ϟϟ The Last Glowing Ember of Classic Jow Forums ϟϟ
Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, Anti-Communism, the Aryan Ideal, Traditionalism, Racial Nationalism, and Racial Identity Movements.
卐 - ARYANISM ============= ">We document a southward spread of genetic ancestry from the Eurasian Steppe, correlating with the archaeologically known expansion of pastoralist sites from the Steppe to Turan in the Middle Bronze Age (2300-1500 BCE)." thequint.com/voices/opinion/genomic-study-vedic-aryan-migration-dravidian-languages-sanskrit >In India, members of higher ranking castes are genetically more similar to Europeans, while lower castes are more similar to Asians. sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/05/010515080044.htm sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090923143333.htm Some quotes from the Rigveda, the oldest Indo-European text. >"At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair. He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress." Indra - 10.96.8 >"Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard." Indra - 10.23.4 >"The swarthy skin, the hated of Indra" - Rigveda IX 73.5 >The Rig Veda praises the God who "destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." - Rigveda. III 34.9 >"Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, he conquered the black skin." - Rigveda. I 130.8 >The Rigveda thanks God for "scattering the slave bands of black descent", and for stamping out "the vile Dasyan colour." - Rigveda. II.20.7, II 12.4 >This choice sums up the Aryans opinion of their non-white subjects: "Black skin is impious" - Rigveda. II.12.4 thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/how-genetics-is-settling-the-aryan-migration-debate/article19090301.ece >A study by Hellenthal et al. (2014) on the DNA of the Kalash people showed evidence of input from modern day Germany and Austria between 990 and 210 BC, a period that overlaps with that of Alexander the Great... well.ox.ac.uk/~gav/admixture/2014-science-final/resources/FAQ.pdf cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(15)00137-8
Field fire spreading towards me. It's taken out one cell tower so far. I'm going to need to relocate again. This tower is only a half mile distant and that fires burning fast. Someone please keep it going. I'm going to try relocating again, but if I don't post again tonight it's cause I can't find another tower. Good luck, and good night.
Samuel Price
I just wanna watch some basic Hitler was right videos
Anthony Morgan
卐 - MYTHS ABOUT GENERALPLAN OST AND LEBENSRAUM ===============================================
'Lebensraum' is often intentionally exaggerated by those wanting to push the fractal "Hitler planned to exterminate all races" meme. The actual meaning of Lebensraum referred to the security of the German borders, and the need to provide living space so that Germans aren't threatened by outside forces. The primary focus of Lebensraum were the Volksdeutch (Germans held is former German lands after the redrawn map of Versailles) populations and former German lands used to create Poland and Czechoslovakia under the Treaty of Saint Germain. To claim that "living space" meant "exterminate and re-populate more land than there would have been Germans to inhabit" is absurd, and contradicts the policies of "Germanization" that were ACTUALLY PRACTICED by Germans regarding occupied peoples:
Hitler didn't consider Russians subhuman. He considered them inferior. Because in terms of living, they were. Seriously, look at the living style of the average Soviet, then compare them to a German in 1930, they were, by all accounts inferior. He even talks about how some Russians of the old rich class were Germanic. There were multiple reasons for the invasion of the Soviet Union, for example: >1. To gain the necessary resources to fuel a long time war, something that Germany was severely lacking. >2. To prevent the inevitable invasion of Europe by the Soviet Union. If you gonna start a war, it's best to have the first strike. >3. To disband the Bolshevik and Jewish regime in the Soviet Union, something Hitler knew would be a threat to Germany.
True, the Germans would've gained land from defeating the Soviets and would certainly have sent its citizens into this newfound land, just like the allies did to German clay they gained after WW1 and WW2. The Germans wouldn't have exterminated Russians. They simply would have governed them.
You know what I heard about Amy? Amy is a jew. Kikey, subversive, stinky, ugly jew! That's why I'm not friends with her.
Amy has a cute singing voice. I heard her singing my favorite love song. Every time she sang the chorus, my heart would pound to the rhythm of the words. But she is a jew. That's why I'm not friends with her.
One time, I hurt my leg really bad. Amy helped me up and took me to the nurse. I tried not to let her touch me. She is a jew, so she'd probably hurt me more. That's why I'm not friends with her.
Amy has a lot of friends. I always see her talking to people. She probably talks about immigration. What if her friends start to like immigration too? That's why I'm not friends with her.
It doesn't matter if she has other opinions. It doesn't matter if she keeps it private. It doesn't matter if she doesn't hurt anyone.
