The absolute state of feminism

>Barely able to get the attention of thirsty betas
>"will only date" chad.

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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf is "patterns me"

seconding this, wtf does that mean

third wtf

Patterns basically means get your shit together after fucking up.

Its niggerspeak

Probably misspelling of Pampers

What if these women are actually the good guys in the story. They want to pass superior chad genes for the future of white children and are willing to sacrafice their diginity to achieve this noble goal?

4th wtf? I wanna grab those tits though

they all have shitty genes though

We're collectively getting stupider and less healthy. Women are making dysgenic selections, so I challenge your "superior chad genes" theory. Tyrone w/ the 80 IQ isn't superior.

I'd still fuck it

Worry not user, they're trying to get pregnant.

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can you use it in a another sentence

5th wtf

Tyrone can get into medschool with a mcat score a whole std deviation away from the normal population. You have to be pretty smart to pull that off.

>misspelling of Pampers

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I never said the Jew isn't smart

Our birth rates are in the toilet and people are uglier and dumber than ever.

Women's natural desires have been completely perverted. The reason they are supposed to irrationally feel entitled to protection and resources is so they ruthlessly acquire them for their babies.
But where are the babies? They're not having them anymore but they still feel the irrational entitlement. They think they deserve the protection and resources themselves, not the children they're supposed to have.

Abortion and birth control are more important to them than just about anything else, so they stand in the way of their natural urges being put to correct use.

Putting her in her place/parenting her.

"Patterns me when I act up" (sentence from the OP). Put her in line, "handle her at her worst", etc.

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good thing most women are not like that

>But where are the babies?

It's current year

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>drives BMW
I got you covered

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Maybe it autocorrected "paddles"?

Web date for 2 weeks and report back to us.

There are certainly women who aren't like that.
But in 2018, MOST of them are.

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I don’t know about your birthrates, my birthrates are great. Raising little chadlets with three different women. Sounds like you don’t have the right genetics to attract the opposite sex. A genetic failure, a pity.

They think 90% of men are below average but will still date them.

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He's a supreme gentleman, but he's OUR supreme gentleman.

The reason this isn't very good bait is that it begs for me to reply with the obvious things, the collective good, civilization, keeping the brown hordes away etc.
Better bait would take those things into account. You could do something like pretend to be a Paki that is happy for the brown tide and promise he will bring fertility to white women.

Elon Musk patterns Jewish news writers.

>patterns me when i act up
i dont know what that means. i never thought id live to become a boomer

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I would expect this type of post from a leaf. Lol.

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>Web date for 2 weeks and report back to us.

i do believe most women in 2018 know how much they're worth though. The funny thing about life is that it fucks the entitlement out of everyone eventually

Women are just really nuts and delusional. They have zero self-awareness, especially about their sexual market value.

It's strange, sometimes I'll make out with a 7 or 8 out of 10, the next day I get rejected by a below average woman. There's no logic to any of it which is a pretty description of female behavior.

I don't think that's true at all. A 35 year old with a master's in nigger studies thinks anyone but a guy with a master's is beneath her, for breeding.

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Its not bait you retard. You’re us and our has losers in the definition. If you ain’t out there pumping your birth count and are instead crying on the internet that other people aren’t doing your job, you’re a cuck. Defense mechanism for your own failures.

Why would I contaminate the English language with that ooga booga?

If the situation was betas and omegas have zero kids and Chad impregnates all of the women - that would be a good outcome and I think most men on Jow Forums would forfeit children for that outcome.
That isn't what is happening, though. Even Chad doesn't have more than 3 kids today.

and then what happens when she never finds anyone? she either lowers her standards to a more reasonable one or dies alone with cats

Because it's easier and more satisfying to get sex with Chad than sex with a beta.

To compose with her bullshit
To know that yes doesnt mean yes and no doesnt mean no but to never openly say it
Hoes and tricks

Whats your birthcount, king?

No but he marks a point. Body positivity might be inflating some heads

She dies alone with cats, along with the hopes of our race.
This isn't a "survival of the fittest" triumph. It is dysgenics and white genocide.

