>buy 10 dollars worth of tools
>practice for a few hours
>can now open most front doors in America
people don't think it be like this but it do
Buy 10 dollars worth of tools
Other urls found in this thread:
>this thread again because OP has no friends to share his hobbies with
>Small automotive jack and 2x4
>I can now also open most doors in America without even learning how to lock pick
most Americans have cheap ass locks... anyways try to do that at my house and you would get head blkown off, And im a POC that lives in NYC.. image what would happen to you down south
>get drivers license
>rent big ass truck
>can now plow through any front door in america
wtf? why is this allowed,
Good luck with my claymore
Yeah okay try it retard
It will be funny to see some autist dead on the news from trying to do some Skyrim tier lockpicking on the wrong dudes home
yeah good luck getting past my property line minefield in the first place
Why aren't the sale of lockpicks illegal? Behaving in criminal activity isn't a "hobby" despite what redditors think.
>get rock
>throw at glass
>can now open most windows in america
uh oh this one is retarded
is that camera going to protect you from my dirk?
>wait in bushes for occupant to arrive
>hit head with stick as they enter
>can now open most front doors in america
ooga booga
i use a reinforced industrial door with no window
in my 2 years of having it i have installed 4 different externally-unlockable deadbolts and 2 with no external access method, various reinforcing structures, and a stainless steel door bar for when im actually inside the house
*teleports behind you*
Heh nothing personal kid
>Teleports behind you
>peletorts yehind bu
ehe nothin perthonal ked
Jew York resident detected
>Turns on subtitles
>You now sound smart
Former locksmith here....average home lock is shit. But trying that at a front door is riskier than breaking a window and climbing in.
I only lock my door for legal liability reasons, cops don't like it when I blast someone and my door was unlocked.
>not having a home alone house
What about the alarm system and cameras? If you just wanted to just break into a house, you can always break a window. Most American hones have glass windows.
>And im a POC
Anyone who refers to themselves like this should eat a bullet.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Yeah but then after you get in you have to try to pick buckshot, practice that and let us know how it goes
Eh, every lock is unlockable.
As for the bar, I'll just wait for that occasional Tuesday when you forget to slide it down because the locks give you a false sense of security.
It's also used for locksmiths sometimes.
My last job was doing maintenance at an inn adn every now and then we needed to get into a room we didn't have the keys for on our key ring. We could go to the front desk but sometimes we didn't have the time to spare so they taught me how to jimmy the lock with my utility knife. It was disturbingly easy. The method won't work on a good lock or a quality metal framed door but your average cheapo basic door lock is only an obstacle if you want it to be.
there exists a device that can reach under your door and unlock your deadbolts
or you could simply expand the door frame
nobody would try when you're home
break in and move all of your furniture so you bump into it at night
Because sometimes you lock something and lose the key, your logic is the same as "lets ban guns because murders use them"
What a camera would do? Just cover your fucking face
Put the board under the door handle and jack it upwards?
Expand the door frame
Oh interesting - thanks
criminals dont bother picking locks, also anyone can make a set of lockpicks with a few hacksaw blades and a file set.
Locks arent there to keep people out, they are there to force people to do something they cant explain away as a friendly mistake when they break in.
grug like more 4x4 hit to head
car jack use just for flat tire
>and then go to jail or get shot
>you might get shot anyway
Video evidence has lead the police to seek the arrest of famed vaudevillian comedian Groucho Marx who they now believe to have faked his own death in 1977 before embarking on a spree of petty burglaries.
I spent over a dozen years pursuing lockpicking and bypass as my hobby. It really captured my imagination for a long time. I've laid off of it for over six years. And I've been thinking of taking it back up again.
What's the best lock you've picked so far? Mine was the Medeco M3 (before they corrected the defect in the sidebar groove that left it open to manipulation by decoder).
You also remind me that the H.O.P.E. And Defcon conferences are coming up very soon. What a cool thread you made:) Anybody recognize this legendary pickset from my picture?
I too live in my mother's basement
protect the dakimura with your life NEET
>t. boomer
Amazing reply.
>not buying a glass cutter and letting yourself in
How do I join the thieves guild?
Its all worthless if you havent leveled your Snesk though
You ever done it with a Khajiit?
Hahaha nigga how the fuck is lockpicking real? Hahahaha nigga just kick dat shit in
i always set the door bar the moment i step into the house
my windows all have steel bars as well that cant be readily removed
the bottom of the door is not level with the floor. the floor is about 2 inches higher than the bottom of the door, so attempting to insert anything under the door will fail unless it is something like a string or a thin wire that you could maneuver through the thin gap between the door and the "step"
in addition, most of the deadbolts use unique locking mechanisms. none of them are what most people would consider standard, and two of them require a key to use even on the inside
the door frame is heavily reinforced, but im not sure what you mean by expand. do you mean to expand it through physical force, or through something like thermal expansion? it is safely protected from the first, but im not sure about the second.
my paranoid grandpa passed down his house to me when he died 6 years ago. i was the only person he knew who was as paranoid as he was so im the one he gave it too i guess. we were kinda close, about as close as people like us can be to other people.
the house is all paid and is tax-exempt under county rules, so almost all of my income goes towards armament, reinforcement, and building security systems
dakimura is safe
Lockpicking thread
>no mention of Lock Picking Lawyer
Son, I am disappoint.
