Woah, this is powerful
Woah, this is powerful
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Pee pee poo poo
Almost satyrical.
I'm surprised that Germany can speak while sucking all that Muslim cock. They must be very well practiced.
Gradually, I began to hate them.
>forces of decency
What a crusty old delusional hag
Is the NYT officially calling trump Hitler without actually saying it?
>tfw 21 year old html
>Albert Einstein was born and educated in Germany
>Germany's entire history is hideous
Came here to post this.
*hand rubbing intensifies*
Honestly what the fuck do you people hope to get by spamming new troll threads constantly?
I don’t know, but working in transport, I feel like it does create wealth
>Pro-American Germans feel betrayed
Yeah bro, I sure do care about the opinion of Hans and Fritz from across the fucking ocean. Blingle Blampf will truly be btfo this time.
oh my god, not a demagogue
repeat after me, Trump's a DEMAGOGUE
>but what does that mean?
who said that? he's a demagogue ok, that's enough
every. single. time.
I typed demagogue into google image search and got nothing but trump images so that confirms it
This would make sense if there was any actual comparison to draw between Drumpf and Hitler or if a demagogue could rise to, and wield meaningfully, power in the U.S.
I agree though; Germans are evil for re-electing Merkel.
To be fair, she could have married into that name.
Now go to sleep goyim
maiden name was Nosenstein
Is this the Onion?
michelle goldberg vs JBP
Fuck Jews. It’s just them projecting unto a superior culture.
We need a war. Now. United States & Russia vs Europe. All axis (European) sympathizers in America go to camps. What sayest thou Jow Forums?
My family is from Coburg and I hate most Prussians
But that man has my respect.
Michelle Goldberg conveniently forgets to mention the marxists (predominantly jewish communists) and radicals and labor workers that roiled WW1 Germany. The German war effort was derailed by the civil strife on the streets of their nation. Germany should have gotten the upper hand when Russia dropped out of the war but lost. Germany was effectively "stabbed in the back". Hitler never forgot this and his ire increased with every indignity the Treaty of Versailles inflicted on Germany.
Mad Lad
fixed it for you
>michelle goldberg
What African shithole is this?
Soon the jews will need to change their names, this is getting too easy.
trump is hitler said the increasingly nervous jew for the 6 millionth time this year.
>Opinion: EVIL HAS WON
Jow Forums... are we the baddies?
> Literally Hitler
Pulitzer prize winning journalism.
It is necessary to underscore the attitude of the Jewish press in those perilous times for the
Romanian people. Every time the Romanian nation was menaced in its existence, this press
supported the theses that best suited our enemies. As in fact, following the events, it can easily be
seen that the same theses were doggedly opposed any time they were favouring a movement of
Romanian revival.
For them, our worries were days of joy, while our joys for them were days of mourning.
Freedom, so much today denied to the national movement, was back then considered dogma,
because it was to serve the cause of our destruction. Here is, for instance, what Adevarul ("The
Truth") of December 28, 1919 wrote under the signature of Emil D. Fagure (real name
"By according to the Socialist Party the right to freely demonstrate, one cannot maintain that said
party is granted a privilege. No matter what the party that wants to demonstrate is, this right will
have to be rejected ....."
We can read in the same paper:
"Hatred must forever be the guide against the party of murderers, that ruled, headed by Ion
The Judaic hatred of the Romanians is blessed; is supported; one invokes it. It is not a crime. It is
not a medieval shame. But when it comes time for the Romanians to defend their infringed rights,
their action is labeled "hatred" and hatred becomes a sign of barbarism, a debasing sentiment on
which nothing can be built.
Legal order
Adevarul ("The Truth"), October 5, 1919
It is finished! By the 'high' decree-law, for the duration of the electoral period a new regime is
instituted, much rougher than before, one of siege and censorship, the opposition and the whole
country being taken outside of the law. it is pure and simple, the regime of military dictatorship in
which the crown alone is all-powerful; the crown and the Liberal Party, and as an executor of these
two wills, you have the government of generals ...... thus the decree-law forbids us to attack the
Crown. If telling the truth be taken as an attack, i.e., that the crown took onto itself the heavy
burden of governing the country with the Liberal Party, then still, this attack we must make.
The decree forbids us from attacking the present form of administration, if by this is understood that
we have no right to protest with all vehemence against the present
government which is the result of the unconstitutional will of two persons, we will protest....
If there is no other way open against this state of affairs, if we knew that the incitation to revolt or
against the so-called legal order would have any effect-this unfortunately is not the case- we would
not hesitate a single moment to do it, for there is no other means of fighting against such a
dictatorial and tyrannical regime.
* Romania's Prime Minister during the First World War, (Tr.)
We consider ourselves facing an armed band which places itself outside the law and uses brutal
Despite all this we will raise this banner and falling we will yet cry: 'Down with tyranny;' 'Long live
This then is the Jewish press of 1919.
In other words: inciting to rebellion against the Crown, against the form of government and the
legal order.
Its possible berg could be nordic. Thats what I keep hearing around here.
The crown
To the Romanians the crown always constituted a dear patrimony. As the guarantor of our unity and
resistance facing any dangers, the Jews never hesitated to attack it, to insult and compromise it by
any means. Here is, for example, how Dimineata ("The Morning") of November 16, 1919, treats
King Ferdinand.
