Daily Reminder:

There is one God and his son is Jesus Christ.

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amen brother

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Guck off christcuck.
Religion should be banned

God is one. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are heresies.

Check it. Jesus is lord


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Once, twice, thrice

>offended by Christ, the Way, Truth, and Life
Jesus loves you user

Imagine being a white person and being so bound in your action by a semitic religion meant to enslave you

He needs to hang if he ever comes back like the other j*ws. Gas them all

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Sorry Jews hate me.

Imagine being Canadian

Imagine being so blind that you can't see the nose in front of your face

No. Fuck off Jew.

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Based AND blessed

if God is above all why do you worship his son?

Jews literally caused his execution 2k years ago. He's basically the anti jew and is appalled at what Judaism has become today.

If you're interested in watching Him on youtube
He's coincidentally the founder of the resistance

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The Son is God. Are you not being familiar with the concept of the Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit 3 persons in one divine essence?

Christ stands with Germany.

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This thread is perfect for the upcoming sabbath day. Be sure to prepare yourselves spiritually tomorrow.

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They are one, just like children

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I agree there is one God. But are you saying God is too chickenshit to play the game of life as we do? Like someone's gonna program a video game then NOT play it lol

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Is this political?

user, have you ever heard of the Kingdom of Heaven? This is 110% political.

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brothers i sincerely ask that you pray for me that i will abstain from pornography and masturbation, i have committed grave sins in this addiction and i do not see a way out without divine intervention

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>Render unto Caesar
At least that book got one thing right.

>35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.


No kidding. At the end of Revelations everyone goes to "Heaven" anyways

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FRESH CHRISTKEK CRINGE! Whenever you see a christcuck, go tell him to slurp some feet!

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Are you a faggot? Answer to both is "yes"

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sorry I meant to say, christcucks slurp feet. No word filter can hide the truth, that christian cuckolds prefer brown christians to white nonchristians.

absolutely correct, an african peasant is of infinitely more value to me than an european heathen

Christcucks btfo

Prove it.

Oh wait, of course you can't.

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nope, heathens btfo

Empiricists btfo

His* Son*


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His wife's son

How? You just admitted that A) you don't give a shit about any ethnic or national or racial entity outside of pseudo Judaism(the Bible promises throughout to restore Israel but no where else,and even destroy many goyim nations) and B) you've given up on discerning the quality of a person purely based on how indulgent they are on the same collectively self-destructive principles.

We know. That's why we're not allies. We value race and you value creed.

You have my prayers brother.

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This is not politics, and this is a shit thread.

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Yep, you and I are not allies


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thank you friend

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Glad we're on the same page

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corny bitch

Whatever chocolate lover


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heathens btfo because of the triumph of Christ and His Church, of course

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>This is not politics?!
Keep dreaming.

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Nice to see a fellow Sheenposter

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the only thing worth commenting on tonight. amen.

Jewsus was a spineless fag

Submission to Governing Authorities

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Indeed the state is God's servant to punish evil doers.

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Jesus descended into Hell, what have you done?

Credo of the People of God should be 6th tier.

Praise the Lord.

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Why does god have to come in the form of a man (Jesus) and a spirit (Holy Spirit) if he did just fine in the Old Testament. The New Testament seems like a lot of Greek thought interjected into a messiah figure.

And his one and only wife is the Catholic Church. Amen.

First he showed his might then he showed his love and mercy

The incarnation completes revelation as it most intimately communicates the message of God to man, because God becomes a man and lives among us.

Moreover to further complete revelation God gives us a fuller view of his nature, namely his self referential nature, that of the trinity.

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I will pray for you and I ask that you do the same for me.

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>Why does god have to come in the form of a man

God needed to die as a man to save us all

When adam and eve ate he apple they sinned against God and lost their immortality . This means they would be eternally death . Then God came in the flesh to defeat death for us and he resurrected in his own body . And just like him we will be resurrected after we had the first death

Grave sins must be confessed. If not able you must atleast say the prayer of perfect contrition/penance.

