I give up. This shit has opened my eyes. This is literally the most CANCER fucking thing I've ever seen. We're doomed. It's over.
The Absolute State Of White Women
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fucking link faggott
To opress somebody you have to let them act out and give you a decent reason to put them back in their place. Just be patient.
It's funny that all the black dudes in the entire stream were chill and had the patience to not just knock this obnoxious, vacuous cunt out.
>w-whites are superior and smart!!
lmao. What a fucking joke.
What the fuck is wrong with these white anglo mutt women? I swear to god the whole world is looking at you guys like wtf are you doing. And then you fags on here have the audacity to shit talk Slavic girls and say they aren't white. Give me a Croatian over an American any day
This is the most fundamentally fucked up thing I have ever witnessed.
>Be an entitled obnoxious imbecile
>40 years old
>Go to compton for attention
>Talk to a spic gangster who you think is hot
>Lead him on
>Let him walk you in to the middle of nowhere
>Proceed to call uber because you are scared
>He starts hitting you and throws water at you, almost kidnapping you, also steals your jacket
>You are so relieved the uber has finally shown up
>Hasnt stopped talking in 5 hours STRAIGHT
>Get in to the uber and immedietly start to talk about how hot the potential rapist was and want to call him and see if you can invite him over to your place
>"Hes so hot, can I invite him to beverly hills, I liked him"
I honestly cannot describe how fucked up this is. This is an actual 40 year old woman in America, acting like this.
Yep, there is no hope left.
Get this shit outta here
>This is literally the most CANCER fucking thing I've ever seen
my iq
Why do women think disgusting botox fish lips look good?
She's 47.
why is she so mean to mr ice
>a hot milf has low IQ
what do you expect from women like
>Live in Compton
I live near there.
Someone tell her to hit the meth pipe and blow some smoke in front of the camera by 'accident'.
Or make her show nipples for a fiver.
>giving up when you could find yourself happy and smiling
why are people giving her so much money?
she must have made thousands of dollars.
who are these idiots? I was just hoping she would get killed because she's so fucking annoying.
Artificial wombs and sexbots will make women obsolete.
It's because she's attention starved and has no man
I knew a woman who was 50, married to a soi, no kids and was fucking every guy she met. She used to go on vacation to other states just to fuck her friends. The guy was a cuck, but not a consensual one.
who is mr ice?
I'm confused, what is happening in this thread.
mods are allowing non-politics threads about e-thots and the thirsty paypigs who donate to them
who is this bitch and why am I watching her
shes got 4 years left, at best
>crazy middle-aged woman does something
>all hope is lost
Kill you are shelf, imbecile.
quick rundown?
jesus she's still going on
press 1 for yes 2 for no
I had to get out. Voice is raspy but not in a good way
old hag still thinks she's in high school
>literally all she had to do was walk around and talk to people
>constantly gets back in the car and let's some fag tell her where to go instead of where she was told to go
God protects stupid people
What does Jow Forums think of lil tay?
Imagine being married to that... I would rather be a lifelong virgin than listen to that woman speak for more than 3 minutes.
Aw man...she's so full of herself she can't see straight. And that's probably why she's so stupid.
Hi, jew
Every whore from West Hollywood believes that
It's like she's constanly in great pain and has to apease her tiny cockthirsty mind by projecting her inner disharmony onto the outside world.
Thus screeching NON STOP.
I watches this bitch 3 hours yesterday and I experienced mental pain, I felt a brain tumor forming. My god.
Your punching a bit above your weight there bud
Not me tho.