Why do white women like [insert bad quality] guys?
I just went out to a restaurant and was minding my own business, ate for about an hour. Saw three girls that looked like pic related (not nearly as hot, but blonde hair & not fat, unlike most women.. you get the point)
Two of them were getting dinner with a nigger. The third one was with some guy who was probably 5'5". I don't live in the south so I thought women here had at least some decent standards, thoroughly surprised me. Honestly I was more disgusted than anything, made me skip dessert which I wanted when I first sat down.
How do we fix this problem? Anyone else have some similar stories?
>[insert bad quality] alive? We need them for their eggs. Soon enough we will just grow the eggs and not deal with the rest.
Liam Gray
Are you fat or skinny fat or just have no friends or no money?
Benjamin Martinez
kikes are trying to use entertainment to get dating black guys cool. Look at the fucking Kardashians, the entire show is based off race mixing, it can not be more obvious than that. They want to brown the population to create some sort of compliant collectivized society where no one has any income mobility, just does what they want.
Samuel Wilson
We're playing the game all wrong. We should be labelled all this "white hispanics" and hapas as WHITE. That will place them squarely in the hated group, they need to be in the hated straight white group to become red pilled.
Xavier Murphy
White women are too sheltered and don't know shit. You need to get a black woman. White woman are addicted to drama and star bucks. Black woman are addicted to family and sucking that BWC.
>How do we fix this problem? how do we fix chicks using guys for free dinners?
I dunno, OP. you tell me.
Jack Phillips
Because people enable women to act as they please, and celebrate that women get to have a choice in who they fuck. Enforced monogamy is the answer; criminalizing polygamy for women exclusively is both morally acceptable and ethically required for the continued existence of the First World.
Daniel Turner
not a fucking argument you worthless cunt
Evan Foster
Has anyone ever twitter searched "white people" and sorted by recent? There's thousands of anti-white hate messages every hour. Twitter does nothing. The double standard has gotten beyond absurd.
Matthew Morgan
lmao if you thought white women were bad at reasoning and good at justifying atrocities, take a look at that story about the black lady who chopped her white husband's dick off LENGTHWISE because she thought he was cheating. Spoiler: he wasn't.
Alexander Williams
Women just wanna get dominated plain and simple.Thats why I work for Jesus Christ he is the only one that can help them.
This is because niggers and feminists have co-opted an narrative that says majorities can't be victims of racism. It won't stand, naturally. But in the meantime, get ready to defend yourself.
Benjamin Baker
no, i'm talking about the women who go for low level men
I saw two coalburners just 20 mins ago eating dinner at restaurants with these auschwitz looking black guys. I live in an area that is very low black %, so it was partially surprising but more disgusting than anything.
Neither fat or skinny fat. I don't really care for these low quality coalburners, they're not even worth it. Just slightly surprising for where I live and I was very disgusted.
Isaiah Ross
>i was minding my own business
No you were not. You were eating alone, like a fucking loser, at a restaurant and you were analyzing people who were, them, minding their own business.
Zachary Evans
>Why do white men like [insert bad quality] girls?
Colton Clark
Some white women (myself included and those two women you saw) have the fantasy of getting sexually degraded by niggers. That's why coalburners exist. Fucking an incel NEET in his parents' basement would also be degrading but chances are the incel isn't good looking and doesn't have a large penis, isn't good in bed.
Landon Collins
white women fuck dogs
Carter Watson
>the black lady who chopped her white husband's dick off LENGTHWISE
what other way is there to chop off a dick?
girth-wise? lmao
I don't find black women attractive. They're usually fat and the smell is unbearable
Isaac Cooper
When we become a minority and still own all the land and businesses and such this anti-white hate stuff isn't going to go away it's going to intensify. I feel terrible for my grandkids.
Henry Davis
what if I told you girls literally don't have standards and basically just do what men tell them to?
