PUSSITUDE is the name for today's modern pop/rock sound. The characteristics of this type of music are > no more rock-and-roll attitude > subdued emotions > serious, mature and earnest > focus on intricate melodies > mainstream corporate liberal > soft guitar, no distortion
Here is a link to lyrics. I warn you, you may gag. The shit is so bland, vapid, and meaningless. Basically “everything is so great, let's just go out and party.” azlyrics.com/lyrics/nickfradiani/beautifullife.html
We had such great music in the 1970s (classic rock), 1980s (punk rock and new wave), and the 1990s (grunge). Rock-and-roll attitude. Blazing guitars with distortion. How did things get so bad?
It's not the first time people have had to deal with shit music. In the late 1970s disco became popular and flooded the radio waves. But eventually people fought back with a “Disco Sucks” movement in 1979. Within a year disco collapsed and just about disappeared. youtube.com/watch?v=I1CP1751wJA
We need a new movement to fight back against today's shit music. It begins by giving a name to new genre of shit: PUSSITUDE.
What can you do to help? > Make PUSSITUDE memes. > Identify PUSSITUDE bands. > Respond to tweets and social media posts about these shit bands with PUSSITUDE memes. > Mock and ridicule PUSSITUDE bands and people who listen to them. > Encourage young people to listen to anti-pussitude music: Billy Idol, ZZ Top, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, etc.
Carson Harris
All pop and rap now have this live for the moment theme. They promote mindless hedonism.
Andrew Hall
William Collins
Who ever makes that renegade song, also any song in a Jeep ad is pussitude
The reason people don't rebel against it is the internet. Any time I bring it up the response is "Who listens to the radio?" Or "Who cares I can listen to any music I want online." How do I respond to that?
I don't know much about disco, but Night Fever seems okay, haven't listened to all of it though, just that cute Dagashi .webm version.
Ryan Richardson
if people cared they'd do something about it themselves, most jobs I've worked the last couple of years do the "service" of blasting music for the employees while they work, and it's always the same 4 or 5 songs over and over again, and no one ever complains or has the epiphany that maybe it would just be more comfortable to work with the music off.
Eli Moore
They don't care because they can use the internet to listen to anything else.
Connor Watson
Headphones are against the rules, trust me I've tried getting away with tiny bluetooths, and I was the only one wearing anything.
Benjamin Howard
The milkis band is the only band worth listening to.
Eli Morgan
Because music being popular on the radio is almost the equivalent of music being popular on youtube so faggots are still going to circle jerk what ever becomes popular on the internet
Isaiah Johnson
So what's the opposite of pussitude music? Is metallica one?
Well they would know better than anyone that the music they listen to is unlikely to, or will never reach the mainstream. So when faggots from now grow up listening to bland pop songs, and if any of them make it into the music industry, they will continue the cycle by making more shit music inspired by music today
Dylan Barnes
It's like stirner said with the christians and atheists of his era. The christians are obviously shit, but the atheists think they're different despite still living in the same mode and preaching the same values.
Samuel Martinez
Pious atheists
Isaac Hughes
Worst one I ever heard was that faux country "hey brother, blah blah blah, hey sister" queue banjo
Cameron Murphy
pissitude is a bad name, the movement is a good idea.
Honestly, I see a lot more younger people these days are a lot more into chill stuff like soft trap beats, or even vaporwave type shit instead of top 40 hits. I graduated High School about a year ago and hell all my friends listened to Jazz of all things. Every night on the drive home we'd have smooth jazz bumping on the long open roads in the Summer nights with the windows down. Younger people just like chill shit these days, which makes sense. Tensions are high these days and people, especially kids, just want to chill out and relax.
