>As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white c***” as they beat me.
>They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress “modestly”, that they believed I deserved to be “punished”. They said I had to “obey” or be beaten.
>Fear of being killed, and threats to my parents’ lives, made it impossible for me to escape for about a year. The police didn’t help me.
What happened in Rotherham was a good thing, the media has just twisted it to suit their racist agenda.
white slags = halal fuck meat.
John Jones
Actual Muslim here (see flag), no it was not OK at all. It would come under the definition of fasad in an actual Muslim state and the perps would be crucified and have a hand and foot on opposite sides cut off. Not even kidding, look up the punishment for fasad.
Jason Roberts
i just love when one mudshit calls another mudshit "not a real mudshit" mudshits ALWAYS fall back to the 'no true scotsman' fallacy.
does the korin have a passage similar to the one in the bible that says "judge not lest ye be judged"?
Dominic Powell
Begone, leaf.
Brody Fisher
Why are pol faggots so obsessed with pedophilia?
Adam Clark
This is true, these men sinned. Concubines are only allowed after a battle. It's not true scotsman, he's actually right, according to Islamic law, these men would be killed. But since there's no Islamic authority now, they can probably justify it using their culture. Which is islamic influenced obviously. What they should have done is convert them to Islam and marry them in a shariah court outside the law. And produce many children.
Easton Diaz
White people are typically child molestors, where did this Islamic molester meme come from?
Jeremiah Gomez
how about you "begone" from the western world. and while you're at it. take all the other mudshits with you.
Samuel Watson
And God's is the east and the west: and wherever you turn, there is God's countenance. Behold, God is infinite, all-knowing. - 2:115
Easton Campbell
That's for qibla. Migration to dar al kufr is not allowed.
Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves - [the angels] will say, "In what [condition] were you?" They will say, "We were oppressed in the land." The angels will say, "Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?" For those, their refuge is Hell - and evil it is as a destination. 4:97
And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many [alternative] locations and abundance. And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him - his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful. 4:100
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645
Nicholas Evans
The first verse you mentioned from An Nisa doesn't say you can't go to or live in Dar al Kufr and if it did it would actually be contradicted by the next verse you quoted. And Quran overrules Hadith *always*.
Matthew Richardson
Every Israeli strike against the terrorist state Gaza puts a smile on my face, every missile is a small bit of justice delivered which makes the world a better place.
>first verse you mentioned from An Nisa doesn't say you can't go to or live in Dar al Kufr yes it does, its talking about being oppressed in the land of kufr and asking them why they didnt leave
>it would actually be contradicted by the next verse you quoted no, again its talking about alternative locations to migrate to for the sake of islam
>Quran overrules Hadith *always*. yeah but in this case its sahih and theres no contradiction
only reason to live in non muslim lands is if 1. you do dawah 2. you can practice islam fully which you cant since you have to be sinning daily like seeing women and using interest
Andrew James
they should bomb hezbolat imo
Nathaniel Sanchez
They've learned their lesson not long ago.
Chase Ortiz
Well the condition clearly mentions that the people were oppressed and didn't leave. You can't just then take that verse and apply your ideological viewpoint onto it. Unless you want to take your seat in the hellfire.
>alternative locations What locations are there other than Dar al Kufr or Dar al Islam. You need to stop applying a limited set of logic onto your statements and think of what the verse is saying in a wider perspective. We Muslims tend to not have anything other than a very literalist, rigid stance on what any verse is saying. Even though doing this is sinful in itself as you are applying your own ideology onto any given verse.
A lot of your assumptions are just bullshit and weak Salafist "logic".
Christian Cruz
I see you are a moderate cocopuff muslim, I used to be like this sadly. Listen, this small oppression will get worst and you won't be able to live there in the near term. So I advise leaving. May Allah swt guide us in either case.
Chase Brown
>moderate cocopuff muslim You don't know me very well, kiddy. I'm not very moderate. And you are very retarded to think that because I advocate use of logic, context, perspective and rationality that I would be. Don't worry though, I don't expect much thought from literalist Salafis.
Christopher Powell
Civic nationalist faggots love to blame Islam. They wuz gud boys they jus been misled by bad ideas n shieet.
