After all the bullshit of the Left calling it democracy when they win, and not-democracy when they lose.
Seems clear to me that self-rule was a mistake.
Where did this concept ever come from anyway?
Throughout the whole history of mankind there's always been some sort of dominance hierarchy. The Catholic Church even held voting to be a sin up until a few generations ago.
Today, everyone just yells at everyone over everything. We're even developing divergent languages as people redefine words to justify their own proclivities.
If nothing changes, in a few generations we probably won't even understand much of what other people say, the degenerates will have this whole other vocabulary with a radical moral structure that no one else cares about or could comprehend without living the lifestyle.
You'll have to introduce yourself by asking "Do you speak English 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.....?"
Is anyone else sick of democracy?
Well yeah, there's a reason why it's called "rule by the rabble" after all.
Democracy is a meme, see iron law of oligarchy. No matter how democratic an organization is, its complexity will sooner or later result in the rise in power of an oligarchy.
So democracy is not the problem, the real problem is that the mercantile class is running the show and that they no longer have anything in common with the population they claim to lead.
Allowing the majority of the population to handle political affairs is like letting a child fly a plane
Take it from France, a nation who has has had as many revolutions as wars won ;)
How do we prevent corporate interests from seizing control of absolute political power????
>voting is real
>How do we prevent corporate interests from seizing control of absolute political power????
Dictatorship under fascism
You are putting all your cards in one basket. Where is your representation within a facist dictatorship?
Would you sacrifice your right to shitpost Aussie for the potential assurance of national stability?
theres a reason why Communism and fascim take root: A TOTAL SHITSHOW IN PRECEEDING NATIONAL STABILITY.
See the Wiemar Republic for testament to this mentality.
Yes. I just want feudal vassalage to make a comeback. Nobody needs money when everything is provided for them based on their job.
Ask Ezra Pound
The word "democracy" here in the states is a buzzword used by anyone trying to serve their own interests.
"Democracy is worth dying for, because it;'s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man."
--Ronald Reagan
>Seems clear to me that self-rule was a mistake.
Of course, you're not an American. The Kremlin's been trying to undermine our democracy for decades. Now Putin has put Trump in the White House, so you must be a slav-shit.
Fuck off.
Elaborate Frenchman.
How does placing your rights into the hands of a singular entity (Fascism) equate to a more superior quality of living?
See Dictatorships and how they rely on their subordinates within Military, Financing, and Media to propagate their will.
Take Iraq for example.
You think old Saddam Hussein had his people's will in mind?
>muh democracy
Ask me how I know you are a liberal Twat?
Hint Hint: Russian Narrative
Its almost as if the perfect form of governing a society was all planned out by people before us and to remain stable, hide the truth being the veils of politics...
since when burgerland was a democracy?
I find it funny that you take Iraq for an example. Go ask them if they prefer the current state of their country to the Saddam era...
But honestly, my answer about fascism was just larping. Fascism proved its limits when it was in power. I don't remember the exact quote but Nicolas Gomez Davila once said: >there's nothing to be feared from the mercantile class as long as there's a more powerful class to look down on them.
When the spiritual and fighting classes are shunned and the mercantile class morals became the common morals, the world was fucked. Adding to this globalization that propelled the mercantile class further away from the common decency and you have the shitty modern state of our civilization.
The keyword is (((usury)))
the original cuckservative
So a balance between central powers of government and the private/oligargical ownership of property?
Not too much power within the government.
Not too less within the people.
Democracy despite its apparent flaws within biased media, has the potential to strike the balance between both!
We can and we will find a balance, but it is through the medium of the nation ie the people, not a singular entity like a tyrant monarchist.
Voting in Italy specifically was a sin, faggot. It was called the Non Expedit and it was implemented in the 1800's and cancelled in the early 1900's.
Shall we try a second time lads?
The only problem with fascism, communism, monarchies, and oligarchies is that you can't guarantee that you will be part of the group in power.
It only works when states have a right to self determine their sovreignty and secede when they wish, America is too big for democracy across such geographical and cultural landscapes. Pluralism is cancer to the unity and cohesiveness of a state.
Come on, we live in a world where Walmart has more revenue than the Australian state. Do you really think there can be balance between the powers of a government and financial elites?
Democracy can't do anything against that. It can't break monopolies, it can't prevent tax havens, it just can't.
And even if we didn't have a financial elite rising out of the reach of any government, the world is becoming more complex every day, you really think that the average Joe has enough knowledge to envision his nation's interest concerning economics, geopolitics, energy etc.? Even with honest and effective media, even by spending all the time he spent on his job and his leisures on learning about those things, he could not. I sure can't and couldn't even when I was a NEET.