It's gross. She's gross. The world is better off without jews.
We like to hope that the memory of the one before the last, and the most heroic of all our men against time, Adolf Hitler, will survive at least in songs and symbols. We like to hope that the lords of the age, men of his own blood and faith, will render him divine honors, through rites full of meaning and full of potency. Through the cool shade of the endless regrown forests, on the beaches, or upon inviolate mountain peaks, facing the rising sun.
Be honest. Amy looks like gollum on her best day, and smells like the back of seafood restaurant AFTER her monthly shower. Noone is Amy's friend. That's partly why she's gonna say all men are rapists on her blog. Amy doesn't have any friends. She didn't go to prom. Amy hates herself more than we do. Being a Jew is knowing God hates you. And then hating yourself. And finally hating the world and seeking to destroy anything pure or beautiful. Your better off without her pretend loli. Now... What are you wearing?
Nolan Wilson
Amen user. May God bless you and bring well being to your house.
卐 - FASCIST/NATSOC MOVIES: --------------------------- The following link contains 26 Third Reich movies (One from fascist Italy, one from occupied France). All are good quality DVDRIP (x265 codec) and all have English subtitles.
List and genre: >Bismarck 1940 Biopic, Historical >Condottieri 1937 Historical, Adventure (Fascist Italy) >Das Herz Der Königin (The Heart of the Queen) 1940 Anti-British, historical >Der große König (The Great King) 1942 Biopic, historical >Der Kaiser von Kalifornien (The Emperor of California) 1936 Anti-greed, historical >Der Sieg Des Glaubens (The Triumpth of the Faith) 1933 NSDAP propaganda
Thank you for making these threads. I love you all my brothers. Hail victory
William Cooper
卐 - HITLER'S USES OF THE WORD "LEBENSRAUM" in MEIN KAMPF ==================================================== The word appears nine times in Mein Kampf.
"Einmal tritt aber dieser Fall ein, und zwar um so früher, je kleiner der zur Verfügung stehende Lebensraum eines Volkes ist." >But this case occurs once, and the smaller the available living space of a people
"Er ist nicht eine Zusammenfassung wirtschaftlicher Kon-trahenten in einem bestimmt umgrenzten Lebensraum zur Erfüllung wirtschaftlicher Aufgaben" >It is not a summary of economic contenders in a defined (living) environment for the fulfillment of economic tasks
>Why didn't hitler order tactical retreats when his men needed it most? >Why start a war on almost all fronts? >Why did he lose the war? >Why did he kill himself?
You could just play the leftist fairyland card (ie IT WAS THE PATRIARCHY!!! Systematic oppression!) and say none of it happened, it was all covered up by some secret order of jews.
Really, it's hilarious how many problems can be explained by blaming the jews, when it was a ton of poor decision making. Enlighten me.
"um diese unter allerlei Vorwänden für sich schaffen zu lassen, können selbst ohne jeden eige- nen, bestimmt begrenzten Lebensraum Staaten bilden. Dies trifft in erster Linie zu bei dem Volke, unter dessen Para- sitentum besonders heute die ganze ehrliche Menschheit zu leiden hat: dem Judentum." >To all these pretexts for themselves, without any countries. This applies primarily to the people, under who the whole of honest humanity today has suffered: Judaism.
"Der Nomade besitzt sehr wohl einen bestimmt um-grenzten Lebensraum, nur bebaut er ihn nicht als seßhafter Bauer, sondern lebt vom Ertrage seiner Herden, mit denen er in seinem Gebiete wandert. Der äußere Grund hierfür ist in der geringen Fruchtbarkeit eines Bodens zu sehen, der eine Ansiedlung einfach nicht gestattet. Die tiefere Ur-sache aber liegt im zwischen der technischen Kultur einer Zeit oder eines Volkes und der natürlichen Armut eines Lebensraumes." >The nomad has a bordered habitat, he did not cultivate as a more settled peasant, but lives by the yield of his flocks, with those he walks in his territory. The external reason for this is to be seen in the low fertility of a soil, which does not allow settlement. There is a disproportion between the technical culture of a time or a people and the natural poverty of a living space.
"Bei den Juden hingegen ist diese Einstellung überhaupt nicht vorhanden; er war des-halb auch nie Nomade, sondern immer nur Parasit im Körper anderer Völker. Daß er dabei manchmal seinen bis- herigen Lebensraum verläßt ... die mißbrauchten Gastvölker erfährt." >Among the Jews, however, this attitude does not exist at all, for he was never a nomad, but always only a parasite in the bodies of other peoples. The fact is that sometimes his habitat does not depend on his intention but is the result of the expulsion, from time to time due to the abused peoples experiences.