No. Sandniggers are a bunch of violent inbred rapists who should fuck off back to the desert where they belong
Xavier Ward
There's literally nothing wrong with salafism.
Brody Price
Everything is wrong with it, starting with the name. The Quran states clearly in 5:7 that many verses are not meant to taken literally and that those would do are the diseased. Yet you Salafis insist on your literalist and rigid bullshit? Who the fuck are you trying to kid? There are one or two very isolated/quarantine Salafi mosques where I'm from. The people I see going there are the low IQ degenerate nigger-culture NEET types. That tells me pretty much all I need to know about Salafis though I understand your ideology well enough. You have no people of quality because people of quality see through your bullshit instantly.
Elijah Russell
Also if you think I'm moderate read my first post ITT. You don't know shit about me. I advise you to stop judging your fellow Muslims, maybe our thinking has advanced far past your own and you are stuck at alif bay tay.
Jeremiah Morgan
Answer him paki
Ethan Carter
>The Quran states clearly in 5:7 that many verses are not meant to taken literally and that those would do are the diseased
Quran 3:7
"He it is Who has revealed the Book to you; some of its verses are decisive (Muhkam), they are the basis of the Book, and others are allegorical (Mutashabih); then as for those in whose hearts there is perversity they follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead and seeking to give it (their own) interpretation. but none knows its interpretation except Allah, and those who are firmly rooted in knowledge say: We believe in it, it is all from our Lord; and none do mind except those having understanding."
First, in your seething rage you didn't even quote the right verse. Second, I will explain it. We accept that verse obviously, we aren't absolute literalists at all, there are clear verses where we derive rulings, there are the MAJORITY of the book. Those I posted are indeed clear rulings. And not mutashabihat verses. If you claim the previous verses I posted about migration don't apply in your case, then fine that's your opinion, but if you claim they are metaphorical then you will need to prove that. Salafism is only following the quran and sunnah according to the understanding of the first 3 generations. Every muslim, is in theory, a salafi. Since all the 4 schools of Islam follow the imams of the salaf. I won't put it against you if you are a paki with little arabic knowledge.
If you knew anything about Islam and stopped pretending you did, you wouldn't look like such a fool and rage at a fellow muslim.
O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers. 49:11
Christian Wood
At the end she still goes >Not all muslims She wants more of it obviously
Ethan Peterson
Let's see the flag. I can almost guarantee you are a 70 IQ North African.
Hunter Reed
It manifestly isn't all Muslims though
Evan Nguyen
Racist deviant.
Jose Price
Yeah I got the wrong verse, its still early here, I woke up like an hour ago. Its so well known that it was easy for you to correct me so there you go. >seething lol nice meme buzzword but I am not seething, just pointing out to you why I disagree with the failed ideology of Salafism. If you people had a clue, ISIS wouldn't have been a complete shitshow from the start. So you think 4:97 is a ruling? And not mutashabihah? Whats your basis? To me it seems it could go either way so I'm surprised you are so certain it's definitely a mukhamat. Maybe you are ready to take a seat in the hellfire after all. And in most cases, especially when it comes to deriving rulings from the Quran (which is what I was on about from the beginning) then yes Salafis are absolute literalists, and absolute morons I might add. >4 schools means everyone should be salafi Lmao. Like I said you don't really apply much thinking, maybe you should start instead of just following what you've been told in a book by some dumbo Salafi """alim""". I'm ridiculing you with a view to correcting you, I have debated many of you in the past, and you always run away like crying babies when I start dropping logic and facts.
Carson Garcia
Muslim = target to extermination
Gavin Lewis
why do you care, english "teacher" ? we dont have to worry about pakis exploding in this country. why even fucking post on Jow Forums anymore, we're living the dream in this mystical island
Cooper Davis
this is why americans drone strike your hospitals, and it's a good thing
Carter Johnson
>calls me a paki >gets mad about my comment See how bad you are at logic? And this inability to logic feeds into virtually every other part of your thinking. Worth considering very deeply. Also you have no basis to call anyone a deviant, especially being a Salafi. Your little group of bought-off "scholars" are the worst deviants in Islam of the current age, because all of the other deviant sects like Shia are very upfront about their deviance, only you dress it up as obedience to the Quran and Hadith. The best and most recent example of how you will always fail is ISIS. You don't have any rational capacity to judge and think and use logic, you only chimp out like goons and you got ended like the chimps you are. Its sad because Iraq and Syria could have done with some good governance but when you only have a pool of low IQ chimps to pick from, then you are only going to get a zoo.
