I fucking hate Michael Bloomberg. This piece of shit thinks since he has money and he can't win as president, can but his grubby little nose into everything. This cunt almost fucking killed my business because he pushed for a fucking retarded "soda" tax which taxed every soft drink even diet ones. So to you Bloomberg, I hope you rot in hell.
I fucking hate Michael Bloomberg. This piece of shit thinks since he has money and he can't win as president...
That’s what you get for living in NYC shitskin
its not like your the dude who get rich off of mountain dew why the hell do you even care
I don't live in New York, I live in Illinois which I need to leave
Soda is a high margin item, the soda tax cuts into them
Fuck I know I lost my fucking job because of trump's bull shit trade war
Good I hope all you diabetes pushers go bankrupt
funny how the tax applies to diet soda but not coffee milkshakes sold by starbucks.
maybe we should stop letting rich fucks have absurdly large control over american government?
>living in jew york city
you deserved worse
maybe we should stop letting government have so much power so the rich wouldn't be lobbying so much.
Dont worry friend. Every kike will rot in hell.
>we should reduce government power so that the rich can rule us directly
We all know who owns (((Starbucks)))
It doesn't matter who controls the government if the government is too weak to bother the citizens.
He helped get 30-round mags banned in my state, fucking kike has probably never stepped foot here
I just provide the product. If people weren't fucking pigs they wouldn't have diabetes
I don't live in New York
That's fucking lame. People should be able to own 30-round mags
Shouldn't the government not bother people?
The problem now is that we are being taxed for bottled water and tea. Wasn't there a war over a tea tax?
Can't do that. We only have two choices: either we let our beloved corporate gods control everything or Stalin sends us all to collective farms and gulags.