"If you're not very clever, you should be conservative. Because if you think, you'll think badly" - Jordan Peterson...

"If you're not very clever, you should be conservative. Because if you think, you'll think badly" - Jordan Peterson, Dublin 2018.
Does this mean DADDY DOESN'T LIKE US?

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Two things one should not waste; Time and Energy. Therefore, conservation wins.

What you're thinking is right but also what he's saying is the left isn't very clever either, and that they think badly. Remer remember he's a radical centrist so he thinks both sides are retarded

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But how would you know you are clever if you do not think and if you do think then does that not defeat the purpose of not thinking?

>really activates the almonds

>don't think, goy. You're too dumb
>employ self examination, goy. clean your room and improve
o . . . kay . . . ?

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makes sense, idiots should be seen and not heard

He's a leaf.
What else would you expect?

He's not insulting conservatives. He's telling brainlets to follow tradition rather than thinking about ways to make society better because brainlets mostly have bad ideas. Only very smart people should even attempt to be progressive and the rest of us should be conservative.

you mad?

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No, he's just saying if you aren't someone intelligent enough to redesign society from the ground up into something better you should stick with what works. That should be obvious but there are a lot of people these days with very high opinions of themselves.

Exactly. Tradition is the set of solved problems in the culture. It's there for brainlets to thoughtlessness wield to prevent ruining their lives with unrestrained hedonism and debauchery. It's a yoke held in place by shame.


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He's right.

Leftists who offer complex solutions have been widely misunderstood or ignored by your typical stupid leftist. This has lead to the hivemind that is the left.

Not treating blacks like objects has been rapidly corrupted by stupid leftists and turned into identity politics and nonsensical arguments.

Antifa and your typical communist isn't "the left" or "leftist ideology". A lot of universally accepted ideologies and methodologies accepted by Jow Forums are leftist and would historically be construed as classical liberalism.

>tfw stupid people are too stupid to know that they are stupid


They just don't have an intelligent alternative.


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someone please post the webm

dont take what he says too seriously, it's all to make a quick buck off of kids with daddy issues

"If you're not very clever, you should drink apple cider." - Jordan Peterson, Dublin 2018.

He's a gate keeper and he wants the globo-homo-utopia he just thinks it's moving too quickly and it's going to make reactionaries shut it down. I'm sure he has some good self help advice but he is useless otherwise.

Great quote. We had a smart pastor who said stupid shit, and dumb pastor who quoted historical geniuses. The pastor who knew he wasn't smart and used the past gave far more intelligent sermons.

being conservative means thinking what got us to this point makes sense because it's what got us to this point. it's the logical default perspective on life.

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Progressivism attempts to improve society? Where has it succeeded?
I know some of the people who cling to Peterson and I'm inclined to agree.
>"A return to normative incompetence among politicians . . . a certain underlay of ineradicable corruption"
A bureaucrat for sure, with some measured moral ramblings for effect.


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Conservatism is literally just the status quo
What a useless fucking """ideology"""

Holy mother of god what the fuck.

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hes a leftist faggot that is just anti sjw.

The biggest problem right now is too many dumb “progressives”. They come up with stupid ideas and try to push them as “progress”.
>open borders for everyone
>unlimited immigration
>free college! Free healthcare!
>abolish ICE and the police!
>no foreign intervention!
They are too stupid to think about these things practically and to think about the repercussions.

a complex solution that doesn't work typically doesn't serve as a viable solution, meaning it really isn't a solution.

Your mother was a homesteader and your father smelled of elderberries.

thats for peterson? what the FUCK

By conservative I think he means civnat. Even Steven Pinker admitted that us alt-right racists are a cognitive elite.

They latch onto a concept and just assume it’s good so push it to further and further extremes. Never stopping to analyze the results or the effects of their actions. The problem is liberals spread this thinking to other subjects, so let blacks have the rights of other citizens becomes affirmative actions becomes blacks can do no wrong and all whites are evil. They don’t stop and think, they just keep pushing the idea to the next step, and think that it’s progress.