Jace Morales
>She wants more of it obviously
She doesn't want to face the leftist lynching mob and on top of being perceived as a used up sex slave/whore/years long rape victim also be perceived, labeled and outcast as an islamo-/xenophobic racist. Sad fucking state.
What she probably meant was: those who label themselves muslims in spite of them ignoring the totality of teachings of the "religion" aren't religiously sanctified rapists or facilitators of religiously sanctified rape per se.
Justin Anderson
One more thing, Salafi, you have to give a basis for why you said >That's for qibla Why do you assume this verse isn't mutashabihah? Again unless you are preparing your seat in the hellfire, in which case continue as you were. Filthy follower of Najd.
Bentley Long
Any proof is mutashabihat? These are a minority of verses. 4:97 is definitely clear saying things without proof will land you in jahanum
>4 schools means everyone should be salafi the 4 imams were salafs prove me wrong instead of using strawmen
>call me a paki whats wrong with that? i never said its low iq or anything bad about being a pakistani, I actually reached my word limit so i shortened it
you call us deviant yet im certain you cuck for kuffar daily and are nice with them yet are strict and harsh with other muslims you disagree with
repent and stop shitposting
Connor Morales
>Why do you assume this verse isn't mutashabihah? because its a literal command about the qiblah if you read the previous verse, you complete fool, do you have a disease in your heart and assume that most verses are metaphors?? then prepare yourself a seat in the hell fire !!
>Filthy follower of Najd haha sufi yes we are proud of the najd dawah and proud to have put down that shitty turgay empire lmao
Levi Perry
>The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I disown every Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2645
>hadith dogcancer yeah my dad heard his grandfather say there is a hadith passed down in my family lineage alone, that mohammad said he loved ham sandwiches, must be true. burn eternally in hellfire for your hadith misguidance, deceiver of men
Blake Johnson
>What locations are there other than Dar al Kufr or Dar al Islam. Dar al dawa, dar al ahd, dar al sulh but none of this vile bullshit matters.
Ahmed you have to go back!!
Nathaniel Walker
Are you muslim?
Nicholas Rivera
>you call us deviant yet im certain you cuck for kuffar daily and are nice with them yet are strict and harsh with other muslims you disagree with
You most certainly have to go back too Ahmed. Back to your shitty islamic country you go!
Stop ruining the civilized world with your disgusting presence.
Ryan Barnes
by the true definition "one who submits to the will of God," then yes, i strive to be
Robert Jenkins
Not Japan too. :(
Jaxson Wood
One anonymous internet poster Vs actual imams ok-ing and being involved in their behavior. I'm going to have to go with the priests.
Gavin Adams
FUCK off Muhammed you can't do that when a leaf is being BASED
Jose Phillips
considering im fluent and literate, im your ideal expat, sorry bud. watch less talmud-vision and learn a thing or two about how we live our lives. surprise surprise, i love dogs and dont think gays should be killed. hadiths are the number 1 source of terrorism and everything wrong with "muslims"
educate yourself on "real islam." you can start here quran.com, good read
Take off the memeflag, chickenshit. >Any proof is mutashabihat? These are a minority of verses So now you will decide for everyone what is mutashabihah or not? As I said before, its your choice if you want to burn. >Najd You have already been cursed by the Prophet, doesn't that bother you? Also I'm not a Sufi. Again, if you think I'm moderate I'd refer to you to my original comment.
>literal command about the Qibla Lmao. Are you saying Allah is deficient in the use of language? Because that verse doesn't mention the qibla once, so who are you kidding you triggered african chimp? And yes I'm strict on deviants, and no I don't give either kafir or Muslim any special deference these days as it is hard to know who is who until you get to know someone. There are many deviants bound for the hellfire who talk and dress like Muslims. Another memeflag making up stuff lol. Stop. Wut Begone, Jew.