Adrian Myers
卐 - HISTORY - WHAT CAUSED THE WAR, WHAT FOLLOWED AFTER? (1) ------------------------------------------------------- >Individual Jewish intellectuals such as Bernard Baruch, Lehman, Governor of New York State, Felix Frankfurter, the newly appointed Supreme Court Judge, Morgenthau, the Financial Secretary, and other well-known personal friends of Roosevelt have taken a prominent part in this campaign of hatred. All of them want the President to become the protagonist of human liberty, religious freedom and the right of free speech . . .
>This particular group of people, who are all in highly placed American official positions and who are desirous of being representatives of 'true Americanism', and as 'Champions of Democracy', are, in point of fact, linked with international Jewry by ties incapable of being torn asunder.
>For international Jewry -- so intimately concerned with the interests of its own race -- President Roosevelt's 'ideal' role as a champion of human rights was indeed a godsend. In this way Jewry was able not only to establish a dangerous centre in the New World for the dissemination of hatred and enmity, but it also succeeded in dividing the world into two warlike camps. The whole problem is being tackled in a most mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been given the power to enable him to enliven American foreign policy and at the same time to create huge reserves in armaments for a future war which the Jews are deliberately heading for.
Source: -- Polish Ambassador at Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, in a report to the Polish Foreign Office, dated January 12, 1939; Quoted in J. F. C. Fuller, A Military History of the Western World, vol. 3, pp. 372-374 fpp.co.uk/History/General/Potocki/papers.html
Carter Powell
卐 - HISTORY - WHAT CAUSED THE WAR, WHAT FOLLOWED AFTER? (2) -------------------------------------------------------
>"Herr Foerster cited the opinions of Britons and Frenchmen including Mr Lloyd George and Mr Churchill to the effect that 'the Polish corridor was a mistake', hissed when he read out inflammatory statements by Polish newspapers, including the statement in 'Czas' that Poland would blow Danzig to bits if it united with Germany and the recent threat by Marshal Smigly-Rydz that Danzig would be the first stage in a cruisade against Germany." - The Advertiser, 12 August 1939 trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/41083410?searchTerm=Smigły-Rydz
>"General Sosnkowski, second-in-command of the Polish army, declared : — 'Pilsudski's legionnaires were particularly favoured by history because it seems that they will partcipate in a second international war in which Poland will be one of the most important and most exposed actors in the drama'." - Kalgoorlie Miner, 7 August, 1939 trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/94852275?searchTerm=sosnkowski
i am kinda saddened tho i am a fully devoted to natsoc , hitler and other branches of fascism but then i decided to read about germany's generals and top commanders i am starting to get another picture of hitler
There's a lot of propaganda on the subject, but it is also important to remember that Hitler was a man. Fallible as any other. Only God is completely without fault. But Hitler did the best he could. And for the most part did a good job whilst juggling political demands that his generals seldom knew nor understood. The constant betrayal of those closest to him left him confused and uncertain, but ultimately was the war thrust upon the German people winnable once America had been brought in? Doubtful though if Rommel had not plotted against Hitler but stood on the beaches of France maybe he could have bought more time or stemmed the tide. We will never know. Such things only God can know. What we do know is that he was betrayed and fell. And so despite spending his life in defense of his race, religion, and nation. All these things suffered immensely under American and Soviet vengeance. I hope to revenge Hitler one day personally, but I can see how the all too human fall can leave some depressed and despairing.
Jonathan Flores
Sieg Heil
Kevin Perry
i dont think he was suited for such job , he is just an artist who fought in the trench warfare , while stalin had political , mobile warfare experience we didnt see natsoc in its full glory if you want to have an iron nation you have to be an iron leader hitler was no iron leader , an artist who has only served as an infantry soldier while stalin has commanded armies during the civil war which was a mobile war unlike WW1 which hitler fought in hitler could have easily replaced the incompetent top commanders , but he only barked at goring while he cried a bit and said >no daddy i wont do it again and then he went on to shoot morphine up his ass while the front lines were braking stalin would have purged the fuckers instantly if willy would have taken command of germany , or if bismark was immortal the future would have been different
Like I look at it objectively and it looks great on paper and in real life even up until the war started ramping up to the Russian winter. Killing jews? Yeah whatever who the fuck cares. Sending your men out into their deaths because why? Doesn't matter how strong your ideology is when bullets tear through men no matter how strong or racially pure you are.
