shilled are constantly shilled here. I ignore the cocks and watch the trap stuff that's the least gayest but still. However I've keeped myself from actually cumming to trap porn so I'm not completely lost.

I feel disgusted that before 2017 I laughed at trannies and now I jerk off to them.

What about you fuck off and let people enjoy their freedoms?

Go fuck yourself kike

you say in the OP you want to make it illegal

Funny, because your country has created and spreaded all of this.