We need to drop the European fetishism, and focus on tailoring it to classical Americana values. That was one big point Fascism has over ideologies like liberalism and marxism, the former of the two was generally a result of European enlightenment ideals amd mostly only applied to them, and the latter was supposed to transcend all boundaries and cultures and replacing them with one utopian ideal.
Then you are becoming another nation separate from the GREATER one.
The north needed the cotton and tocacco and the fine ass southern belles.
Did you think the white north would forsake its own interests over its rebellious left arm?
States can only go so far with their “family”
Then they become something more.
Darawing the line between the two is subjective at best, but I simpathize with you southerner.
You are so keen with your insight that despite your best intentions trusting a “higher power” you neglect your own significance.
You are coherent.
The average joe is not.
So why waste time begging for results from Joe when you can be that force of influence through a combined unison???
Others think like you.
Wolves fight together to take down elk.
Why not us?
When the money crisis started in the EU, the cerntral banks said, the best idea would be, to give every european about 2 monthly incomes as some sort of minus tax.
With this two incomes, they wanted to stimulate the economy. But all the banks said, if you do that, we loose like a 500 billions in low end interest from those who live from paycheck to paycheck. We can't "allow" that.
And then they did the shit where they bought off debt of European countries with zero interest. Which ruined lots of industries.
You can't win with this kind of oligarchy.
Not a Southerner, Midwesterner concerned with the fact that time will inevitably see the flyover states stripped of their sovreignty through the removal of the electoral college, and the denegration of the values and culture that has allowed our people to prosper for so long.
Explain this in a way that a 4 year old could understand because I read: tax, income, and the EU.
You can almost guarantee that you won’t be the group in power. I don’t care about power. I just don’t want niggers, non Europeans or globalism encroaching on my life.
My heart goes out to you.
I too worry about the loss of my family’s traditions through the corruption of Time.
Guns in particular.
Why do you think the electoral college would disintegrate to the point it will erode our identity?
It’s a cycle. Representative government only works when the people are more virtuous than the current ruler or rulers. Right now we are at the point of the cycle where we need a virtuous king to rise up, claim absolute rule and save us from the horde.
Ass meet dick.
Too simple. Did you understand the just of that post “odd looking” Netherlands flag?
Reagan was one of the worst presidents in American history
He damned this republic
He was no conservative, but a crypto-liberal.
I’m a younger millineal at 23 and when I see my liberal friends go off about the new Supreme Court pick and parrot Steven Colbert jokes I feel literal shame and worry about the future of the world
Yeah because those same people are lemmings.
You are just finally seeing the world for how it really is.
Simple, demographics and the numbers race against the coasts. People there are tired of having to deal with our "backwards" ways slowing their progressivist cancer, and want a simple democracy, assuring a forever blue Union and the end of civil liberties that are essential in keeping men free.
We should just surrender to the jewish overlords. they control the media, education, banking, the Internet, and soon the government.
>literally mob rule
>you neglect your own significance
Compared to people like Soros and the inverted population pyramid's interest for the status quo, we are nothing.
Yes, that era and the way the Greek situation was dealt with was an eye opener to me
And if he'd left that fucking wall alone in Germany, Europe would still be white today.
Democracy is a system that surf the ever increasing entropy.
Problem is it can't reduce it only war, dictatorship or monarchies can.
Democracy can't.
Well shit lad, it’s pretty clear cut and simple when you explain it to me that way.
So I will tell you what my father, Richard told me: The strong will already survive.
Play the part of The Jew.
Strive to gain as much money and influence as possible.
Your children will flourish and so will your identity.
You can’t always beat the ravenous hordes of the lemmings, but you can assure that your progeny succeeds in carrying on your legacy and with it the identity.
The wounded elk charges the wolves to spare the herd.
Would you deny a “dying” identity the chance for anew?
>Catholic Church held voting to be a sin
Are you referring to Non Expedit? That only applied to Italian Catholics voting in Italian elections because the Pope was assblasted about the Papal States getting BTFO
Fascist dogma doesn't do well in a free democracy, which is why the far-right pissbabies spent the entire Obama administration having embarassing tantrums and trying every filthy underhanded trick to depower him. And were so quick to go "WE WON SO YOU DON'T GET TO SAY ANYTHING LIBKEKS" once Trump got in; their grip on power vanishes in a sociopolitical system with actual freedom.
What the fuck are you on about?
True, hence the acceptance of a fascist-esque revival and support from my other posts, or at least a departure from the republican worldview and platform. And thanks for the kind words.
>actual freedom
Nothing wrong with freedom when the people are virtuous, the problems start when degenerates and free-loaders team up and vote to loot the public treasury for gibsmedats.
God be with you Son of the West.