Retards know they are retards. Just like forrest gump when he asked if his son is as retard as him

Its actually a backhanded insult against unintelligent liberals.

That looks like a jew, lmao user

It actually says a lot of OP that he didn't got this.

dumb goys are really lapping up his bullshit these days huh?

>implying Jow Forums isn't and always has been a Neoconservative board.

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jordan peterson is such a danger to jews they had to appoint 3 high IQ jews to handle him, and drug him so he's sick

That's impressive.

I just realized that liberalism and conservatism can be explained in evolutionary terms. Liberals are more open to change, but most of the time, change is bad. Most genetic mutations will ACTIVELY WORK AGAINST the survival of the individual going into the next generations. While the change may not have a negative impact right away, they can accrue. So the first generation with the negative mutation, lets say it's hearing is now muffled. Ok, that obviously has negative aspects to it, but the creature is still able to go on with all it's basic functions, and eventually pass on it's genes to the next generation. So now with the next generation, there's some more change. Hey, it's another negative trait, but it's change for the sake of change in some peoples minds. This time, it's hearing is muffled and it's cognitively impaired. Well that's a big negative, but somehow it's still able to go through the motions, and even though others recognize there's clearly something wrong with it, it manages to create offspring. Now more change comes along. Damn, another negative mutation. Now it's sterile. It lives a fairly tough life, but still manages to get through. Except all of the negative changes have now doomed the end of that particular animal, and it's genes, even though it had plenty of good ones, will end in it's death.

With conservatism the first assumption is "What we have now works. We're healthy, have a good system, and thrive. Could it be better? Maybe. Lets not take the risk". And that works great if the less intelligent have that position. When the less intelligent people have the opinion that change is good, they don't care that the vast majority of the time, it turns out bad. They want change for the sake of change. And that's dangerous to the survival.

This makes complete sense.

HAHAHAHA top stuff m8. There aren't that many ways you can stuff that many retards in a single room. Nicely done lobster man.

>Retards know they are retards.
Unfortunately, they don't.

Daddy loves us all he was just messing our beds

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I agree though there's something to be said about the smart progressives being unintelligent in terms of realism and allowing themselves to be stuck in an echochamber with other progressives who insist on VERY unintelligent assumptions like "we're all equal"

Wonderfully and delightfully perverted

good analysis,
one of the other distinguishing factors
1) Liberals think the human consciousness is evloved, that's why they're so into education camps. At these education camps they are evolving the human species.
2) Conservatives believe humans are trapped by what they are, we can't evolve our consciousness, they fear what humans are and believe we need to protect ourselves from our demons.

I think the two group have fundamentally different views on what humans are.

Hes a god damn Communist.

Why else would his house be full of Communist art? WAKE UP.

If you're not clever and try to figure out politics you'll end up a lib shit.

>Shut all prisons.

There you forgot one. They seem to think a utopia will happen if all the crims can do as they please.

Peterson + Harris and douglas murray

where's this video from?

What is that picture, OP?

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I wonder how many of them are virgins. 95%?

>attempting to influence American discourse
>old-guard WASP boomer
>”depressed pill freak”
>looks like “Jim from taxi”
>married a jew
>hangs around with jews - the “dork” web
>”assumptions of West are valid”
Thinks an individual has a chance against:
- a university with a multi-billion $ trust
- a Fortune 500 company
- the federal court system

We need a “nomad” rightist thought-leader at this time, not Jordy.

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>free college! Free healthcare!
That's not a dumb proposal if they mean the state providing those services to every citizen at no immediate cost. The problem is when this proposal is met with "open borders" in countries that will have a very hard time managing massive migration like Germany and Sweden.

>no foreign intervention!
That's literally a Jow Forums position. No foreign wars in the Middle East.


u retarded losers are the right wing version of this

'Free health care' isn't entirely idiotic, there's case to be made that a large risk pool that covers for the costs of the bottom 10 percent actually reduces overall spending in the long run.

Like the claim in the declaration of independence that all men were created equal? Yeah, it was dumb statement there too even if the context of "muh equal rights". Why should non whites have the right to be live in a white country and vice verca?

