How is this legal

how is this legal

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private property rights

>an idea is property

The sloppiest wettest asshole


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how is this not a violation of the clayton act

>Makan Delrahim described the Fox Disney merger as "a victory for American consumers"
Of course they celebrate complete dominance of information.

Is it (((them)))?

Anti-monopoly laws only go into effect if there is no competition. Disney has competition. Unfortunately the limits of the laws have promoted holding companies to control 2-3 massive corporations with 30-40% market share apiece to avoid this.

their jews user they make the laws, so they can do what they want. Why do you think every elected official Trump included gives 10 million US taxpayer dollars to Israel every day.

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Because they make the rules.

Too bad it's all shit.

what ever happened to anti monopoly laws? also what ever happened to the antitrust laws?

It's just Globo Homo Capitalism working as intended, goy.

i dont want to live on this planet anymore.

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Cross Disney Toon Studio off this chart

>how is it legal for a company to own all these properties and creations
I agree, comrade. We need to limit how much one company can own immediately! #EatTheRich

>complete dominance of information
It's Fox as in 20th century, the channel that airs Simpsons and the company that makes movies. It doesn't not include Fox News.

>mfw vanguard group is biggest shareholder
what a coincidence

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MAN if walt elias was here he'd be PISSED seeing his company taken over by jews :/

with a 36m salary. look at the list of shareholders for disney as well. who's who of the jew banking world, the largest being vanguard

it's always the same. u follow the subsidiaries, parent companies, private/public links long enough and u find who owns them. the real black pill is literally everything is owned by them

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Because Congress keeps cucking and making it legal. Pic related is a good example of this trend.

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How many steps away from that are we?

mother fuck

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then I go to google who one of the key people of Glass lewis is and I find...

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This but unironically

the amount of time i spent researching companies and banks in my country for them to come back to the vanguard group among other similar ones such as blackrock, bear, etc. it fucking pains me bro

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this """person""""

this is madness

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I thought FOX was keeping FOX sports and FX?

they are

The right answer isn't anti-monopoly laws, it's getting rid of regulations that prevent competition. These mergers are fine and shouldn't be stopped. What we need is to make it easier for new people to compete. We didn't have a monopoly problem before the left started regulating everything.

I point you to David Rockefeller and Andrew Carniege. They both ran defacto monopolies before anti trust and anti monopoly laws were passed. They we both also Jews who used their influence to fund politicians, apparently not enough though.

alright guy.

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LOL was this infographic made by bugmen for bugmen???

Who gives a shit who owns this brain garbage

Youre joking right? The way to fight back against the Jews and their allies is to expose them for owning literally every multinational and interest group who hold any real clout with how the world works.

yes user, bugmen. keep bumping because this is definitely not relevant to our politics.spend a couple of hours running the links yourself and see

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The way to actualy win is to not participate in a rotten culture no matter who has the copyright on Brain Garbage.

you can still inform others while abstaining from their brain rot

When's the last time Nestlé sold brown water? When's the last time Aquafina forced you into buying dirty water and took your house away when you didn't?

Honestly there is a case for Nestle privatizing water if you actually think about it.

inform who?

i don't know anyone who consumes this bullshit beside that 32 year old weed smoker who lives above me and buys star wars toys and things like stormtrooper helmet shaped coffee cans, i sometimes see the box in the paper trash. There is no way you "inform" a guy like that about "hey the jooos own it all maaaaan".

>how is this legal
disney market cap 163 B

Google(alph) market cap 809 B
Amazon market cap 859 B

Imagine how much the federal reserve shaves off this country. Holy fuck. We need to dismantle the dollar pronto.

pic is only related because of your retarded libertarian/anarchical politics, brainlet

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Here comes the muttman to defend his own slavery.

do you act this obtuse for a reason?

It's about stifling competition thought.

Google and Amazon can and will have competitors they just buy out.

ESPN makes it strictly legal for other broadcasts to cover certain sports.

Bad comparison imo.


after the wall, antitrust needs to be a focus in his 2nd term

because none of you super informed dolts ever think anything through.

