I strip online for donates

>I strip online for donates

Attached: 1529887123583.jpg (250x309, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


tits or gtfo
ps. + time stamp

its alright mommy


r u hott?
pls reply

Wanna go to Heaven? Your welcome


Attached: truelove.jpg (1920x1184, 892K)

I don't believe you

>I engage in degeneracy for money
Why haven't you killed yourself yet, faggot?


why do people ask tits or gtfo? was there ever a moment in Jow Forums history where a women showed tits or is this a way to tell you are women you are not allowed here?

>No timestamp
>No tits
>No bump

Attached: 1471920392783.png (1254x261, 100K)

Tits and GTFO.

how is life in ontario,pajeet?

Report all rulebreaking, spam, and troll threads

Attached: Da Rules.png (607x788, 446K)

Fuck off

Do you feel any tinge of remorse for being directly responsible for the fall of the greatest culture in history?

>why do people ask tits or gtfo
Get out New Fags

plenty of times a broad has dropped tits you fuckin newfie

This. Fucking sage this shit

I am not new
I just don't get it

>be anonymous
>"im a girl pay attention to me"
>"prove it"
Not a hard concept.

1 post by this id :(

Roastie lips(if applicable)

what are you gonna do once you hit the wall at 21?

You choose to break anonymity for the sake of identifying your gender. Being an anonymous imageboard, the most relevant information we could get would be:
1. Your nudes
2. Your face
3. Your dox
and not in that order necessarily. You're expecting attention on the basis of your gender (and, in this case, exposing your body), yet are surprised when asked to share the benefits with the board, inline with the culture.