Daniel Green
arnoud van doorn
Joseph Powell
Deport them all. One of these days it's going to be your own daughter, or the daughter of someone you close to you. Then what? Are we really going to be docile like lambs ready for the slaughter? He who makes himself sheep will find a wolf to eat him.
>i love dogs Not surprised at all, know of at least one branch of islam in which dogs are considered a-ok.
>educate yourself on "real islam." you can start here quran.com, good read Yeah I know of your kind, plenty of filth in the qu-ran too. I get that you would like to salvage as much as possible of your heritage but I would very much like to have nothing to do with any of it.
I respect your good intentions but I fear your cause is doomed to fail.
Chase Young
>Another memeflag making up stuff lol. Stop.
I didn't come up with any of it, your fellow muslims/islamic scholars did. Probably not your flavor of islam though. Couldn't care less, it's all poison and unwanted.
Isaiah Ortiz
Everytime i hear about the arena bombing i cant help not to laugh. Those white cunts got was coming to them.
Caleb Garcia
>fasad That's a funny way to spell 'halal'
Caleb Jenkins
>branch of islam >your cause
there are no branches of islam and i dont have a cause. sorry.
Nicholas Murphy
Take a long hard look in the mirror Ahmed, that worthless filth you see, we all see that too.
Liam Evans
I'm not really against thots getting patrolled but blowing up kids is not right and if you grew up here and don't realise that, then there's something wrong with you or you're just another low IQ paki/chav on Jow Forums, which is obvious from your typing ability. If they wanted to make a difference why not attack the state instead of attacking young kids? Its things like this that will turn the majority of Muslims against you. We tolerate edginess but only up to a point.
Asher Allen
Yes yo do, the whole "only qu'ran nothing else" meme is clearly a cause, denying the existence of other followers of the qu'ran who on top of that follow hadith and sirah and its interpretations by different scholars doesn't change a thing.
Pointless. All filth.
Jackson Roberts
Salafis and wahabbis get the burning tire necklace in due time.
Lucas Lopez
Disgusting. You people make me sick.
Blake Sanchez
>its still early here, I woke up like an hour ago. Why aren't you in church, infidel?
John Fisher
BooHoo white cunts are blown to pieces, the same terror they inflicted on to the whole world. It serves those nasty white kids right. Fuck them and i hope there bodies are rotting in fucking piss.
Isaiah Phillips
i dont deny their existence because i hear about them all the time, raping little girls and killing innocent people. what i deny is the notion that their "form of islam" is correct.
you see islam is very simple. there's god, and he gave us the quran. everything you need to know is in that book. i really dont know how anyone with internet access and basic literacy skills isnt a muslim, theres the entirety of the quran in like 10 different translations on numerous sites. all you have to do is read it and you'll go "oh. is that what ____ is about." its so simple, its like people w𝘢nt to be ignorant or something
Chase Wilson
What are you doing in a white country you hate so much then, aside from scrounging benefits? (An no that's not jizya, that's them taking pity in your pathetic worthless state.) Do hope gchq is monitoring you abu shitstain al diaspora.
Levi Scott
It's funny that you blame the West because last time I checked, muzzies were still being killed en mass by other muzzies.
You're alright Japbro. BTW I don't agree with you on the point of throwing out all Hadith but we can let that go for another day.
Isaac Rivera
lol cuck, are u turkish
>So now you will decide for everyone what is mutashabihah or not? Literally nobody disputes that they are muhkamat verses.
>Lmao. Are you saying Allah is deficient in the use of language? Because that verse doesn't mention the qibla once, so who are you kidding you triggered african chimp?
im gonna show u the verses and refute u once and for all you racist trash
Surah al-baqarah
142. The foolish among the people will say, "What has turned them away from their qiblah, which they used to face?" Say, "To Allah belongs the east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a straight path."
143. And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. And We did not make the qiblah which you used to face except that We might make evident who would follow the Messenger from who would turn back on his heels. And indeed, it is difficult except for those whom Allah has guided. And never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith. Indeed Allah is, to the people, Kind and Merciful.
