If you could banish one race

If you could kick out one entire race and send them back to their homeland. Which would it be?

Jews- Productive yet deceitful.
Blacks- Unproductive, generally violent but useful for olympic and sporting events.
Mexi's- Semi productive, willing to do the tougher labor jobs, good food but mega leeches on the GIBS.

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Personally I would have to go with the HEEBS. Even though they are small in population. They are some of the most crooked politicians, lawyers and judges. Also, it would be unlikely USA would keep giving them billions in GIBS anymore and no AIPAC.

>Bill Nye walks into a lab... and he doesn't do shit because he's not a real scientist.


definitely Jews

Europeans. They fucked up my entire nation.

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I'd like to get rid of the weak degenerate whites before any other races. Hard to do proper genocide with many traitors in your ranks.

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Fuck off Jungle Nigger Brazil is beautiful outside the favela your live

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>Send jews to their home land
>One does not let black leave alive they come back and rob you
>Send mexicants into the desert to sow sand

Jews. That gets rid of all their propaganda and we can undo the damage. Start with mass deportations after that.