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Astute observation.
They don't recognise their own inherent contradictions which means that when they try to put their "ideas" into practice you have absurd levels of inconsistency and disaster.

There's also something else I've discovered...
Globalism is imperialism. They want open borders the world over yet they assume that their political favourites will be in charge.
This is called imperialism. Globalists are imperialists.
These people are supposed to also be anti-empire and thus supportive of native land rights.
You couldn't make this shit up.

>tfw when memeflag
>tfw ironically too stupid to understand what Peterson is saying

you should definitely vote conservative, OP, you don't know what the fuck is going on.

That comment might make sense if you really believed that intelligent people could socially engineer society in a positive direction just by having large brains, but’s its more complicated than that.

One of the problems with really high IQ people is that they make abstractions out of eveyrthing. While this is useful for math or science or engineering problems, it’s not useful for the day to day interactions of human beings, because day to day interactions aren’t simple mechanistic things, they’re often instinctual and done without much thought, and it’s difficult to try and understand them using observation or introspection (like you might do with an engineering problem). Trying to herd people the same way you’d herd a good along a production line will never work, there’s nobody with enough IQ in the world that can plan that out, it’s beyond the scope of what people can do. You can plot out all the forces on a object to move it in the direction you want, but with humans if you try and push them one way some will be defiant just because you tried, some will want to follow those people, some will do something you could never think of. Leaders don’t lead by using their IQ, their charisma and natural speaking skills are often what allows them to get people to do what they want, not some mechanistic big brain high IQ plan that they had. Take Trump for example, while he’s not a dumb guy he’s also not someone who sits down and plots out all his actions, he simply follows his gut and people are drawn to him, for reasons that go far beyond him being intelligent.

High IQ people make abstractions where they aren’t needed and where they are detrimental to human interaction, making some weird abstraction about “equality” (which lower IQ people tend to not make) that ends up in a society where you have two cultural, racially different people that don’t speak the same language living next door to each other is not “progress”.

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That foto op has far too healthy genes then the actual Jordan Peterson

The guy is sick and has sick offspring and should be sterilized.

IT MEANS STOP FUCKING LISTENING TO CELEBRITIES REGARDLESS OF HOW GOOD THE BAIT IS. They will all herd you back to where you are wanted. Shepherds.

Nothing on the airwaves is without a predetermined purpose. If it makes it to your eyes and ears through the public airwaves, it has been approved for you. Unplug

i'm sorry m8 but peterson is the jew dumb shit



Oh so naive. You think the world of lies is like the skin of an apple. On layer and you have it all figured out. It is the onion. The enemy brought you the fucking bible you worship while claiming to be "anti-jew." Stepping from one trap to another and you think they're steeping stones.

Let's go see the intellectual dark web dot com live goys!

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I don't know the context, but I think what he's saying is that if you're not smart and you try to blaze you're own trail, you're going to end up fucking up and ruining your life. It's better to accept your limitations as a dum-dum and use a paradigm that's tried and true. Joseph Campbell says a similar thing in the first few chapters o HWaTF, and Peterson is basically just Campbell's parrot most of the time.

>faggot claims conservatives have less IQ because anyone with a different view has no brain
>faggot defends Jews, says they have ascended mortal IQ
>faggot is friends with Jew Shapiro, someone with even more superior IQ than a regular Jew apparently
>b-but Jew Shapiro is conservative
It's like Peterson is a retard like everyone else and shouldn't be idolized because he's a retard, but that just can't be! No way!

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Jow Forums was a bunch of Ron Paul fellating libertarians back when neocon was a prominent buzzword.

>and Peterson is basically just Campbell's parrot most of the time.

That and Jung.

More like Campbell is Jung's parrot, but yeah.


Sounds like OP should take his advice

anons, wash your penis

put your life together

Trips of truth
Watched his videos when they got recommended and read his book. But now his omnipresence is becoming tedious

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As stupid as the rationale and message behind it was, Soviet Realism is at least half decent stuff to look at.