What's Jow Forums's stance on abos?
What's Jow Forums's stance on abos?
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They no true wisdom lost to our own generation. If you can tolerate laying with one (minding fumes). They speak to the earth in a way list to the post information man has.This can give one a nice tamber mood. It helps with indigestion.
not real people
Missing link.
Majestic animals, we must preserve their habitat to ensure that a wild population will remain for our descendants. The closest hominid to humans!
They're not bad people. They're dumb as rocks and unemployable, but I'd rather have them than African or American negroes.
I'm an ecofascist I value all of Australia's fauna and don't like to see them treated poorly.
Leftists think they want what is best for them but really they just want to virtue signal and doom them to extinction, same as what they want for our race, at the end of the day.
I hate anyone who isn’t White Protestant
Same as Gypsies
They should have been genocided as soon as they were discovered
Fuck you protest-ants. Youre the reason nobody takes christianity seriously anymore.
Actually stupid, and potentially the strongest argument for "human races being subspecies"
I don't care about them.
thats a hot human being
Closest thing we have to living cavemen.
Why cant you aryans just leave people be?
My chinese coworkers say youre the niggers of the asians.
this. they're the lowest levels of humans in our modern era but they're still humans nonetheless. they have the drive and desire to do right, the god given function from the thought adjuster itself. they too can become something in the next existence.
from what I gather from the history of the our world, it's fine to keep a lesser human like this around as long as you don't inbreed with it, for the obvious reasons that inbreeding - despite raising up their overall stock significantly so, you're just as much depleting your more favorable race's offspring by mixing with a lower class of humans.
we should basically treat them like gorillas or chimps when it comes to the more personal dealings with their type, but give them the same human decency we would our own race.
tl;dr don't fuck them and don't try to race mix them into a higher race than they are because it's a waste of time for the overall racial progress of the planet.
would anyone notice if they where gone?
Literally the missing link. No, seriously.
From someone who is surrounded by them where I live, I should be able to see I've at least met one decent one. There all subhuman scum, to this day I have never met one who isn't begging, drinking or being loud and obnoxious. Death is too god for those animals. Bury he fuckers alive.
That is outbreeding, not inbreeding.
just the other day I was telling two little kids that Australia had all types of dangerous creatures...even cavemen
there is no missing link as all evolutionary species evolution happens in a single pass instead of thousands or millions of expressions of genotypes.
out or in, doesn't that depend on your point of view and which race you're part of in any said group? it's late so maybe i'm missing something.
Melanesian > Sri Lankan > Abo > Caribbean > African > USA African
The Chinese are a lot more niggerish than the Vietnamese. They're not particularly violent or criminal but they're loud and rude as fuck compared to people here. And they often take up space unnecessarily.
Maybe niggers compared to Japs/Koreans but they're autistic as fuck so that doesn't say much.
nevermind i answered my own question, it's obviously 'out'breeding. my bad yo.
The chinese and laotians are the niggers of asia
Got any qt family that will put out for Australian residency?
I'd take viets over chinks any day. You don't see news about viets doing all sorts of immoral things like using sewage as cooking oil and selling that food
Why did the colonists fuck them holy shit
What I giggle most about when people try to argue that we're all the same species is that they're trying to pretend evolution suddenly stopped.
Yeah, because 75'000+ years ago when their ancestors migrated to Australia they didn't continue to evolve. Nope, saying that is just racist. It's just not possible that there are sub species with humans... even though, every other animal on the planet has them.
missing link.
Welcome to Australia in (current year).
>im the human one, don't worry
They're funny, something to look down on to make yourself feel better. Like laughing at the chimp at the zoo. I like them, their art is quite tasteful, boomerangs are fun for about a half hour, and the didge is awesome.