This happens to me too very often - absolutely no rhyme or reason for any of it

>and then what happens when she never finds anyone?

They turn around and tell young women that they need men like fish need a bicycle.

If betas insult you and Chad just fucks you, you choose Chad.

Go web date.
Watch the buttergolems message you.

>TFW when putting up with women's BS is the new faggotry.

You must be slow. You keep talking about this like it's 1v1.
Look at the birth rates for white countries. Look at the mass immigration. Your "Chadlets" are probably going to bring you mongrel grandchildren.

>Chad has multiple harems and I have to pay for it
Nah. I'm on board with killing bugs, but you can fuck off with that polyamory shit.

King, a conversation is 1v1. A man has only control of his own actions, not his “nation”. What your birthcount, King?

>6ft is considered having high standards in america
>expecting a grown man to being able to grow a beard is considered having high standards in america
Top fucking lel. Maybe I should move to murrica, it seems I'd get treated like a god there.

30 year old user here.

If it makes you feel better, women post wall stage who think like this end up single and alone. And they cannot emotionally handle it anywhere near as well as men can.

Once you are my age and start getting introduced to girls like this it's like a front row seat to watching roasties mentally collapse. The best part is they are too stupid to understand that all their problems could be resolved by simply bettering themselves in legit ANY WAY. Instead they continue to blame everyone but themselves, and becomes more and more confused as she falls further off the wall. It's like watching a retarded kid fall onto the ground and then shit himself while flaying his arms about on the ground because he is too stupid to understand that he needs to pick himself up. Sad, but also absolutely fucking hilarious.

TL;DR past 29 or so women who act like pic related get smacked in the face by reality.

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Why isn't it flaming?

Not knowing what it means indicates that you're not a degenerate.

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This seems similar to how many leftists act when they don't get their way. Makes sense

>TL;DR past 29 or so women who act like pic related get smacked in the face by reality.

>When they find out that having a partner count of 40 is NOT a plus on the dating market for marriage material

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>youtube MRA types keep posting videos on how to filter out bad women trying to get into your life and wallet

>tfw can't find any videos relevant to me because zero women look twice at me

I almost feel sorry for these guys. I might die alone but at least it won't be from stress

It's all the thirsty betas that give them the ego to think they deserve better

so she's a sack of shit

Because an "inferior" man is better than no man.

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Didn’t he post this picture on facebook and get 1 like
After reading about him, I mostly blame the dad, what a complete piece of shit worthless parent
>racemix with jungle gook (no doubt just married her because it was a fetish)
>taught the kid literally nothing, just bought him shit when he acted out
>from reading parts of the manifesto it sounds like the dad was only interested in himself and his own hobbies, so the supreme gent basically had no father figure
>dad was a Godless heathen, literally making a retarded documentary about it around the time supreme gent totally lost it. This just exhibits further lack of structure in a life already devoid of structure - crippling for a child
>went on the news afterwords and used the opportunity to garner sympathy and attention for himself, in which you could also tell he hardly even knew eliot
the kid had autism, but any guidance, even discipline he would not have liked at the time, would have altered his spoiled brat attitude. Forcing him to play a sport or dig a ditch or something would have helped immensely
One of supreme gents biggest ideological fuck ups was thinking he could attract a girl with no friends. If he focused his energy on being a bro instead of hating every male he came in contact with he wouldn’t have been so depressed, and would have had more contact with girls just by association. But there again, that would take a father in his life to get his son into male-bonding situations like a sports team or manual labor.
Kid was a retard, but the dad should be serving his life sentence.

to some extent you are right, it should be women who decide with whom to have kids with. this is to prevent marrying a beta loser and bringing low iq and bad genes to our societies. but to think modern women/thots deserve this right while not even being responsible for themselves is just ridiculous. "trad women" are becoming rarer and men will jump (even betas) to the opportunity to marry such a girl, these kind of women decide who to have their off springs with in order to have the best genetic outcome. women know this and use it too much often and beta orbiters will fall for it.

blaming only women for the destruction is incorrect and only gives incels more power than they need to have. betas and thots should be put against the wall.

smack her ass so hard it leaves a handprint
chicks dig that shit

Im chad and I refuse them.
Im just surprised these land whales even dare
Female equivalent of the bald 25 years old do exist but they’ll try better

Honestly, if I were younger and still dating I would seriously consider finding an Eastern European woman as a girlfriend/bride. I've read about them a lot and they seem pretty amazing. Yes, I realize there's tons of scams and shit, but if you found a genuine one, then damn.

