I wonder why no one on here's talking about this?

I wonder why no one on here's talking about this?

Attached: americano.png (881x593, 560K)

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eat a dick


Thank you user

this one really throws a monkey wrench in all the whiny leftists and BLM nigger works

>Checks catalog not a single Jew hate thread
Thanks for the race bait rabbi to distract people from the one race causing the worlds problems, the Jews.

No single race will defeat the Jews, just like you cant have thunder without lighting. Its time we all unite as Thunder and Lightning against the Jew.
Were coming for you, were ALL coming for you.

Attached: 1528296319422.jpg (672x372, 51K)

because they ignore anything they don't like while screaming fake news jews did it false flag

Attached: 1473539496316.jpg (898x1097, 83K)

>tl.dr, op is a faggot.

twitter is just full of this its hilarious

Attached: twitter.png (626x874, 127K)

Its their echo chamber for the bubble their in. I wonder when someone will finally walk into their lives and slap their bullshit right out of them

It doesn't really change what people have been saying about the police

I think it's because most who usually post about interesting news are gone and waiting for the summerfag horde to die down. Others don't know anything going on because they don't trust a source unless the source names the Jew bluntly. They're too autistic to realize most alternative news warn about the Jew without naming them, because they'd be considered too crazy for normies if they did.

The thing that really baffles me is the most active news story threads about stories that go unreported my mainstream news usually come from Info wars. Het pol/tards will try to convince you that liking Alex is like, totally uncool dude.

the funny thing is people will believe what the police tell them when it is what they wanna hear, otherwise they kill black people for fun and should not be trusted under any circumstance.

don't see how that's relevant but okay..

Well the chances are pretty high you are arresting a criminal if you arrest a random nigger

>37,144,530 blacks in America
>300,000 supposedly arrested for crime ever year
>0.87% means the chances are high a random black is a criminal

hmmm nope, deflect harder please.

Depends on the area you do it. This cop is probably in charge of one of the areas with high concentration of criminals

No it really doesn't especially since Miami isn't even in the top 30 criminal cities list. Keep trying finfag

He looks like a nigger.

Attached: 1495078115029.jpg (720x960, 58K)

Idk m8. There are some pretty shit parts of Miami.

Because blacks arent people

>kill all black people for fun

And what exactly is the problem with this?

>i can't believe i'm the one who has to create a thread
>it's not like i'm a faggot or anything
yes you are, faggot.

their inability to have nuanced opinions is like a powder keg ready to explode at the slightest diasgreement

at least i'm not finnish

Niggers BTFO forever

>evidence black man really iz bein held down
>niggers btfo
are you sure?