Where I live it's common for thieves to use a car jack and 2x4 to physically expand the frame until the bolt is free from the studs. Very scary because it can sometimes be done silently.
a small piece of porcelain from a toilet will shatter glass, and im talking like a speck of porcelain half the size and weight of a penny will shatter a car window.
What of locks with more than 2 rows of pins? The patrician move would get a MCU and sdr for testing and find a way to open car locks. Now thats kino. Never did such a thing but it would be interesting.
Check out this guy's channel
because of something called "FREEDOM"
if you commit a crime with them they're considered burglary tools and you get fuck spice on top of how fucked you already are.
Good, now I can add possession of burglary tools to your breaking and entering charge.
No but shooting your dirk holding corpse and proceeding to rip it apart into a easy to carry chunks will.
be careful of whos houses you try to break into.
some are just waiting for a excuse to let their demons out.
>>can now open most front doors in America
Unless in Commiefornia or one of those faggotass northeast blue states, chances are there's usually an angry guy with a gun on the other side. Don't be a nigger.
There is a fucking automatic pic user. Door locks are a meme and anyone who can Google for 2 secs knows that.
i live it safe rural area so i am unlikely to ever deal with this
i don't think it would work with my reinforcements though. all sides of the frame are protected by inch-thick steel plates with holes for the locks machined out of them
not 100% sure they can stand up to a very motivated person with a car jack, though. might have to set up a practical test on a dummy building
I'd rather see some dude defend his home successfully with a claymore. I demand at least 2 dead with the homeowner living.
based lpl
I watch this shit when I go to bed, it's so comfy
California has castle doctrine too retard.
*activates sneak*
Sometimes you need to pick your own shit.
That stuff throws the pins up and very quickly rotates the cylinder. It doesnt work on all of them I think. I know this because I was about to start studying it as a new hobby, but since I dont plan being a burglar I never really went forward with it.
Even if someone is a crook, the devil is in messing with the alarm, not the lock.
a jack can put out a tremendous amount of force. unless horizontal struts are installed the wood will just bend.
god i love living in a state where i can freely blow a trespassers head off
yeah, or you could just kick the door in. that also works
I have giant reptiles that roam around the house, any nigger will run right out the same entry they broke through if they encountered these lil fellas ;)
>Wooden door jamb breaks
bit loud
Why will it break glass? something about the porcelain not "vibrating" when it impacts the glass so all the energy or vibration goes directly into the glass, and i said toilet porcelain but really the porcelain around a spark plug is apparently way easier to break glass with
The lock isn't to protect me. The lock is to protect you what will happen if you enter my home uninvited.
There are many ways to defeat a lock. If someone wants in, they will probably be able to get in. Locks only keep honest people honest.
Oh, I forgot to add,
That's why everyone should have a gun.
White is the most diverse as it contains all the colors, unlike black which exists as the absence of color. Think about that one nog
yeah bro if they get past my lock they'd slip on the toy car booby trap I leave on the floor
Your cringe compilations must be of low quality.
>unlock your deadbolts
Not if its the kind with a keyhole on both sides.
Gun Safe Picking
this is the gist of my door frame setup, not sure if it would stand up to it but at the very least i know i cant kick it in
Also there is no such thing as a safe rural area. the distance between neighbors will give bad guys the confidence to stay longer and if someone is home they will start to get ideas.
safe in the sense that the crime rate is near-zero, so the likelihood of anything happening is now
pretty sure a simple shotgun would do the same thing
u arent special bitch
based burger bro
yea there ya go. i also bought this glass cutter tool for a project i was fucking with and i cant imagine its too hard to cut 3 lines and make a triangle in the glass and punch it out.
at a glance i looks pretty solid
The only thing keeping bad people out you're area is a cop car that scan plates as they drive in. Get a democrat in charge of the local police and the floodgates will be opened.
This. My father beat the shot out if a guy he caught back in 86 for trying to break in to the house.
I try to explain things aee different now and all we need is a cheap barrier for them to break so if the police get involved, we can say we had to kick his ass because he was violent breaking shit and being crazy.
I think it's a pretty cool hobby.
Fuck all these ball-licking losers OP. Picking locks is neat. I do it in Fallout 3 all the time.
why imagine when you can find it on youtube.
they might as well leave their doors wide open
schlage or bust as far as consumer locks go
You could have just bought a lock pick gun since majority of shitty locks aren't pick resistant, i almost got fucked over when i got locked out with a pick resistant lock, took the locksmith over an 1.5hr or more to pick it with the tools. How quick is a normal shitty lock? About 10-20 or so squeezes of the trigger.