Evening fellas.
>Peter Dutton contradicts Morrison and says migrant cut positive for the economy archive.fo /8Y0Qz#selection-1352.0-1352.1
>Australian show business has a problem: Where are all the women at the top?archive.fo /lNF3f#selection-250.0-250.1
>Australian resident number 25 million due next monthunv.is /baka.com.au/national/australian-resident-number-25-million-due-next-month-20180709-p4zqb5.html
>Australian hospitals invest in robotic surgery systemarchive.fo /MtFti#selection-4030.0-4030.4
>Launceston Council to discuss funds for Australian Tourism Awards archive.fo /7DCLw#selection-893.12-893.23
>Bill Shorten labels probe into Catholic education as un-Australianunv.is /baka.com.au/politics/federal/bill-shorten-labels-probe-into-catholic-education-as-un-australian-20180714-p4zrht.html
>Trade war masks a bigger problem in China's slowing economyarchive.fo /K8hof#selection-250.0-250.1
>Voting age should be lowered to 16, law expert arguesunv.is /baka.com.au/politics/federal/voting-age-should-be-lowered-to-16-law-expert-argues-20180711-p4zqvx.html
>Matt Canavan says National Party is not wedded to coalarchive.fo /oCV0Y#selection-1706.0-1706.1
>John 'alpha' Howard reasserts his 'immense authority'unv.is /baka.com.au/politics/federal/back-on-the-front-line-of-the-culture-wars-john-howard-reasserts-his-immense-authority-20180712-p4zr60.html
>Common struggle: Black Lives Matter leader talks of painful parallels with Indigenous Australia archive.fo /jQPPu#selection-1352.0-1352.1
Previous thread
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July 15, 2018 - 07:15
Asking again Fellas, I'm not really enjoying uni, should I tough it out or get an apprenticeship?
Attached: just chicken my shit up fam.jpg (720x545, 22K)
July 15, 2018 - 07:18
Daily Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.
July 15, 2018 - 07:20
CBA and Westpac have reduced the interest rate on savings accounts lads
July 15, 2018 - 07:21
Stay at uni, apprenticeships are dead - Don't listen to the fuckwits complaining that people are short on skills. the fuckers will just raise the bar again and demand MOAR training.
July 15, 2018 - 07:21
Still here, just can't post on my Vodaphone while on the road doing gig, which is were I am most days thanks to the boomers fucking Perth
July 15, 2018 - 07:23
Help Hiroshomoot out and buy a pass
July 15, 2018 - 07:24
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July 15, 2018 - 07:26