A modern man needs to be well-rounded. This means occasionaly listening to, and attempting to appreciate, different kinds of music. It's proper social behavior to not complain about music choices at parties and other events; so ya might as well enjoy it. Chicks dig it. However; if you need to lift because you're a fat fuck and haven't seen ass in a few weeks; I suggest Killing Grounds by Saxon. Find an equivalent for your own enjoyment.
they're basically the same band. I don't actually have a preference but megadeth IS faster. t. GOD'S NOT DEAD HE'S SURELY ALIVE LIVING ON THE INSIDE ROARING LIKE A LION
>Encourage young people to listen to anti-pussitude music: Billy Idol, ZZ Top, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, etc. wow can you get any more "I was born in the wrong generation" tier normie?? legit what kind of horribly normalfag tastes are those nigger
Leo Lewis
Bring in... metal. I unironically slow dance to this youtube.com/watch?v=pmXFqPhbRr4 >they are basically the same band If i didnt know any better id say this was bait
I've noticed that all of these music styles are a misappropriation of Post-Hardcore rock music they literally stole the definition of it and called it EMO EMO is the same thing as pussification even the bands they claim started emo hate the term and never liked it being applied to them it's literally the most degenerate schlomo trick to induce people to think because it's not minor threat it's an emotional tran wreck and so my fellow gentiles let's rock out to EMO it's the new thing my gentile buddies yet even Fugazi whom this term was derisively applied by jewish interests in the music business to label them as this in order to try and move people to getting into real product such as gangsta rap, a real mans genre made by real oppressed people not these weak emo gentiles white man hate yourself and love the rough and tough oppressed REAL art of the negro it's funny cause then SHIT TONS of insecure white kids in suburbs started believing in the BS and non commercial parts and then spent years wailing away into nowhere
but yeah... I agree that band you posted is sort of modernist garble. uninspired. I mean, it's american idol: he's jsut dong it because he signed a deal when he won. he isn't passionate, he just wanted 1mil. he didn't want this.
Thanks for yours as well. I found Wand from some streamer. Please share some more stuff if you don't mind. I've been stuck. youtube.com/watch?v=JCctLb83e5o
Kevin White
Asking Jow Forums what you are allowed to like is beta faggot get your own taste in music or dont bother listening to it half the shit bands posted here would get eaten alive buly /mu/
nice i'm thinking more of more nuanced and subtle forms commercial music has this tendency to wear out it's welcome not saying there is no place for it some disco sucks some doesn't some pop sucks some doesn't but overall anything traditional and classical always lasts cause it pulls in a ancient motif most pop music tends to be fast temporary and only used as something to dance to it simply lacks deeper values there are pop artists that have deeper values it has become rarer by the year though youtu.be/3x_c0RWePuw
>Billy Idol, ZZ Top, Nirvana, Black Sabbath, etc. billy idol is meh, zz top have like 2 good songs, nirvana has 2 good songs and sabbath were pretty shit after ozzy left. For a dadrock enthusiast your choice of bands is quite sub par my friend.
a great artist is known or not known cause they tend to be loners they write everything perform every instrument can sing in multiple octaves and are generally ignored casue the industry hates them they cannot manipulate them so they languish in the underground
i know this to be personally true take eric matthews he probably writes as good as brian wilson but the industry hates this this kind of artist is hard to force to do things the artist holds all the creative cards they cannot pull shit away so they just never grant them the money as a way to keep them out of the goyims ears
david bowie was also one of these autodidacts
the industry actually fears and despises white men that can do this schlomo tries very hard to hide them and always presents controlled puppets for the goy beck is another hated one
meant to also say good track but im getting drowsy
Eli Diaz
Disco is much better than most classic rock though, more musically interesting, with strings, iconic basslines, brass, vocal harmonies
Disco IS just a watered down combination of funk/jazz/pop but it's still light years ahead of the literal garbage that is most distorted popular rock music
Yeah right? It's been a while since I've seen a "music of Jow Forums" thread... I'm thoroughly enjoying this
Connor Clark
alright, probably shouldnt stare at my computer screen too much longer. ill leave the tab open in case you share more and ill listen when i wake up. you have a good evening too. first one might be a little loud. nice high energy song. 2nd is a lot more chill but kinda long. youtube.com/watch?v=slI33iE7cT8 youtube.com/watch?v=BZ9r48dA5dI
John Perez
There's all sortsa shit up in here, up in here
Elijah Allen
Jazz is fir fag porn user, not joy rides with high schoolers