We live in a Republic, which protects the minority from the will of the people. In a true democracy, there would be mo gay marriage in the USA.
democracy = the freedom to vote against whoever is the butt of Colbert's jokes.
>Nothing wrong with freedom when the people are virtuous, the problems start when degenerates and free-loaders team up and vote to loot the public treasury for gibsmedats.
Ya freedom used to mean knowing and doing the right thing.
Now people demand the "freedom" to do drugs, watch porn, and cut off their dicks and demand other people call them by whatever pronoun they just pulled out their fake vagina.
>which is why the far-right pissbabies spent the entire Obama administration having embarassing tantrums and trying every filthy underhanded trick to depower him.
Bullshit, libertarians like myself elected him and were appalled at where the country was at the end of his term. The only growth industry for Obama was identity politics cancer which is driven by persecution complexes exactly like your post.
Yeah there was right wing bitching but nothing like this murderous assault of the left on our system. There was no special counsel and biased FBI hamstringing Obama's term. You want to talk 'filthy tricks' let's talk about federal court judges trying to put limits on clearly outlined constitutional powers of the executive, give me a break. Not to mention the common MSM tantrums every day ranged from the frivolous on how Trump drinks water or feeds fish to outright lies such as pictures of kids in cages from Obama's term or a faked up cage from a protest.
Trump got in due to buyer's remorse with Obama.
Didn't Conservative media went batshit crazy during Obama's administration? From what I understood, they were less noisy (than current Trump bashing) because they were just less numerous, not because they were less butthurt or more rational.
>The issue is the system
>Not the hypocritical sub-80 IQ grown up baby people controlled by a foreign country
Personally, I'm a Democrat defector who voted for Trump. After 30 years as a Democrat, I decided to # walkaway precisely for these reasons. I have no regrets.
This. Need a new oligarchy, new academia, new media, new laws that criminalise treasonous speech.
>>The issue is the system
>Not the hypocritical sub-80 IQ grown up baby people controlled by a foreign country
essential to the system is letting everyone's voice be heard, even the baby people, and even foreigners.
but when the left loses suddenly they say "that' not fair because this one group of foreign people interfered by saying stuff to influence the baby people"
they actually have the right idea but don't take it far enough.
free speech was a mistake.
self-rule was a mistake.
letting everyone's voice be heard was a mistake.
if people are so easily influenced by some twitters then they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.
better off with monarchy or theocracy
>b-but my drugs and porn!
literally nothing will change in your life except you won't be "free" to be degenerate
What the fuck is wrong with boomers? The fuckinb balls on a boomer to call anyone else but themselves a traitor.
>Often regarded as noble
>Compared even to freedom by mainstream media
>It's non violent overglorified mob-mentality at best
It is the God that Failed
sick of your democracy, yes
It is LITERALLY only americans who don't understand this. Europeans can be the most retarded commies ever and still understand that democracy is not the same as "freedom" or absence of tyranny.
People need to get over their dictator-phobia. Real freedom is being able to walk anywhere in the country safely. Being able to vote certainly doesn't stop niggers from violating your rights.
>At this point, the newly appointed leaders become very nervous. It was so easy to depose their predecessors, so why not them? These democratic leaders will realize that they are only easily supported when there is a war that the people can rally behind. And so the democratic leaders will unnecessarily become involved in violent affairs, creating wars to distract the people. To ensure their power, the leaders will create laws to bolster their position. The rulers will impose heavy taxes against the commoners to ensure they are unable or unwilling to fight back against this. And any who do oppose the leaders will be labeled as an enemy and persecuted as a spy. It is for this reason that there must always be some enemy combatant that the leader can cast blame upon.
>Plato continues in his discussion by explaining that the these leaders will eventually become unpopular, an unavoidable result. Those who once supported this ruling class begin to rebel against the would be tyrant. At this point the citizens will try to get rid of whatever man is currently in office, either by exile or impeachment. If this is not possible, the ruler will inevitable strike down any political opposition he may have.
>Hated by the people, these leaders will request the presence of a body guard. And now he is a tyrant, the leader has no choice if he wishes to rule. Elected by the people, yet now he is protected from them. Plato predicts that this tyrant will appeal to the lowest form of citizen. He will make soldiers of the slaves and the degenerates. The tyrant will pay them to protect him from the ordinary citizens. And now the leader is a tyrant, born from democracy and propped up by the demand for liberty. And in our quest for liberty, we instead created a monster.
>Plato’s description of a democracy is rather thought provoking. It gives us pause and forces us to examine our own government. Could it be true that our leaders are the bullies and the political tyrants that Plato describes? Does democracy lead to entangling wars for the benefit of the ruling class? And are the people so subjugated by senseless laws and stiff taxes, that they are unable to resist in any meaningful way? Perhaps. History has shown a consistent pattern of subjugation, revolution and subjugation once again.
