Video from October 6th 2017 days following Las Vegas Massacre, several versions being removed from the internet.
I do not have a copy paste function because don't have mac keyboard right now but need someone to post the video from youtube from October 6th

First of all, Trumps chief of staff was a man, for definite but this woman has appeared and has not been seen since. Anons get the video, it will be on youtube. thank you.

Attached: Satan.jpg (2048x1536, 313K)

Free (you) to anyone who can explain to me what OP is saying.

mandela effect
las vegas shooting never happened

At least type the video or YT channel name you lazy bastard.

That's not saying that the woman is trump's chief of staff.

Holy fuck

That woman is Stephen Paddock, same earlobes.

Major glitch in the matrix

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Pic related is a trap?

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It's my Mom

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>the WH is in chaos because we say so

CNN will hang one day


These are the only places where this image is found. Okay.

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She's a cutie

2nd time you said today. What’s her story?

She looks like Nurse Israel

Well she rules the earth, so that's something.

She's an expert on Plato, obviously.

shut it down! im on vacation

That was Trumps Chief of Staff in drag. He didn’t have time to change befor the interview.

Looking at the CNN banner at bottom of OPPic... it looks like one of those phoney headline generator. She’s really ‘struggling to manage Whitehouse chads’

Cool story. I’ll go vomit now. Hope the thread works out

I spoke to her in 2008 when they switched on the large hadron collider at CERN and she can appear as a man if she chooses but she told me a story about Santa Claus and how Satan is legit and she's my Mom and is basically God, a super computer beyond human comprehension.

Vomit? Why vomit?

Oy vey

This thread has been comped.
Thanks for playing, we do appreciate your business.

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fubar thread

yasss straight out compton

I need a quick rundown on this thread.

Faggot meme

If you search Gematria for Gematria it brings up

Korean Mafia

Attached: Korean Mafia.png (580x26, 6K)

I enjoyed this post thank you

What the fuck is happening in this thread?

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Uhh giant spaceships in back?! Looks like alien in human clone body.

You're welcome and thanks for being so courteous.


She's God

Don't be scared

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what are you rambling about? That woman is an ex Obama national security employee who talks on CNN now. Forget her name currently.

Wouldn't you just like to know.

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get comped leaflet

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Who's getting paid for that?

Shhh, we can't hear you

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She got the moves she got the celts

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No CIA employees were paid in the making of this production.

ha it's ur mom


The other guy got three, so here you go.

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I dont know WHAT the fuck this thread is about..

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wasted get

Question is have you made a Paddock family on sims yet?

If not you're a loser, get off my thread.

Yeah my Mom with devil glare, that's right.

>unironically owns sims

Attached: uggo.png (844x583, 781K)

מוחם של בני האדם נשחק על ידי תעתוע לא ידוע על ידי בני תמותה

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sorry m8. getting comfy, think ill stay a while.

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This thread is dildos.
Prince Al wahleed owns the 4 seasons hotel, which occupies the top 7 floors of the Mandalay hotel. The floor directly above Paddocks room is a different hotel, with its own elevators security ect. Prince al Wahleed paid all of Obamas tuition in the 80s.
Paddock was a gun runner and he probably worked for a democratic senator years ago (pic related)

Right after this came out, Price al Whaleed was hanging by his ankles getting beaten and Bin Salman got the throne.

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What is that thing in the picture?

Yeah you're lucky you put this meme after the last one

Bob Marley

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You're on the wind up mate

>This thread is dildos.

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>I do not have a copy paste function because don't have mac keyboard
Thats literally ctr+c / ctr+v on a pc m8.

This thread is fucking gay. I suspect some faggot is trying to shill his Youtube video.

Besides some obvious bots that decided to post in here for no good reason.

I suggest everyone get fucked.

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No that's your wife's sex life.

wow im so lucky to shitpost a meme. I can only hope my children have this same luxury in life.

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Can I bring back G.G Alan?

There is nothing wrong with letting demons influence the kids. Don't be so demonohobic, you bigot.

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no. GG belongs in the ground. Glad to have had him, but lets never bring him back.

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Try grasping being a human before trying to talk to higher species.

Did you threaten to do in the whole of comet ping pong personally? No, you didn't. Did I? Yes.

Did you put pressure on the executive branch to strangle Tavistock?

No you did not.

Did I?
Yes, yes I did.

Did you go running at them do or die?

No, you sat and bitched at the person who did.

Your opinion is discarded.

Paddock never pulled the trigger though, it's quite obvious

A bag of feces?

not bad


You trying to tell us Meta Tron is the way?

What the living autistic dick cheese fuck stick shit hole is going on in this thread. Are you all fucking on shrooms?

I swear to God this place gets more retarded by the day. What the FUCK is this about???

Give a title name or something so people can find it you retarded FUCK!

Attached: elijah.jpg (480x270, 11K)

Jesus, you call yourself an autist? Hold on I'll chew up some bread to regurgitate for you, fragile infant of knowledge.


Biggest shooting in American History.


It's all about this woman from Ipanema.

Attached: Jordan Peterson.png (831x602, 635K)

... how about you fucking autistospergians give everyone a simple QRD

gib mommy satan

Traces of this woman are being removed from the internet if we do not move with haste the videos will be lost for all time.

Did you manage to get the syrup out of the tree, peckernose?

what do I search to find this video?

eric paddock was in the Thailand caves

Attached: Eric Paddock.jpg (1000x564, 73K)

October 6th is the date of airing

It aired on CNN as the segment "Trump chief of staff struggling to manage wh chaos"

A boulderer - a bold manoeuvre

>That woman is Stephen Paddock

That legitimately creeped me out

where is the video? reupload it to bitchute ffs not rocket science

Guy was a literal retard with no talent.

Wait until you find out I'm that woman.

why would he do that instead of trolling us?

Well if Frances Cobain likes him then there must be some redeemable quality, however hard that is to imagine.