Fat people should be fined or institutionalized. Change my mind

Fat people should be fined or institutionalized. Change my mind.

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another fat person will grow in it's place. THEY HAVE ENABLERS YOU HAVE TO INSTITUTIONALIZE THE ENABLER

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Inb4 some nigger comes in and says “thicc”

>Make unhealthy food illegal
There I did it. Fixed the entire obesity problem.

>b-but theyll just eat 5000 calories of healthy food a day
Real food makes you feel full so no they wont. 500 cal of real food makes you feel more full than 1000 cal of garbage.

making things illegal just makes them more expensive. You WANT to see fat whore beggars all over the streets?
>just ban begging

These people are a drain on society. We need to do something about them or they will bankrupt us.

it's not like anyone is forcing you to spend money on them???

we just need fat tax


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>More expensive

Perfect. In fact we should tax unhealthy food so society can at least benefit from it.

They should have their estates confiscated, then they should be killed.

Reduce gibs
Welfare is a vital part of the safety net, but it has gone too far.

That video is almost certainly staged, but I can tell you from experience that up to the point that chocolate was added, foods like this are not out of the ordinary for people of that size. She probably eats the whole thing while watching tv.

It's so infuriating watching the stupidity at display watching My 600lb life

>I hate watching my loved one suffer, which is why I keep enabling them by bringing them 15k calories worth of food per day. If I don't they'll get mad, even though they are incapable of chasing after me so I can just disengage until they calm down.

If someone gets so big they are bed ridden their caretaker should be arrested for gross negligence.

>lets make food more expensive

hahahaha implying we aren't going to run out of it in 10 years

I got a better idea. We make them all into soap and pelt Antifa with it.

mass genocide

This is the first thing on this site to legitimately make me nauseous.

'Mass' being the key word.

Nah fuck em, just don't assist them with free healthcare or gibs. It's a free country if a cunt wants to be fat let them live there life.

They should be deported or executed.

Would fug

Thanks dingo! That's rare!

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I've seen this before, what the fuck is this thing? What is the context?

I want to be horrified but I cant tell whats going on

Fat people should be fined or institutionalized. Change my mind.

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tl;dr: chinese healthcare is expensive and this family had to build a tard containment unit from scratch.

>a lot of poor people have bad diets and are obese
>fast food chains take EBT
What did the government mean by this?

They could have really done a better job.

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Our food is being fucked with, heaps of people get fat, the media hates on fat women at the same time as encouraging fat women to be be empowered and aggressive. Even if you don’t give a shit about whether most women are fat or not, you get drawn into the firing line by some blog post telling you you fucking suck if you don’t date fat women. Perfect fake media generated fight.

Each episode is like a case study in codependency. You can’t get that big on your own. Past a certain point, you have to have people bringing shit to you.

Every healthcare system is you stupid chink

If she's wealthy that's a pretty good plan. Drown the bitch in fat so the cause of death is fishy, cash the fuck out on inheritance and insurance.

I mean, she's gotta be insured.


i've realized i'm one. i'm a type 1 diabetic, so i always feel hungry and restricted. but indulging will harm me.

but i can live vicariously. i bomb my young niece and nephew with candy and junk food. and i frequently sabotage my obese mom's diet by buying her ice cream, cinnamon rolls, etc.

goddamn people like myself are heinous. but occasionally i become self-aware of this bad behavior and decide not to engage in it.


>350 lbs and below
Put a government enforced diet and tax
>351 and above
(also allows volunteers for 350 and under who want to avoid the tax and get healthy)
Put in a big building with labor centers, healthy foods, sports teams, family visits, and a way to leave after two weeks if they agree to certain terms and conditions etc. Specialists work on sorting these people out in a humane way. Ideally would be mostly covered with the labor centers but also could be tax funded. (i know you don't want to pay for it but imagine what society would look like in 10 years.)

Untrue, EBT cannot be used for hot food, however it can be used for literally everything else aside from alcohol. All the cake, Monster and lobster you can imagine is a nice blue card away.

t. was a cashier at a grocery store in high school, people on gibs should be gassed


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Seems more like a surrogate problem.
Are you by any chance disphoric?

And why should I care if I'm a drain on society? Society isn't something special.

>Fat people should be fined

In my country, they are.
We have mandatory health checks, and if they are above a certain fat threshold, their tax rate is increased until they lose the weight.

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I like how she's doing that 'take a little taste' thing that chefs do, but with 4" thick slabs of fucking cheese.

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fined monthly per 5% body fat percentage over moderately healthy and money directly sent to food programs for the hungry.

medically supervised protein-sparing fast.

basically restrain them and starve them until they become a healthy weight.

Im so happy that Fasting is catching on as a diet/weight loss device. I get so mad watching "weight loss doctors" give bullshit advice to these massive overweight people telling them to eat X amount of calories a day. Like, if you are fat, you don't need to eat. for real. The best thing that could be done for these massive fat people is to send them to an island resort with no food and just give them Vitamins until they are skinny.

I thought she was going to inhale that hotdog.

the biggest mind fuck to me is this advice that loosing more than 1-2 pounds a week is un healthy or unstainable.. my fucking 350 pound uncle tells me this shit and i'm like buddy im sure loosing 5-10 pounds a week isnt going to hurt you.. maybe i'm wrong

>fined monthly per 5% body fat percentage over moderately healthy and money directly sent to food programs for the hungry.
this works in theory, but have you seen the people who go to food banks? In the USA I swear the poorest people are the fattest. all the people who go into the soup kitchens and food banks are on scooters and probably weight like 700lbs.