>Plato predicted that democracy would lead to nations being governed by bullies and brutes. Take a minute and think about the people who are running whatever country you are in and tell him he is wrong. And before you decide to judge the philosopher Plato, try to remember that he is often considered one of the wisest men to ever live; an individual whose work was so profound that it shaped the direction of western thought and culture. Indeed, it has been said that any philosophy after Plato can only be considered a footnote on any of his work.
>Plato predicted that democracy would lead to nations being governed by bullies and brutes. Take a minute and think about the people who are running whatever country you are in and tell him he is wrong. And before you decide to judge the philosopher Plato, try to remember that he is often considered one of the wisest men to ever live; an individual whose work was so profound that it shaped the direction of western thought and culture. Indeed, it has been said that any philosophy after Plato can only be considered a footnote on any of his work.
>During the course of his writings Plato differentiates between necessary desires and unnecessary desires. Necessary desires are desires we can not over come, such as our desire for shelter and sustenance. Unnecessary desires are desires that we are able to overcome, yet refuse to. These desires include luxuries and lavish possessions. These types of desires are a result of a rapid influx of liberty into the population. Once we have tasted freedom we become drunk off it. Plato predicts that the people will demand freedom at every turn, fighting any form of authority and demanding more liberty. We become obsessed with our freedom and become willing to sacrifice necessary things like social order and structure to attain it.
In a democracy the leader has no loyalty to his people because he's just saying the right things to stay in power. It's a conflict of interest. A monarch instead knows he has the sole responsibility of caring for his country.
we are not a democracy and are not supposed to be we are a republic the dems like to forget that they prefer democracy because its broken and they can manipulate it; they say democracy all the time in an attempt to meme you into thinking it is not a republic so their shit slides easier.
Democracy was a good idea when the society was still agrarian. With the ascend of big cities, like New York, democracy has fallen into the hands of the Left obviously
>Jews love democracy
Jews had trouble with Hitler and Stalin but they learned their lesson: never have too much power in the hands of one man. It's much too dangerous for them. They have now settled on democratic systems as the best for them because they can use their nearness to governmental power and dominance in the media and academia to steer the system with legislation, propaganda, and indoctrination. This way they enjoy power, wealth, and safety. The harm it causes to the traditional majority population doesn't matter.
>There are a number of difficult, inherent problems with democratic systems
aw look it's babby's first steps down [[[[[the tunnel]]]]]]
yes, there is a [[[[[reason]]]]] why we live in [[[[[democracies]]]]]] and why [[[they]]]] love to live in countries that are divided amongst themselves 5 ways from sunday. they are the easiest ones to survert and subjugate.
they had their minds experimented on with hardcore psychedelic substances before safe baseline dosages were established and all the substances were still in experimental phase.
in short, they literally blew boomers fucking minds out and that is why everything is so fucked up and ass backward today.
Democracy always, read that again ALWAYS. returns to a dictatorship / autocracy of some kind. Without fail every time America will be no different (and no its not Trump).
Yep, Trump needs to declare himself emperor and kill all the leftists, or at the very least expel them. We have all the data necessary to tag them all.
That's just the Left. Don't let them ruin one of the oldest forms of government.
If we tried this now it would end like the virgin putsch.
Things aren't bad enough yet. Everything needs to get worse before it can get better.
After working on politics I became extremely paranoid so I won't say much but I can tell you that democracy is like communism. The definition of it doesn't match the actual intentions and even less the final result.
There's nothing I can say that Jow Forums doesn't alredy know. Anyone that tries to make a change gets crushed. If there's not a violent coup I don't know what could release us from the dark times that await us.
Even though Bukowski was a degenerate kike I still have a soft spot for him from when I used to read him in my younger degenerate days.
Fuckin shits coming on here with their shitty teenage politic.
Let me drop this on you fagmotron.
USA isn't Democratic.
USSR wasn't communist.
China isn't communist.
Sweden isn't socialist.
No one country in the history of civilization has been purely one form of government.
It is always a mix of ways of government.
The United States has a socialist system of emergency response.
China does, and always has, had certain exemptions to their policies, which made those policies non-communist by definition.
Same with the USSR.
Every country on the face of this earth has compromised the original intent, or definition of the systems they established to govern due to the overwhelming need for things to actually function.
You can't have competing subscription based private fire departments because it completely compromises the ability to stop fires from engulfing whole neighborhoods.
Same thing with police.
Same thing with the military.
The US shouldn't even have a military according to the founding documents and beliefs of the signers of the declaration.
We should have well regulated militias of the peoples own organization. The government was never intended to wield the people as a weapon in petty international disputes.
But, then the need (or so the government thought) for a military as we know it came along and we had to compromise that too.