He was doing a great job until he just said "eh fuck it all, I already gave up, everyone die, aryan, jew, or otherwise"
Kevin Ramirez
eternal mutt , not even considering to have a normal discussion
Perhaps, but Bismarck didn't have the political fortitude to save Germany's soul. If they had won under Willy or Bismarck it'd be a hollow political victory. Devoid of Christ, and in thrall to the synagogue of Satan. Stalin wasn't some great general either. His tactics were to send millions of men with the express purpose of dying for his pride. That Hitler failed is a great tragedy, but do not confused it with failure. If he had not stood up for what was right then we wouldn't Revere him to this day. His kindness, mercy, and essential goodness was his undoing. That he couldn't order the Jews to be massacred but instead wrestled with the moral issue of freeing Germany in a humane fashion. That he couldn't order the execution of his friends despite the fact that they failed him and Germany utterly. It's an all too human tragedy. But I get it. I hope I am a harder more uncaring person than Hitler. But then I've never been tested in that manner. As far as the charge of him leaving his men to die. Well that's just crazy. He practically ruined the luftwaffe resupplying troops cut off from supply trains. Again he wasn't the kind of man to abandon anyone. No I fervantly disagree with this interpretation. Anyway im going to bed. It's late and church is tommorow. I wish you and all the other anons the best. See to your souls before all else. And may God bless you.
i do agree with you , he gave us will that we can still unite and fight , but he wasnt made to be a leader , germany is an iron nation who needs an iron leader , hitler didnt have an iron hand , keitel, bormann and goring gave zero shits about hitler's all talk's no action when it comes to incompetent commanders , that is how anarchy took place in german military and that is how germany lost and despite that and soviets being technologically superior in every way germans raped soviets so hard that stalin had to come to the allies and suck their cock clean in order to get more tanks , more planes , steel , and shit tone of equipment even though soviets had 8 times more everything than germans
Ian Young
You guys DO know that the nazi shit here is just satire, right?
Parker Moore
ok kike
Easton Murphy
White and proud. Much love to all my white brothers and everyone who is accepting of whites having a right to exist.
Full power.
Jace King
your mom is satire
Alexander Flores
Questions for you nazis: What's the difference between you guys and fascism? Also what do you guys think of Jeffersonian Democracy?
Is there a website or mega zip or something of amazing Nazi images like pic related? I feel like there's some giant amazing collection in one place on the internet that I'm missing out on
I built up a halfway decent collection (1400+) by searching through the 4plebs pol archive looking for thread titles like "Nazi aesthetics" and "Rare Hitlers" etc, then farming the threads. That is the slow and painful way of doing it though. I'd also be interested to know of any big archive(s) of images.
Don't trust Aryanism.net its controlled op and full of demonstrable lies, eg, "true aryans are fine with gays", "true aryans don't have a problem with jews", "true aryanism is a state of mind, not biological race". Complete bullshit.
Would you be kind enough to make a zip of it and upload it somewhere (perhaps mega) for anons to enjoy? It could be included in the natsoc pastebin as well.
I like the gist of the article I linked to and I think it makes some good points, but thanks for letting me know. Anything that gives an inch to the Jews is poison to us.
Nolan Nelson
Didn't occur to me to do that, oops. I'll tidy it up a bit and get that done ASAP.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. There are decent articles on that site, but the majority of content is really troubling misinformation. They also have some good books, like stuff by Serrano. Sadly, they're also connected to Jewish neo-con media in the US.
Jonathan Foster
Brandon Bailey
>What's the difference between you guys and fascism? The biological worldview, ie, that race and not economics are the primary engine of history. >Also what do you guys think of Jeffersonian Democracy? It was white nationalist, and died with the Civil War. The first American Republic is long gone; we're on the 5th or perhaps the 6th American Republic now, following World War Jew.
Major alterations/subversions to the constitutional framework of the founders. The civil war and subsequent adoption of the 14th and 15th amendments ended the United States as an ethno-state. The creation of the Federal Reserve system represents another coup. The creation of the military industrial complex by World War Jew was yet another, and you might argue that the Deep State asserted its independence in the 1960s, then took over in a meaningful way after 9/11. The central role of Israel and jewish identity in American politics is key feature of these subsequent coups. Notice that Jews also dominate each of these institutions implemented by each "coup":