Attached: DiBbEMfXUAEHGBc.jpg (920x1200, 138K)
I do
Jaxon Morales
Evan Williams
Had balls
>by proxy
Ryder Flores
>Let Crimea get annexed with minimal intervention
yes, some pair he showed to Putin
Henry Clark
>remember when our flotus had balls
Brayden Allen
Asher Hall
Oh whoops
>I do..tee hee
Andrew Adams
>not one pornstar coming out talking about how they fucked obama
Noah Foster
Hey dipshit kike, you forgot to switch your VPN flag to America so you could claim you're one of us.
Aaron Brown
Luis Baker
he had balls in his mouth
Oliver Ward
Aiden Hughes
> crashes entire Russian economy in response
Good thing Donnie Moscow came to the rescue
Anthony Green
Brayden Diaz
I cant believe we voted that shit into the white house 2 terms. Jesus christ what were we thinking
Leo Hall
I member
Dylan Hill
>please don't the crimea
>okay well don't you dare invade them again
>technically they didn't invade the place they already occupy again
>i did that
All of those redlines in the middle east were really magical as well.
Alexander Long
Well...Thre azan is nice. Only thing I miss from afghanastan. All religions are shit tho.
Luis Walker
He was running against Romney and McCain. Not like the alternatives would have been that much better.
Gavin Carter
she (he) must fuck like a beast
William Sanchez
Ffs that shoop is bad. You faggots dissapoint
Owen Barnes
He did the same thing with North Korea.
>Don't test nukes
>Kim tests nukes
>Puts up unenforceable sanctions
Christopher Anderson
Alexander Adams
I remember his "wife" having a big ol' swinging pair.
Juan Davis
This shows that Putin is actually a good person and Obama really is a nigger.
Anthony Thompson
Remember when our President had balls rubbing on his mouth & face .
President T-Bag.
All fixed. Yes i remember
Henry Stewart
Kill yourselves, Obama voters all belong in shallow graves eating worm shit.
Gavin Cook
I wonder what putin has done that made obama so angry.
Blake Turner
Yeah i remember last time usa had a president that had balls. He didn't bow to the queen and left her in the dust.
Dylan Cruz
Elijah Morales
>obingu, president of australia
U fukin wot
Luke Reed
Obongu of Chicongo
Colton Roberts
Remember when he laughed at Romney for saying Russia was a threat and then he changed his mind when somebody convinced him to steal the Ukraine?
Fuck that phony faggot.
Hudson Foster
It's called the "WHITE" house, honey.
Joshua Scott
>remember when the president's wife would just randomly start bench pressing small children?
I do
Carter Fisher
when was Putin our president?
Justin Ortiz
I didn't vote for Obango and michael for second term. However for 2008 i am guilty.
Elijah Powell
>wanting conflict with Russia
Why are leftists such bloodthirsty war-mongers?
It doesn't take balls to drone strike brown children.
Leo Stewart
You mean First "lady" mochelle
Adrian Turner
>had balls
Easton Davis
B-but it was her turn...
Brandon Adams
At least he didn't bow that time.
Wyatt Ortiz
According to the media: right now
Christian Martinez
Obama doesn’t look black at all. Why did no one, especially AMERICAN NIGS, question why obama looks like a mix between indonesian middle eastern and asian. Whatever this faggot is, isn’t African
Blake White
Obama was our first female President OP, be respectful to her!
Ryan Wilson
I'm confused. Are you saying Obama is better because he gave himself a medal?
Carter Perez
He's a mutt.
Nolan Hall
Easton Bailey
Pretty much sums it up.
Trump gets it from others, while Obongo has to do it to himself.
Asher Johnson
Putin is ex-KGB
He could kill Obama bare hands no issue
Samuel Green
Michael Ortiz
That can't be real...
Nolan Kelly
Lol. Crimea river.
Brayden Gonzalez
that cant exist
Elijah Powell
no one's been tougher on russia than trump, dumbass shill
Anthony Bell
The only balls Obama has ever had have been in his mouth.
Christian King
Putin likes it tough when he fucks Trump in the ass.
Jackson Wood
Cameron James
>One shekel has been deposited into your account
Joshua Morris
I know. It's much more manlier to shill for putin over Twitter and be overly chummy with him in meetings even though the US and Russia historically has one of the most tense and volatile relationships in human history.
Joseph Sanders
Trump has been harsher on Russia. Obama never armed Ukraine. Trump did.
John Peterson
How many Russian soldiers were killed by the Obama administration? How many were killed by Trump's?
Chase Powell
Joshua Perry
Why do you faggots always have to insult using faggotry memes? Fuck man
Ayden Lee
Then gave up control in Syria while simultaneously fucking up Libya and igniting a humanitarian crisis. Funny thing is Trump has not only killed more Russians in Syria than Obama ever did, he also pointed out the hypocrisy of Germany paying billions in energy costs to the supposed evil world power,
Oliver Powell
Fucking kek