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Should Catholicism be banned in America?
Noah Ward
Xavier Hughes
I suppose not.
Hudson Brown
t. satan
Eli Hall
dont ban anything statist cuck
Matthew Perez
>souther hick evangelical Protestidiot
As a catholic myself, We've won, you lost. Go back to being hick trash in Mississippi or wherever you scum come from
Angel Green
Ehh no but non whites should be, which is what I think the majority of Catholics are.
Prove me wrong if I am.
Ayden Parker
I don't need to be in the KKK, to know shitskins are sub human
Joshua Reyes
If you're a catholic you're not a true American.
Dominic Mitchell
all white males should be Agnostic in order to remain intellectually objective while females should have the choice to worship deities as long as it has positive affects on their life.
Aiden Harris
Yes. Although there was one Catholic signer of the declaration of independence (Charles Carroll), Catholicism is inherently anti American. The first Irish Catholics that immigrated to America voted for the Democrat party; the party of criminals, cheap labor, and non white immigration at the time. Irish Catholics were also the reason why America has a police force, because the Irish would invade upper class white/Anglo neighborhoods and commit all sorts of crime, robbery and pickpocketing being the most common crime. Ironically enough, the police force originally consisted of only Irish Catholics, hired by the whites. The Irish didn't mind, because it was a good paying job, and they were thuggish by nature and loved to rough people up. So technically, the police were sort of like a gang, paid for by the natives to keep other Irish Catholics and non whites out.
Still to this day, the majority of cops from cities like Chicago, Philly, Boston, and New York are predominantly Irish. It's even a paddy tradition in Boston to be a criminal or a pig. Both groups are scumbags by nature. Whites can police themselves. Potato niggers were the first Mexicans. At least the Catholic ones.
Nolan Stewart
Go have some saltines and grape juice you Protestant filth. Your kind are the reason the Church is so fucked these days.
Are you a Catholic, or a (((Novus Ordo)))? Either way you're probably a Yank so fuck you.
Julian Kelly
Nope but they should put race restrictions on future Christians.
Nolan Powell
The moment we step down that path it begins the murky waters.
The best solution is to just prioritize white protestant immigrants, like we used to
Samuel Cook
Until they give us a real pope who calls for a holy war. Yes. Not going to argue with you. But to be honest, All Christianity is semitic, we should go back to paganism and call it a day.
Adam Evans
Don't be a purity shill, Schlomo.
Jaxon Barnes
You're an atheist commie. Please change your flag.
Ethan Brooks
Ku Klux has always been anti-papist you modern piece of shit.
Cooper Reyes
What about my statement is atheist or communist? Are you projecting on me Moshe?
William Bennett
No, then my cousins would have a hard time
Agnosticism isn't even objective in any way, it takes the assumption that God CAN'T be known through human reason alone, which is false
Joseph Rivera
should just run the commie fucks out of the Vatican and be based again
Brody Cox