So imagine i "inform" this star wars fan that his beloved merch is all owned by merchant

imagine he then comes up to me "hey user youre right man these kikes own everything we have to change that... do you wanna talk about Naom Chomsky and how capitalists robs us all?"

fuck that leave the cattle people their toys and their soma.

dost thy even lurk?
you think you can drop all your redpills at once and succeed? my question no longer stands because you are in fact in a perpetual state of obtuseness

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Because Disney is (((CIA)))

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Capitalism is better than communism but it's not flawed. Whenever an entity gains too much RELATIVE power to other entities the possibility for corruption within the system, whatever it may be, increases. This is true of both the private and public sector. It's more of a power dynamics issue. The irony is that the dangers capitalists see in communism is basically the same exact danger communists see in capitalism, the coagulation of power within the hands of a few, leading to corruption and tyranny. This is why you see the same sort of marxist censorship in twitter and facebook as you might see in some totalitarian regime, it's just a bit softer because the companies are slightly more limited. Give the private sector more power and it would just eclipse the state and do the exact same thing. It's just rich people pulling different levers to do the exact same thing.

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thats a specific situation of a company being sleazy/illegal and over-reaching.

amazon just bought its way into, and everyone else out of, the entire food market(wholefoods)
and now got the green-light for drugs.
Never did I think the Juggernaut of Walmart might go the way of the dodo but its happening.
These 4 companies are bigger than any that were busted in the early 20th century, and I see no one willing to do it other than a person like trump.

I meant flawless. haha.

>only like libertarians can support free markets and privitization
Nazi Germany was mostly free market. Here's a protip: capitalism isn't an ideology or form a government and has nothing to do with freedom. It's is a system of private ownership in the marketplace, and it thrives under right wing dictatorship.

look at these fucking bugmen with their star wars shirt and ask yourself "would that be a great add to my cause?"

youre a pig sniffing around in mud thinking you save humanity or some shit like that.

It's still not the same thing.. there are no laws stopping me from trying to compete with amazon or google.

there are for ESPN and most broadcast productions.

Sometimes I feel like I'm watching the last mad scramble for wealth before the big secret that they know is all revealed.
Who has the capital to buy their golden ticket and secure themselves a spot in the hierarchy of elites. Machine armies and mechanical work forces at their control, those with the means will have these armies, bypassing the peasants, and rule the world completely

Is that Ellen Page?

Disney is cia.

it can thrive under many ideologies, one wya or another. don't try and ignore the fact that it's one of the most common libertarian arguments against regulation
are you telling me you were redpilled from birth? you didn't go through any stages or have any progression? straight to traditionalism and recognising the brain cancer of liberalism and consumerism?

Disney is aimed at children. Children with impressionable minds.

I understand what you are saying totally.
I am comparing and focusing on levels of danger.
You are comparing and focusing on egregiousness of conduct.

apples/oranges. yes. agreed. both are a problem

Can't speak for Nestle, but Aquafina has been tested to have pH way outside of manufacturer's specifications.

why would you want to bring shitty people into your political camp. For "muh based bugman" ?

If they are not your own children or those of a close relative there is nothing you can do about that. Most people raise their children without ever spending a real thought on the concept of nuture so these NPCs create more NPCs. Forgett them. Let them eat shit and watch their circus we are better off with these people not getting involved in anything.

oh I see what you mean... Yeah. It's just annoying. These large companies are total pussies. They absolutely fear competition and fair market practices.

I hope Trump busts it all up, but I doubt he'll even think about it. Would make him look anti business when in reality it's old bandage that needs to be ripped off and allowed to heal.

If only we could find some real dirt on Disney, something so bad it would force them to break up everything.

>implying the NPCs dont commit action regardless and effect the world around us

you really need everything spelled out?
what i, and most of Jow Forums, consider to be "shit" now we used to partake in ourselves. whether it be porn, video games, tv sports or hollywood film; people change.

Being successful is not illegal, yet.

they don't. They work, consume their shit, watch sports, go to sleep, get to work the next day.