Aiden Rodriguez
Ok now THIS is racism. The two "niggers" you observed, one is a database engineer, the other is in marketing/advertising. They can provide for a family and this is all that matters to a woman going to a restuarant for dates. Plus their dicks are enormous so after dinner they will fuck their brains out while you fap to anime alone.
Dominic Martinez
Because white bois support faggots like trump and don’t care about the nationL debt
It doesn't matter it's just a bunch of money that we'll eventually stiff the jews for. China's private debt(which is really public debt bc the government owns these companies) is 375% of their GDP. Their economy is built on debt more than ours is. Europe is a fucking debt filled mess too. We're probably in the best shape, as long as our productivity doesnt drop off.
Owen Wilson
Maybe their dads shouldn't have worshipped niggers during all their free time while she was growing up?
Nicholas Perez
Blonde women are the most degenerate. I'm from Europe but her the Mediterranean so I look sort of rapebabyish nonwhitey and white blonde women are the biggest sluts towards me. It's in their genes to go against their own kind and racemix.
Jaxon Rodriguez
>ate for an hour >didn’t even get to dessert yet you sound like a husky sort of fellow
Christopher Reyes
Their fathers have failed them
Matthew Reed
>The two "niggers" you observed, one is a database engineer, the other is in marketing/advertising.
wow why did I not consider that? i should have known, those are common occupations for most niggers.
>They can provide for a family and this is all that matters to a woman going to a restuarant for dates. too bad women don't care about having a family anymore
I meant I was there for probably an hour, the place was busy since its saturday night in a fairly big city.
They do, women don't want men that are the same height or shorter than they are.
It's just a bad look, I thought it looked strange because the three guys were all smaller than the women they were with.
Luke Rogers
Because women are incredibly stupid and dishonest especially white women. As an Asian man I tell you that white women do not appeal to us as most of them who go after us are gold diggers, or have some form of social ineptitude.
Imagine being so insecure he had to post his "day" at a basket weaving forum. You;re a loser OP. Fix your attitude then maybe you'll find friends/gf. Faggot
Imagine being so mentally deficient you have to result to personal attacks instead of reading the post and responding with some thoughtfulness.
>checks flag >malaysia
Yeah enjoy living in your shithole country. No wonder why you're so upset lmao
Joseph Sanders
Black women are addicted to wigs.
Michael Evans
>most of them who go after us are gold diggers, or have some form of social ineptitude.
I mean that's like 99% of women, they're all "in it" for the money. Most of them try to hide it, but there are some that just don't give a fuck and make it obvious.
Daniel Ross
>That Woman >Black Choose 1
Henry Allen
This is personal. You're angry because instead of choosing you, the WHITE females chose niggers. And you wonder why? Want me to spell it out for you? Because you're a L.O.S.E.R Imagine being invisible even to your own race, toppled by BLACK males. Jesus you're pathetic.
You got it wrong (((whitey))). Women adore me, because Im funny as fuck, and NOT a LOSER like you. Imagine having an identical twin. Everywhere we go, people stare, girls drool.
But they aren’t white, user. What’s the point of saving the white race so that it can become a hapa/mestizo hybrid? If that’s the game, why not just convert and find yourself a nice Jewish girl? Your kids would be chosen.
Christopher Taylor
>projecting Your is about white women choosing niggers instead of you. You need to step up your argument
>delusion Not everyone is a complete loser like you amerikanski. You're either a retarded college kid or a neet. I don't believe anyone who's working in an office environment can be this much of a loser without friends/gf.
I'll be going to Canada's anual twin meetup next year. Maybe me and my twin can snatch a qt readhead twin white girls :)
>You're either a retarded college kid or a neet. I don't believe anyone who's working in an office environment can be this much of a loser without friends/gf.
good bait, made me laugh
Brandon Jackson
racism isn't very attractive to white girls not very progressive either you won't go far with that racist attitude you can get fired, shamed on social media, labeled racial where ever you go, no one will associate themselves with racists face the fact - racism is wrong