Jewish professor goes to Germany--gets assaulted by Palestenian immigrant (that he and his friends forced the country to accept)--then gets beaten up by the same German police who according to him "murdered his grandfather."
Am SJW I know shared this. Screencaps below. His post a little long but I found it quite funny. I think you will too.
>shitskins assaulting whites in Europe alright guys, this has gone for far enough, when are you Germans going to stand up to this nonsense stupidity?
Michael Cook
nice b8 m8
Cooper Adams
The Jew cries out in pain while striking you.
Must be time for the DHS to hand out billions in free money for security, and since Jews get around 97% of those grants, they're cranking up the hasbara machine.
Colton Howard
gg krauts
Tyler Garcia
If a jew says he was attacked by a "Palestinian" then he is lying
Palestinians don't consider themselves Palestinians, they call themselves wherever their family is from. If someone calls themselves Palestinian they are probably jewish too, since jews are so self-absorbed they think the world follows their labels
John Harris
someone needs to make a meme comic out of this
Justin Flores
Manages to blame America in this last statement too, while he was assaulted in Germany.
Fuck this kike. Fuck him with a rusty hammer.
Kayden Evans
A shoah, it's like anudda oy vey!
Carson Hill
In other news, Jow Forums is planning beef with that landwhale that sexually assaulted somebody
Brayden Hall
Wrong link:
Lincoln Morris
Thanks for the laugh OP. German polzei don't fuck around. I'll never forget that moment walking out the bar trying to get some air drunk as fuck with two officers spearing some randoms right in front of me (one woman and one man) beating the living shit out of him. Then they dragged him into their rape van.
Just stood there shaking nearly pissing myself and I was in army.
Grayson Johnson
>Crying about America when this entire fabricated incident happened in Germany
Do Jews have zero morals? What compels them to be such sniveling, evil little pricks?
Gabriel Miller
>Just stood there shaking nearly pissing myself and I was in army. Army bro of mine said they had those batons called 'beat sticks'. They just extend them, and they have some kind of elastic composition to them, so one hit turns into some compounding 'frequency' which just intensifies the police beating. 1 hit becomes 2, becomes 4 becomes 8, becomes 16, ad nauseum.
Hudson Perez
>I tried to kick him in the groin
Elijah Hughes
Based sandnigger defending Germany from the Jews
Oliver Adams
Adam White
>mfw sandniggers will do holocaust 2.0 and not Europeans
Like those bamboo sticks? Knowing germans its probably some super advanced patented rodney king stick that lays you out with twice the pain in half the time.
If you see polzei in germony be a good german. If you don't know how just fake it til you make it and don't look at them.
Hunter Rogers
The mist annoying thing is that the Police was prone to defend the mudslime, probably due to "trainning" against 'hate crimes' to the 'enriching minority' of Germany.
Ayden Adams
>If you see polzei in germony be a good german. If you don't know how just fake it til you make it and don't look at them. Yea, I did a TDY in Germany years back. Never had any problems with them. Even after hitting some bars and then the red light district in Munich. I'm a White bro though, non-kike, and actually half german anyway. I always treated them with respect and decency. Of course, I always behaved too and didn't start any shit with any of the locals, etc.
James Hall
police did nothing wrong here, they are always on edge with so much shit they have to take care of also the kike deserved it, we have to live with the shit they imported here permanently
Isaiah Smith
Eventually the Islamization of Europe will backfire on (((them))).
>keep trying to kick him in the groin >don't leave If you don't know how to fight there's nothing wrong with at least getting the fuck away
Matthew Bailey
he and his fellow jews all need to go to Israel and get out of the west
Jaxson Jenkins
I'm sure the whole 'you killed my great-grandfather, grand-mother, grand-father, etc. etc' and using WW2 and the Nazi's as a direct attack against a local cop didn't help at all. I mean shit, I know the Germans take at least a level of the Holocaust series, but bringing that shit up with a streetcop over half a century late for quick victim points WILL NOT put the jew on the good side of the police. Like you said, I'm sure the cops there are already on edge. Playing holocaust victim over half a century later and rubbing the salt in the cops face WILL NOT endear you to them.
McKikel could have just calmly explained the situation (like I have done with cops in America) and his result would have been much better. Using the victim card here is more than likely what caused this whole issue to escalate.
Luke James
They must do it more gradually? Too late. They appear to be impatient.
Henry Robinson
I am not OP. Who probably is using memeflaging to circunvent. German Federal laws over anything that could be classified as 'nazi' or 'antisemitismus'. Which are Crimethink in Germany.
>varg.jpg >stop letting muslims do your antisemitic hate crimes
Charles Powell
Can't people, like, commission private security and tell the corrupt police to fuck right off? Or even creating platoons of right minded Germans to keep watch over the police.
Can people even own guns in Germany?
Nolan James
What is Trump attempting to do? Whose bloodline is trumps family marrying into? I will not answer these questions, you have to think for yourself. Don't take my word or anyone else's word for it either. Draw your own conclusions. You too
Nicholas Gray
No. Some guns. But you organize observation of the cops and you get fucked over
John Reed
I think there is a decent possibility that that part never actually happened irl and he just made that up.
Wyatt Bennett
>jews >white
Ryan Edwards
I wouldn't be surprised. Read the last picture how mr. gotassbeatdown brags about 'muh thought experiments since doktor of philosophy' and 'bonn police can't square teh circle'. Talk about a bloviating shitbag....
Dylan Allen
Does anyone believe this shit? He allegedly got punched in the face s few dozen times by grown and trained men and he was still completely conscious and even brave enough to ask for their names and numbers. The dude has prolly never been punched in his life.
Anthony Allen
Whats up with this guy and his passion for groin kicking
Its funny because your own population is going to be majority Arab in like 1 decade.
Nathan Carter
>im not afraid of them! they killed my whole family in the shoa in one single day so alas im not afraid of german poleese what type of moron wrote that script?
also thats not what your face looks like if you got beat in the head "a couple dozen times" by grown men whilst beeing unable to defend yourself
No, you won't and you know it. To do that would be suicide on your part. The goyim would rise up and blame whoever is the most convenient and whoever the finger was pointed at. You would first need to indoctrinate the third worlders to the fucked up ideology you push on all other races/religions before allowing them into the host countries that they would be economic parasites in. Only then could you trust that the whites and them wouldn't rise up against you and your compatriots, hence you guys allowing soft anti immigration legislators who will only allow a certain number of non whites into their countries to be indoctrinated slowly with the whites. It's simple logic really. I'm surprised more people don't realize this.
Jason Bennett
>The Jew cries out in pain while striking you. this, the goyim policemen knew
Easton Morgan
oh vey, what a jewish stick, hits with interest
Jose Ortiz
Kikes are like niggers in that they decry antisemitism/racism but they each crave their own personal experience with it so they can legitimize their victimhood. This hebe couldn’t wait to write (and embellish) his son story about the evil nazi Germans and even manages to tie in his bigger allies back home with the American police brutality jab at the end. Even has the gall to mention trying to kick the guy in the nits twice, which he probably learned from his daughters white male rape prevention class
Jaxon Wood
He speaks of news articles, did he link to any? I don't know how to search through Deutsche Welle's archives. It doesn't seem like the sort of paper that would publish mundane press releases.