These people seriously don't matter.

All I can say without being called a shill is why hasn't Trump called out the federal reserve? He did in the 80's and 90's. What has changed? Also pic related. Connect the dots yourself. Make sure to read the article.

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>most of /pol
what kind of fucking newfag are you to tell me to lurk more and then give me your pathetic backgroundstory because you were a shit person, you were born as a shit person, and now you are here and i have to adept to your shitty ways? Dumbasses like you ruined /pol! youre the kind of wussies that now spam every thread when some homeless guy gets axed with your "he wuz white" shit.
Fuck you, fuck your low quality bugmen, fuck your basedboy missionary work and for your attitude.

Because he doesn't want to die, I'd imagine. Look at JFK. You don't get to go after the fed and live.

This ignorance of the sheep-shepard relationship of the elitists and the poor is what leads to you retards getting butchered.

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These bugmen are not poor you dumbass they spend huge sums on their toys and games. Thats why this subculture exists in the first place cause there is money in the incel market.

And i don't think someone like you is in any position to call someone a retard. I mean you are the one not getting shit and now you dream of a freemasonry run reign of terror revolution that killed off anything with an IQ above 107.

As I said in my post, go read that article. Think hard about Trump being hard on immigration and staunchly pro Israel (as far as we know with concrete evidence he could be le 4d chessing them, but I doubt it).

How can you be a (presumed) adult in this world and not know the golden rule. Those who have the gold make the rules.

I feel like that could be fought if the public actually understood enough to give a shit. Mickey nazi treatment when?

Have you read about that conspiracy theory of Trump basically substituting tariffs for income tax and putting us back on the gold standard?

It was an interesting read to say the least..

If the freemasons were ever a separate entity from the kalergi globalists they aren't now. From what little I know the free masons have always been a divided group.

That ball is rolling so fast it wont happen.
No one man is bigger than the whole. This is the case of all these conglomerates now.
Not since Walt himself was alive, and the central head of the whole company, has it been like that.
"They" realized that model is a weakness and are now a multi-headed hydra that is too big and uncentralized to be killed.
Everyone is a just a replaceable cog now. Zuckerberg, Wynn, even the beloved papa.

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Yes I have but I'm extremely cynical as you should be. Come to your own conclusions, don't trust anyone on this board or anywhere else for that matter, especially if they claim to be an authority. Also, I don't see someone who's entire future bloodline has married into the Tribe going after the Tribe. That's not how it works. Only time will tell though.

>from what little i know

yeah you are the perfect guy for spearheading some revolution.
But at least you can throw around a few big words like a monkey throws shit.

Shittalk user, savior of the bugmen helots.

This is autism at its finest. Did someone get paid to make this? Did they do it for school? Did they do it from their parents' house?

King of the Helots.

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Did you see his face when he was first elected? Obama pulled him aside and gave him the talk. He's allowed to be against immigration and be racist, but he cannot be against Israel. Going against Israel means president Pence.

>Also, I don't see someone who's entire future bloodline has married into the Tribe going after the Tribe. That's not how it works

this bothered me as well... my only rationalization (and hope) is that there are 'good' and bad jews, and that Trump intends to expose the bad ones and we can put antisemitism to rest for good with them gone.
probably some media group like vox or buzzfeed, wouldn't really take longer than a couple days to get the info and then another couple days to design the infographic

And that was the nail in the coffin of Ridley Scot. HOPES to complete the ALIEN franchising.

Thank you German bro for reaffirming my belief that not everyone is a robot regurgitating the same things over and over on this and claiming Q is somehow a reliable source. Stay vigilant.

Think about what you just said and what you know about the Jews and what they have done throughout history. Contemplate your theory is all I'm saying.

That's why pence is there in the first place. Pence was the strongest supporter of Israel in Congress when he was there. These people make me sick.

Magic Kingdom [ultra]

Not really.

Katherine Rabin


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Remember that everything is illegal and forbidden unless the Government declares otherwise.

Literally unreadable on mobile.
What the fuck?