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Whatcha gonna do when GOD drops His wrath on you

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the Messianic era is upon us.

Because it was foretold in Isaiah that Lucifer would take the form of a man and suffer and be humiliated and stabbed as punishment for preaching that he is the same as God, that he is like the most high. It's only natural Lucifer preached the same thing on Earth as in Heaven.

Praise God

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Lucifer is actually the good guy meme

Threadly reminder: there are many gods and Jeshua is only one of them

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No, and neither is "Jesus", or the bright and morning star in whichever form it takes.

Good post. Exodus 12 12 and Psalm 82 both agree that there are many gods.

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>pagans larping in a christian thread

Yeah, there's thousands of gods if you want to have that belief. Since there can't be only your pagan gods, there have to be others....

Read a book will ya?

You have my prayers user. Never give up, strengthen yourself by faith and prayer. The porn jew is strong, but God has no limits.

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Not exactly.
>thousands of gods from many cultures
Yes, that is indeed my belief.
>read a book
How dare you?

>Since there can't be only your pagan gods, there have to be others
That's what everyone is saying, yes. It's even in the Bible:Romuva user. Why are you sacrificing it?!

amen. god is good! I hope y'all have a blessed sunday tomorrow.

Nowhere does the Bible say Jesus is God. Only mistranslated verses and out-of-context verses "say" Jesus is God.

The Trinity is a Helenistic philosophical idea and pagan belief. Not a Biblical teaching. We know this because of the definitions used to describe it: Essence, substance, nature, homoousios, and persons is all Greek metaphysical terms originating in Helenistic Philosophy going back to Plato and Aristotle. The word hypostatic union comes from hypostasis. It is a philosophical idea from Helenistic Greek Philosophy. The Trinity can only be supported with pagan doctrine. These terms and beliefs are not found in the Bible but in Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras. The Trinity can be traced back through old triad gods, Greek Philosophy, and Hindu avatarism.

The definitions of the Trinity itself: Essence, substance, nature, homoousios, persons, hypostatic union are from Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras all taught these centuries before Jesus was born. Just trace "hypostatic union" on Wikipedia. It goes straight back to Plato, Aristotle and Neoplatonism.

Think about this: If I started using word like "Means of Labor," "bourgeoisie," "proletariat," "Base and superstructure" and called myself a Libertarian you'd all cry foul and accuse me of being a Marxist and Communist. Why? Because all my terminology used to describe "Libertarian" ideology is all Marxist in nature. You would all call me a fraud.

Why not with the Trinty? That's where the entire definition of the Trinity comes from. None of the terminologies, definitions, and understanding of the Trinity comes from the Bible. It all comes from Greek Philosophy, Stoicism, Hindus, and Pagans.

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May our Father bless you

>be raised roman catholic
>go to catholic school
>told that jesus/god loves everyone of us absolutely and unconditionally
>sinners who don't repent suffer eternal agony
>eventually grew apart from it, consider myself agnostic thinking some traditions are obsolete, still believe in an omnipotent being who set things in motion

But I always had questions that perplexed me, contradictions.

>If jesus and god loves all, why are some children born to die before they're able to learn language? Do they go to hell? Purgatory forever as an undeveloped mind?
>If god created us, and it was planned from start to finish (since he is all knowing), would a sinner only be created to go to hell? Wouldn't that make god a sinner?

Curious to what you think, not trying to challenge anyone, just want to know if theres an explanation out there.

Jesus is one. Yahweh and the unholy kike are heresies.

Absolutely based

>God needed to die as a man to save us all

God cannot die.(Habakkuk 1:12)

and you call yourself a fascist? Mussolini literally made the Vatican city and was a catholic himself. fuck you stormfag

because Jesus is god himself

Those gods are just fragments of the total unity. The ultimate god/reality/truth doesn't need such petty and tattered clothes as religion, dogma and doctrine.

Religion is a pyramid scheme that only enhances the prestige, power and wealth of elites at the top.

Are you speaking of Providence?