But why did it collapse to ground level bros?
But why did it collapse to ground level bros?
Ryder Myers
Jonathan Nelson
It felt empathy for its bros and took a dive in solidarity
Tyler Reyes
lucky larry gave the word
Dominic Jackson
A chunk of one of the other towers slammed into it and took out a bunch of its structure, setting it on fire.
Luke Williams
but that didn't happen because the building was never on fire...
Benjamin Morales
It had to be pulled. It knew too much.
Jacob Jackson
Larry had a run of good luck that day
Dylan Sullivan
How does localized damage and fire cause a global collapse? Pic related suffered the same conditions, yet did not collapse completely.
Ryder Cooper
Are you seriously so fucking stupid that you can't be bothered to look it up for yourself?
Colton Parker
it was built by mexicans