is bill clinton really his dad?
Is bill clinton really his dad?
unlikely, the Clintons clean up lose ends
Looks more like his son than Chelsea looks like his daughter
No, Bill Clinton is sterile
dunno, but he looks just like him.
this guy could find any relative of bill clinton and see if they are related
Billy-Jeff is not sterile, he just couldn't bring himself to fuck that beast, Hillary.
Could be, but like people have said if the Clintons really are involved in human trafficking with seems likely why would they allow a loose end like this to exist and walk around?
That's because Chelsea is the daughter of Hillaries hubbyboo.
No. He's one of those people everybody brings out for elections, then once they're over nobody cares. Just like all those women they brought out against Trump.
No. Clinton shoots blanks. That’s why Webb Hubble is chelseas father
That bottom lip is undeniable. Looks like a fucking inner tube
it's known Bill's into blacks - and not the kempt and "white features type", but the most base, ruff looking, bestial and ghetto negroids
What if he sterlised his jimmies as a result of this accident with dannys mum when he was born? I mean he knew he was gonna be banging chicks other than hillary(dyke) for the next 40years
Dumb nigger could do a Dna test and post his matches for us. Would show clear enough evidence.
Real surname of Bill Clinton is not Clinton. 7 millions Americans are tested on Ancestrydna alone. You have tools like Lazarus on Gedmatch.
Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946, at Julia Chester Hospital in Hope, Arkansas.[1][2] He was the son of William Jefferson Blythe Jr., a traveling salesman who had died in an automobile accident three months before his birth, and Virginia Dell Cassidy (later Virginia Kelley).[3] His parents had married on September 4, 1943, but this union later proved to be bigamous, as Blythe was still married to his third wife.
thats a new tidbit nice one - he took his mothers last name as he was effectively a bastard