The U.S. State Department has just issued travel warnings to all U.S. Citizens planning to enter Mexico. Apparently the Drug Cartels are not too thrilled about Communism and are in open Rebellion against the Mexican Government. Cartels have begun openly engaging Mexican Army positions in Northern Mexico.
Place your bets.. How long until the new President is removed from office????
>thanks, meme flag, now fuck off Yeah so I just posted the ACTUAL state department's travel advice on Mexico, and your OP wasn't in it.
So why am I shutting up faggot?
Oliver Bell
will the government go full stalin?
Brody Campbell
See The state dept never actually said any of this shit. OP is trolling big time.
Isaiah Rogers
>meme flag Do I have to say more? gtfo >boost our economy >socialism You may be capitalist... for now, but we'll see if suddenly a piece of bread doesn't become ten times more expensive
Oliver Moore
Annexation of baja when
Adam Phillips
Great, another conflict and excuse to take in millions of (((refugees))). Just watch, they'll try to overflow the borders so Trump can't do anything, but hopefully there will be enough to stop it
Aiden Wilson
>Do I have to say more? gtfo Yeah. Like why the state dept never said it you goat raping faggot
AMLO is just a socialist by name only, his only goal was to win the presidency. I don't like his hero worship of Juarez but the guy isn't pushing socialist shit.
Jeremiah Morris
So that's why you're sucking his dick so hard? So if you're wrong about him, then what?
Andrew Bennett
because he is perfect.
Kayden Diaz
invasion when
Wyatt Butler
This Show proof fucking faggot
Aiden Garcia
Sounds like you're a closet homo, when we invade Mexico, I'll make sure to shoot you in front of your family, you'll father will thank me
Christopher Price
OP isn't going to show proof. Look up state dept official webpage. Nothing there.
Luis Green
Well, they are businessmen, they need land, resources, and employees. Under Communism that's gonna be real hard, imagine trying to operate a drug farm in Venezuala where you can't even get fertilizer.
Dominic Bennett
it's the military that is engaging the cartels which means it's either, the new president is trying to take out the DEA/ATF controlled cartels, or he's bending the knee (doing what US wants) and confronting the cartels for real
Mason Watson
Levi Bell
Why do they never show Tijuana's 13 year old prostitutes, It's literally the best source of income to the country, thanks to all the tourists.
Does Jow Forums think this is what Donald Trump saw coming? He knew commies would come in flexing just to have the stronger cartels end up becoming the legitimate government, thus working out much better deals with the cartels, like having certain drugs in the U.S legalized and taxed which would create legal trade between the mexican cartels/politicians and the U.S? This would mean a huge amount of violence within mexico and in the U.S would drop dramatically.
It would also mean that the drug cartels ruling in Mexico may restore the country into Catholic hands instead of the masonic upper state the U.S set up going into the Mexican American war.