Redpill me on Unis

Where should I go to school and what should I major in if I want to make it and not be a suicidal boomer Jew slave?

Go to community college right now and have like a 3.8 so I should be able to get into most good schools but probably not elite ones

Right now I’m really leaning towards Texas AM or MSU for computer science. They are both decently ranked public ivies that get heavily recruited from. And I should easily be accepted to both.

Have some reach schools too like UM and NYU. Also I love Canada so looking into waterloo and McGill and UBC. UofT maybe too idk.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This board is about politics, fuck right off.

Nope it’s my personal blog faggot

fuck off

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

U of Rochester has no required courses.

I would have looked into at and RPI as well but

> private school

If I’m paying 60k for tuition I better be going to fucking Stanford

>going to uni
>ends sentences with prepositions
>3.8 GPA

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I saw someone promote this on Gab as a way to study CS:

>brainlet probably also believes it's wrong to split infinitives or begin a sentence with a conjunction
That is something up with which I will not put.

If you don't know what major is for you then the answer is a skilled trade.

Writing is all about communication I don’t worry with autistic made up rules as long as I feel I can get my point across

Uni is a bad idea unless you are intelligent (and since 90% of people consider thamselves above average you should have actual evidence), really are interested in the subject and find studying easy. Your subject should also have decent career prospects considering the debt you take on.

Otherwise you should develop a marketable skill, or skills.

> trades

No thanks physical labor is for peons despite what your boomer parents told you about how it builds character

If he is doing well studying CS in community college (or anywhere else) then he can probably handle it.

Read this.

End of discussion

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I love that bitch. She's my dream girl.

Or are doing it to join the military as an officer.

I'm just throwing it out there that the STEM meme matters a lot less than pol pretends.

If you're on point with extra-curriculars and networking then you can be plenty successful with an Arts or Business degree. There is some validity to the do what you love idea but it's a balancing act, don't go into STEM if you hate it but don't go into sociology without considering how you'll make an income from it.

That said, I'm a 23 year old doctor who coasted through medschool on $40k/y worth of scholarships. My Australian advice may not be applicable to y'all seppos with your student loans and shit.

U know she’s taken miles of black dick raw right and she’s still your dream girl? Get it together dude.

They literally did MK ULTRA shit there. Be wary.
I hope you like chinks.
I hope you like brown people (and chinks).

Montreal is fun as fuck though going to school there would be sick.

Can you even make it with a college degree?

Say you get a 4.0 at MIT in engineering? What’s the best you could hope for? Like 200k at Lockheed or something?

You “make it” through connections nepotism

The best you can hope for from a bachelors degree is being a upper middle class suburban wageslave

If you're really a faggot then you should say fuck school and spend your time infecting niggers with AIDS.

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I like her but she's a bit too "dude weed lmao" to be my dream girl

Erm isn’t that hot at fuck though

I know it’s degerate but wouldn’t it be fun to have a hippie gf that you could trip balls with and fuck like crazy high out of your mind

>If you're on point with extra-curriculars and networking then you can be plenty successful with an Arts or Business degree
While this isn't wrong it's not exactly universally good or practicable advice. Some people really don't have people skills and nothing short of many years of practice through trial and error while mostly getting nowhere is going to change that.
Engineering is pretty much the universal standard "do it if you can" advice as long as it doesn't drive you crazy and you're capable. It's a guaranteed lucrative job/career after school and there's so many opportunities that anyone can find something they like if they're willing to relocate. You can be at a desk all day or be on your feet half or most of the day depending on the job. Engineers do pretty much everything. Hell you could even go work for an F1 race car team and travel all over the world analyzing the designs you just made during a race and even assist the pit crew.
"Technology" and "math" are pretty much memes like you said. You'll be a teacher with that with the exception of CS.
Networking and extracarriculars always matter so if you're good at both doing engineering/science is still preferable to arts or business.