This is a pretty hilarious, and fairly realistic assessment....

From the second paragraph "contrary to western women, western men are more family-oriented..."

>ugly hambeasts can still get fucked by a better looking guy than themselves
>for an average guy it's almost impossible to fuck anything, even the most horrible monsters

Thanks free market

why arent women having kids anymore?

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27yo boomer attracted to older women here

Can confirm this, over the age of about 30 they start to psychologically break down if they're single

Love them older bitches but you have to realise you're jumping head first into a big pile of emotional issues

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Can’t wait to witness the salt firsthand. I still have like 5 more years to wait until I hit the golden years of being a 30s boomer

>I would seriously consider finding an Eastern European woman as a girlfriend/bride.
They certainly are more feminine and with that, they exuberate female extremes. The major downside, however, is that the vast majority that would be interested in dating or marrying a foreigner grew up poor and struggle with coming into money and will bleed you dry. Also, you will never escape her home country and expect to at the very least make frequent trips to visit her angry grandmother. The truth is they need a Slavic man that had one as a mother and knows how to handle their hysteria, money grabbing and when to give them a loving smack.

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I imagine this bride thing to be like 80% scams, but the ones that aren’t I pictured just what you described. They likely are submissive in their natural setting as advertised, but when they realize how much they can get away with, with western men they’ll go nuts; western men have forgotten how to control their women effectively

Because they weren't having kids because they wanted kids, they were having kids because they wanted sex and once upon a time you couldn't have sex without marriage and escape un-scandalised.
Now you can have sex without having kids so the horniest best years for breeding are wasted.

white american women aren't worth the effort needed to keep their attention

basic bitches, thots, whores, and "career" women

if you found a unicorn good for your, but for the rest of us, the death of our race is already printed bold, and its because of these dumb cunts and feminism

I'm going to finish making my fortune and then fuck off some some SEA shithole and breed a clan of psycho happas with some 5' tall cute jungle gook, and enjoy the rest of my life

good luck with this shit faggots

>t. low test

>They likely are submissive in their natural setting as advertised
The women are dragons and Slavs are incredibly matriarchal. The women are harsh and would appear to most westerners as abusive and unreasonable. The men just happen to have grown up with it and can either brush it off or know when to push back. Describing the women as submissive would only appear so at a shallow glance. The willingness of taking on traditional gender roles only clearly defines her spheres of influence and she will dominate them fiercely.

t. Kraut that has regular business throughout Eastern Europe.

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>think that's a significantly smaller sample for 2010s compared to previous decades
>realise we're still in the 2010s and this graph could be seven years old

I might be stupid, but I ain't no hoe.

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> 0 partner

The grammar police have been informed.

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Makes sense. Especially in America, we’re so far removed from their culture, it would have to be some stroke of luck to understand each other and mesh well in a relationship. That’s another testament for people to stick with their own kind, how can you expect a relationship to work if you have nothing innately in common with your partner

>ultimate jelly because women are the ones that choose naturally

baggage. comes with age.

Ironically, I could have all those things; but I;m a NEET right now. I'm happier with the though of alleviating the suffering of patients when I get back to work, minor or major, than getting married and slaving away for the benefit of an ungrateful bitch who dosen't deserve it.

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>Be fat and nerdy in hs/college
>Finish college
>Okay job
>Stop being a slob and lose weight
>Get some confidence
>Nice job
>Suddenly women everywhere
>Ignore them, go play WoW with my buddies

I would rather have Cutting Edge than some old busted pussy.

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I refuse to believe there are any good white women anymore and I'm not even out of HS yet