'Because of an error'
An animal has need of limited preoccupations, but its brain suffices to fulfill them. Rarely,
extremely rarely, is the animal wrong. Likewise his intelligence, no matter how small, prevents it
from falling into gross error.
It is not the same with the King.
I want to speak of the king of creation.
The king of creation is much more intelligent than a dog, a horse, an ass. This is certain. But
whereas none of these animals would step off the edge of a precipice, would not throw themselves
into the waters to drown or would not attempt an unsafe move, the king of creation daily commits
unpardonable errors.....
Wisdom demanded that the King not permit himself to fall prisoner into the hands of a single man
or party.
With all due respect I am duty-bound to tell His Majesty he erred. The situation which is so unclear
is the work of His Majesty. For His Majesty, giving in to some guilty and interested obsessions, has
run away from the natural solutions that the internal situation demanded.
If even today the crown will not decide to enter into the natural ways which are divorced from
future interests, nature will exact its rights with even greater determination.
Let the king of creation be advised.
The Christian church
Opinia ("The Opinion"), August 10, 1919
The nationalists of Iasi begin to agitate. There are too few of them and they are too scoundrely, that
is why their agitating which in times past was revolting, is today ridiculous, pure and simple.
The nationalists formed a 'Guard of the National Conscience'. Manifestoes were issued; meetings
were held...
Chauvinistic students were also invited. The customary priests also came... At a time when
everywhere, out of the most despotic laws, differences among nationalities are, being abolished, in
our country nationalists want to accentuate these differences.... this particularly at the moment when
the peace conference wants to impose by treaty the control of minorities....
When everywhere the church is being separated from the state, remaining the private concern of
every individual, in our country the nationalists appeal to the clergy for organized religious
propaganda of principle...
Then the priest intervenes: he gently grasps the people by the hair of their heads and beats their
foreheads against the stones of the church until they are dazed. It is in the church that the people
learn humility and resignation. Such is the will of God.
No one is fooled by lies any longer. It is in vain that the nationalists pin tricolor bands on their
sleeves, that they incite the plebeian intellectuals against the Jews, that they have the priests
anathemize us in church. No one today fears their anathema.
We preach love among people. And kick at the door of the temples which shelter hatred and
revenge ......
Signed: M. Sevastos
The procession
Opinia ("The Opinion"), October 26, 1919
To the appeal of the 'Guard of the National Conscience,' the honorable clergy placed at the disposal
of the demonstrators, their beards, vestments, and cburcb banners.
But the luxury of having at one's disposal a God with a whole staff must be paid for. We prefer that
from our taxes a professor be hired, not a priest. We wish therefore the separation of church from
the state. For we do not wish that our forced contribution serve to encourage obscurantism,
renunciation and the spirit of resignation, thanks to which police regimes are maintains maintained,
Back to the Middle Ages? To the Inquisition? We are exasperated by the terror in striped pants and
tails, and military tunic, nor can we any longer tolerate the terror wearing the religious habit, It hurts
us to see street demonstrations prompted by political intrigues and the military, and no longer wish
to witness parades of mitres and of red neck-kerchiefs...
Like pottery
Wew the 6gorillion. #neverforget
The cupolas of the churches weigh heavily upon the shoulders of humanity; the prostrations pull it
to the ground.
This procession is going to be an insipid one. One will see on the streets museum vestments,
brilliant-studded seepters, miters... Crosses will be seen, and stoles.
Beards will pass, Orators with contorted gestures will bare their chests showing the crowd their
bloodied side-sucking between teeth sponges soaked in vinegar...
Signed: M. Sevastos
It is clear. From here to attacking officers and tearing off their stripes is but one step. Also one step
to knocking down the churches with picks or to their tranformation into stables or places of sadistic
parties for the little Jewish reporters from Opinia ("The Opinion"), Adevarul ("The Truth"),
Dimineata ("The Morning") and their people.
I saw in the columns of these newspapers, at a time of great Romanian hardship, all the hatred and
foxy plotting of an enemy race, settled and tolerated here by the pity and only by the pity of the
Romanians. I saw how they flaunted their lack of respect for the Romanian Army's glory and for the
hundreds of thousands who died in its sanctified uniform; their lack of respect for the Christian faith
of an entire people.
No day passed without venom being poured into our hearts from each page.
By reading those newspapers which crisped my soul, I came to know the real feelings of these
aliens, which they revealed without reticence, at a time they thought we had been knocked to the
ground. I learned enough anti-Semitism in one year to last me three lifetimes. For one cannot strike
the sacred beliefs of a people or what their heart loves and respects, without hurting them to the
depths and without blood dripping from their wound. Seventeen years have passed since and the
wound is still bleeding.
Probably Paris... nice buildings on the other side of the street
it's all her fault anyway
One day Trump is a strategic and diabolical political genius (ala Hitler / Lenin).... the next day he can't read, eats like shit, and is a moron (ala Homer Simpson / Gomer Pyle).
Which is it Leftists?
If putting your nation and its people before the interests of foreigners is evil, then so be it.
If refusing to be pushed around on the global stage by your supposed "allies" is evil, then so be it.