Go to Berkeley and major is Sociology. That's where you belong, faggot. We don't want your type in the good schools adding competition to the good degrees.

First thing you should do is stop being a faggot.
If you can’t, kill yourself.

Not OP but you’re lying if you say you wouldn’t kill to go to Berkley, for any degree, even sociology

The connections you would get there are priceless

You can do STEM and be a very comfortable limp dick nerd who doesn't know anything other than mass times acceleration equals being a limp dick faggot nerd.

Or you could be a fucking chad and study PPE and then maybe law, get into politics and get paid more to basically do nothing.

Weed is a pretty plebian drug. If you're looking for a great experience, you're better off with psychedelics. If you're looking for a hard-hitting feel-good high, you're better off with opiates. If you're looking for an every man's drug that gets you high but you can still function afterwards, you're better off with coke, adderall, or meth in small, controlled doses. Weed is the 13-year-old boomer's drug.

Checked, but I'd rather eat a bullet than deal with this:

math, physics, or computer science at a top school, or alternatively if you have jew connections do business or law at a jew top school to network with old money

if you don't meet this criteria don't even fucking bother

unfortunately AIDS doesn't exist and HIV doesn't cause it

This. You're better off working on an oil rig or something unless you can get a STEM or law degree at an Ivy League university. Depending on your exact job, you could be making anywhere from 47k to 100k a year, and you don't need to worry about paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt, so you could be living real /comfy/ pretty quickly.

And just for reference, 400k a year is the minimum cutoff for being considered top 1%.

Simple rules:

1. does your family have connections in a certain industry?
a. if you like that industry go study it
b. if not go to next question

2. are you extremely talented in X?
a. if yes study that
b. if no save the money and start up a small business

This is how you avoid being broke.

>unless you can get a STEM or law degree at an Ivy League university.
Math physics double major at an Ivy here
What are these opportunities you speak of?

The US is ripe with opportunity for people willing to pursue it.

Yeah but with opiates you’ve got to be real careful not to get hooked, just possessing any of that could get you sent to prison and some can even kill you.

no such thing as addiction bro

>Public ivies


>better off being a roughneck and lose a finger after 15 years instead of getting a STEM degree from anything less than an ivy league school
not so sure about that. I'm definitely not against trade jobs though. My engineering teacher at community college once told us how a comparatively easy non-engineering trade-specific associates degree in the trades field will set you up to be making bank. There's a huge employment gap between semi intelligent associates degree holding trade workers, the retards at the low end, and degree holding engineers and companies are desperate to fill those middle tier positions. Especially with the last boomers retiring soon.

Do not go to Msu, it’s a shit expensive school. Umich has free tuition if your parents make under a certain amount and is a 10x nicer school

The arts in Europe is a dead end. You might have chances with 100s of theater locations or 1000 TV shows in the US, but in Europe, most of the arts means living in 1 room sheds.
I know some painters who relocate all the time to find cheap living conditions far away from the big cities and take external design/drawing jobs all the time. None of them ever reached the level where they can sell their canvas for more than 5k a piece. Where they usually put multiple month into it.
STEM on the other side only makes sense if you like any of the letter personally. If not, you will have a hard time doing all the minuscle stuff that makes up 80% of the non-fun part of STEM work, like filling up excelsheets, reports and presentations.

Are you STEM? If not then unironically kill youself rather than going to Uni.

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Fuck me, yourself*

Unis are nothing more than factories for getting girls blacked and brainwashing people with feminism and communism.

If you go to A&M, there will be fewer Marxist SJWs. More traditional values. the US, people go through four yrs of college then four yrs of Med school before even starting Residency. How old did you say you were??

Get a CS degree from your most prestigious in-state public uni, or if you get a scholarship to a private uni. You won't get an OOS scholarship to public unis, probably.

you really have to concentrate on what you want to be, not what you don't.

you will not achieve anything of value unless you are really interested in it.