What happens in American college that turns women into these creatures?
What happens in American college that turns women into these creatures?
Feminists and Jews.
They were already like that in high school honestly.
holy shit is this at hope college?
jews decided an easy way to lower white birth rates is to convince liberal white women to look as unfuckable as possible
off by 3 (╥﹏╥)
also joining OPs qeastion, i have several of those in my uni, but they mostly just keep it to themselfes and dont even interact with their own kind
This tbqh. They just buy their own clothes and don't have mommy to tell them to not dress/put their make up on like a spoiled blind 8 year old
Pic related
No seriously. The fucking jews.
There are 45 steps to implementing communism in the west, and they have all been accomplished. All it will take is for 1 more generation of students to be bred and the old to die off. Western society is finished, but at least we get to be around for the inevitable death throws/last stand. Things will start violently and rapidly collapsing soon. See you on the battlefield.
It's this the reboot of Friends?
Easiest way to destroy the feminist "ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS" narrative is point to the actual rape numbers reported on campuses. The overwhelming majority of rapes and rapes-per-capita are at ultra-liberal small colleges. Universities with disproportionately more men (incidentally, schools that focus on STEM subjects). If it were true that more men = more rape, wouldn't you expect the most per-capita rapes to happen at schools with disproportionately more men?
The reality is college is a slaughterhouse for unindoctrinated innocent barely-adult women. The cutie-pies in high school are told from day one that college is a place to be irresponsible and party hard. So they get hammered, fuck Chads, and almost fail out. Then they get cynical and angry because it's "everyone else's fault that this happened to meeeee."
Holy shit is there a female Jow Forums?
You have to fuck one of them. What one Jow Forums
Name my band
Mama Miserable and the Dyke Bots
Middle AKA Dyke Bot
femin virus
It used to be girls (and guys) first lost their virginity when going outside parental control (such as college). Now, when they leave their single mom’s control....
t. Boomer
Jews, Feminism and men who are too weak willed to enforce Patriarchy.
Childless Cunts
It’s all about the 19th amendment. Enjoy The Collapse - as they say.
A couple of them will grow up to be normal. A couple.
2 Cool 4 Jow Forums
Those three right there are the ones who might one day be normal. The girl with the dumb make up in the front is the attractive one. She has no need to keep doing that to herself. The one covering her face is well on her way to being normal, and the one behind her (tall but not jabba the hut) who is frowning, is already having regrets about her life choices.
>Feminists and Jews.
As if there's a difference.
Being criminally unfuckable to the point that Chad™ would rather have a (very) recently-used Stacy™.
I recently realized or rather bothered to set up my e-rader to play video so when my eyes are tired when i'm on the bus rather then read i listen to Sargon and other Alt right podcast
The shy one covering her face
Speaking as a nerdasexual i would not touch them either. Although half of them (the non fat) would have been nerdlichious in HS but some nerd guy did not put down his action figures to ask to to a star wars movie
Did the fat chick in the middle paint her entire body white or does the goth make up on the face create an illusion that the rest of her body is that color too? I don't know anything about roasties and make up.
Shouldn't plaid be considered toxic masculinity?
american college is such a degenerate place, basically just taking the notions of individualism and freedom to its logical conclusion 2bh
I wanna butter them up and fist each and every one of them while they whip my locked cock cage
They desire what they hate and that is Lumber Jacks
You know what to do.
"Lucky Six's"
It's the goth makeup
The Future Is Female!
Let's see how bad my luck is...
tfw the 4/10 with black clown makeup is the looker of the bunch
Drop the feminism, a little make-up, a tan, and a proper diet and I bet she cleans up well. I think you escaped the worst user.
oh no, women making silly faces and putting hair color in
ur not allowed to enjoy yourselves femoid roastie stacy cuck bitch whore slut :)
why are they all wearing lumberjack shirts?
Jewish rule of Academia turning Goy'm into useful idiots.
Would hate fuck 3 or 6
They legitimately believe they're "better people" for having been "educated" and that other people are beneath them ethically and intellectually.
No no no no
L.G.B.Q and Plus
It was “women can be lumberjacks too” day at Smith College.
The one in the middle looks fine
They experience that they have no value based on looks, so they need to create social and sexual value, which is easiest done with left wing views and they need to show how commited they are.
For instance - the right would say go 'excercise and better yourself' while the left says 'It's not your fault, its everybody elses'.
Fupa and the Stankfish
Kill kill kill kill kill kill fuck kill kill kill kill kill
oh baby its a triple!
Hitler’s shame.
i feel you already know the answer to this question
>He who can does; he who cannot, teaches
Notice how every one of those girls ranges from unattractive to below average? Additionally, they are most likely poor academic performers. Quite simply these are former high school losers that are attending fake uni courses that give them a false sense of accomplishment, dominance and belonging.
tl:dr Losers stay losers and there is an economic incentive to feed a group of women that should have been simple housewives
They also use the crazy liberal image as an excuse as to why men are “too intimidated to talk to them.” In their heads they justify that they are single solely because of their bold hair styles and proud independent piercings and tattoos. They refuse to realize that their personality, self discipline, and self control are garbage, compounding their ugliness with obesity.
I wonder if actual lumberjacks and outdoorsmen who still spend time in the city don't wear flannels there on purpose just so they aren't associated with this kind of crowd.
Masculinity is bad but aping it is empowering because strong women are caricatures of strong men.
>those hamplanet hiding in the back
Liberal women are vile.
Surely at some point later in their life they'll realize what a gigantic waste of flesh they've become.
Do you think they'll look back at pictures like this with family and feel the fucking shame
I know for a fact this person hasn't ever been hit, pushed, held or even slapped by any man, and likely anyone.
women always need a men to tell them what to do, otherwise they go insane. It's a sex/power thing.
It generally kicks in once they realise they're infertile and they start to double down on their screeching but cry themselves to sleep every night.
exactely the same is happening on all universities in the world
I guess give me 6 maybe I can dick her into reality.
6 can be fixed...
this but with the added " I need to experience things in college" mentality and the liberality of colleges
>These are 10/10s in Amerifat land.
What's with the Lumberjacks going through cemo?