>be on working holiday in Australia over summer (much better pay, kiwis don't need a visa)
>banana farm in FNQ
>day off, cruise around with my m8
>come across some village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>it's called the "aboriginal shire"
>all roads are dirt, uneven and filled with potholes
>trash is strewn about everywhere, I saw less trash when I was in thailand
>scores of emaciated horses (I mean fucking emaciated, skeletal horses) milling about picking at all the trash to see if any of it is edible
>little abo goblins racing around on weird little makeshift motorbikes, most are wearing only underwear
>spy an abo matriarch of at least 150kg "washing" with her brood of ~7 or 8 monkey children in some dirty brown run off under a bridge like an actual gaggle of trolls
>many houses made of actual tin, like actual bits of shitty old corrugated tin just stapled together at the corners
>every single "house" is covered in graffiti but not stylized graffiti that even niggers are capable of, just barely legible chicken scratch written in sharpie
>one house has "jesus" with a backward j scrawled across the front of it
every property has at least one smashed up car up on blocks in the front with overgrown plants and shit trying to reclaim it for the earth
>walking along the beach spot an overturned turtle struggling to right itself, flip it over
>a handful of abo children literally burst from some nearby bushes brandishing sticks and shrieking in their gutterspeak
>eventually decipher that they had overturned the turtle intentionally and were waiting for it to bake to death in the sun so they could eat it for dinner
>alert some of the older gorilla people to our transgression
>much whispering, pointing, angry looks, etc
>noped the fuck out of there pretty fast
You can't blame colonialism for this because they were isolated for at least ~30,000 years and never even figured out how to make fire. They are genuinely underdeveloped sub-humans, like homo erectus.
pick one, retard
Keep em the fuck out of the USA.
How big are abo cocks
They are abos not negros
Nice try abo, buy i can see you in the road from here.
Oh lawd, millions and millions of women here would put out for much less than that, being white seems to add at least +2 attractiveness points on the 1-10 scale.
Don't be a filthy race traitor though. If Aussie women have you feeling blackpilled go to Ukraine or something. Luckily for me I'm not into non-white women at all (I'm white, as you can hopefully tell from my English not being littered with grammatical mistakes and poor syntax) so the temptation isn't there.
Said it in another thread, a lot of white men here with local "girlfriends" who can barely speak English, it's quite fucking weird desu.
But we're getting off topic. Abos, fucking fascinating creatures. One benefit of race realism becoming mainstream would be we could run tests on them and such, could learn a lot about proto-humans
For the bantz most of the time I guess.
Don't worry, I won't put any kids in them. I'll just fuck them and take your family's money until we can do the divorce. Let's set this up.
why are girls so mean
They don't bother me. Most are not hyperviolent. They shouldn't be in the same class as niggers
When it became illegal to just outright kill them, they embarked on a quest to systematically breed them out of existence. Then that became illegal.
Saved, but I think it was only the tasmanians who didn’t know fire
Lol if you lost a bet you had to fuck either an abbo or a kango
Apparently they didn't know that sex caused pregnancy hahahaha.
>literally getting cucked by the state
The ABOsolute state
Seriously though, there is absolutely nothing attractive about Aboriginals
I understand raping native Americans and even qt nigresses, but what the hell could anyone find sexually arousing about these primitive hominids?
I once saw a snapshot from abo porn. Made me feel sick.
Id rather fuck a box jelly.
peak uncanny valley
I cant imagine the smell coming off them.
Honorary Aryans
Someone post the abbo thing talking about how they would rape and cannibalize their children that people discovered when they first arrived.
You did good good. you did good
A glimpse into our evolutionary past
omg he said "1488"
god i cant handle cringe.
nazis are not our friends. im the same upper caste as you and its fucking retarded to think these propaganda masters are actually "aryans".
the real aryans are the people who nietzsches ubermensch who are progressive and go on their own unique way.
The road's as good a place for a nap as any, mate.
>Why did the colonists fuck them holy shit
Earliest recorded whites fucking Abos was actually Americans.
Americans came down here to hunt seals and you guys started taking Tasmanian Aboriginals as wives.
It was probably normalized for you in that taking native wives was something you guys already knew plenty about.
Minimal risk of syphilis?
I imagine most of the female prisoners we're hoaching with disease.
Abo puss was probably the cleanest on the continent at the time until they imported some upstanding ladies from back home.
Desperate times.
im sorry youre a what
Work with a couple of them, they hate white people.
It's like being a watermelon only nazi instead of commie.
Abos killed almost everything on the continent by burning because they were too lazy and stupid to even hunt or develop rudimentary agriculture like niggers.
>majestic "animals"
says the insect.
o-oh, i see...
Did you know the Sierra Club in the USA was anti-immigration, for environmental reasons, until I believe the 90s? At which point they got a (((donor))) that wanted them to take that part out of their platform.
how do I get a gf that looks and acts like this
they really don't have much going on for them, do they?
nice try m8
Vietnam is much cleaner and safer than China, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, and phlips. No cp prostitution and cheaper sex tourism with superior Viet girls.
Aphex Twin?
abo humour
pretty funny desu
>yfw your realize it really is all that simple
They are, but they can cook alright
nice man. when we taking this country back? is this thread turning into wasp general?
>being this fucking retarded