144. We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muhammad], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture well know that it is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.
Read the context you fool, dont speak about anything randomly pls
>There are many deviants bound for the hellfire who talk and dress like Muslims.
takfiri dog
Ethan Davis
shiite filth
Zachary Jackson
proxyfag with the bantz
Gavin Sanders
>Wait a minute, so it was religion? so not 'asians'? >After a fight on a Muslim wedding >Bride was probably underage archive.is/GQSdh
Carter Martin
Maybe its the people that practise it? You know like niggers pretending to run democratic banana republics.
This was only a kurd though so i guess he was half a mussie anyway just wanted to show what my friend did(hes treated a hero in his town for this)
Nathan Morris
too long didn't read
Brandon Price
>memeflag with a low effort failed attempt at bantz Fixed that for you
Leo Long
You are a turd, you turds always fart out the usual accusations about Sufi and Shia, like you actually think the normal Sunni people of the world agree with you lmao. Do you accuse the entire population of the non-Arab Muslim world as being Sufi or Shia you fucking joke? Take off that flag you disgrace. Let's see what you are.
>Literally nobody disputes Not an argument.
2:142 is a different verse in a different chapter from the one I mentioned earlier. Don't try sleight of hand on Jow Forums, its embarrassing and pathetic. You don't get to say that every single verse in which east and west is mentioned is about qibla. Still nor an argument. Its just as I thought and as I predicted here You don't have a comprehension of logic or facts.
Lucas Morgan
I came here to mooch thats what i came here for. I fucking hate white people who dosent. You just love to give me shit aswell, your all a bunch of faggots who love to steal culture aswell.
Well you white no need for your fucking bullshit anymore we are bringing islam to you & we will fucking happily slice every white babies throat open. We all know you filthy dogs are scared fucking shitless have fun you fucking white fuckers. Live by the white sword you will eventually die by it.
Dominic Moore
Even pakis are not this low IQ, triggered and butthurt. I can guarantee you are a fucking Somali.
Nolan Ramirez
Yeah you'll be smitten down by the sword of a man more righteous than you, that's what that saying means you uneducated pleb. Keep posting tho, you're entertaining
>[Say], "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters.
toss out all hadith, do not look back
Carson Garcia
You would love that wouldn't you. Aww whats thematter a filthy white faggot dosent know any racial slurs for an iraqi. Just goes to show you how filthy whites have a small neanderthal brain.
I honestly cant wait until we can start beheading your fucking children how fucking fun would that be. Fucking white dog.
Matthew Morgan
I don't think this is saying throw out all Hadith, but as I've already stated ITT, it's an argument for the precedence of the Qur'an above anything else. >Iraqi I don't hit a man when he's down.
Gabriel Gonzalez
why are you following hadith when orders from god have been given in full detail? and if you arent following hadith, toss em out.
Jonathan Reed
When Israeli tried to invade the Golan Heights and Hezbollab kicked their asses and they had to withdraw?
Andrew Reed
Keep sucking and slurping that white cock you filthy nip, nobody and i mean nobody would give a fuck if some small dick faggot slant eyed kids dies in a tsunami again. Allah hates you fruitful faggots.
Ethan Martin
im white...
Colton Wright
>You don't know me very well, kiddy. I'm not very moderate
why are you in a white country?
Kayden Thompson
Begone, leaf. Last warning before I get the rake.
Nathaniel Wilson
>Actual Muslim here (see flag), no it was not OK at all. It's also interesting how these grooming gangs appear to be a phenomenon of British people.
Luke Harris
This kid is the white Patric3 O'Neal
Cooper Allen
>enters white country as a beggar >speaks english on white computer network >thinks he'll be in charge one day
typical shitskin fantasy
Gabriel Morales
Shhh, you're not allowed to question whether the girls had fucked up backgrounds and already were into drugs. The Tommy Robinson narrative that you better not fucking question guvna is that wahmen should be allowed to do what they like and even their parents shouldn't be allowed to control them. Shiiieet user, you're not supposed to question European culture here. You better not come here with any of that MGTOW shit about putting wahmen back in line.
David Lewis
Why did you flee other shitskins to live with whites?