Do they just dress up to feel good, and then it's men who always see them as sex objects?
Do they just dress up to feel good, and then it's men who always see them as sex objects?
Women feel good when men mire them so both.
Women start sexualizing themselves by like 10 because they learned it will get them ahead in life. All women have to do is work out and stay in shape and they can find someone to take care of them
So you think OP girl is sexualizing herself or not? Maybe she just want to tan those perky cheeks?
That seems to be really uncomfortable to wear so yeah,she is in fact a whore
That arse is repulsiv, I think it is a man's.
How can you tell her what's comfortable and not? What gives you that right?
Repuslive? How?
I'd bury my rod in that ass.
>What gives you that right?
women have no inherent rights, they are conferred rights.
They claim nothing themselves and are merely given 'rights.
>Protip: This means they're not really rights
nah just a CHILD
No idea but I'm not complaining
Dude, if that is a child, how do you explain the flabby butt?
You like her butt, user?
Puberty sexualizes women.
Then women decide to show their sexually mature body to men because they love being attractive.
>not complaining about degeneracy
All adults, both men and women, are sex objects, and it's disingenuous to say otherwise. Do all women have inherent value beyond their sex? Absolutely not. Some do. If a woman wants to be appreciated for her value beyond being a sex object, she has to actually possess that value.
What's your problem, Dutchfag?
Or maybe it's because men turn women into sex objects. Look at the olympics. Men watch women for their bodies, while women try to compete in a sport.
too many kids to bait
i am am expert on this matter and can tell with 100% certainty that this girl in op's pic isnt of legal age
>men turn women into sex objects
women turned themselves into sex objects during the sexual revolution. If you're against male promiscuity, then you're against women's lib. A woman who wants to fuck who they want, when they want, and wants to be free to leave to go fuck someone else NEEDS promiscuous men, and she needs lots of them. If a woman doesn't like promiscuous men, then she needs to shut the fuck up, go back into the kitchen, and make her man a sandwich.
user, what the hell. A fucking strawpoll? Some women dress up to feel good, some because particular style or attire suggests things about them, some because they like to tempt people and the clothing accentuates their looks.
Similar for guys. What kind of Jow Forums runaway shill thread is this?
Explain the flabby butt then
I don't think the majority of women wants that. Do you?
this is what they think men want
I'm not sure you understand what I wrote, there is no false dichotomy. Women can't be promiscuous without promiscuous men. If men stopped all fornication and adultery, women's sexual liberation is flushed down the shitter. There is nothing further to discuss on this.
Wait a minute...I know this set
looks like a dude's shaved ass, pic has no natural curves at all
Really? No curves?
>If men stopped all fornication and adultery, women's sexual liberation is flushed down the shitter.
Problem is it only takes one man to be a horny fuck and chase after women to ruin it all
One girl being a slut isnt a big deal but its men who are the problem and the problem is a market economic one.
Too many men chasing after women -> Rising demand for women ->women feel their worth go way up ->demands go up ->less men succeed in getting women ->lower their demand -> lower tier women feel an increase in their demand etc etc etc
tl:dr if we had a ratio of 2:1 women to men then this wouldnt be as much of an issue since it only takes one man to ruin it all
i prefer pear shaped wahmyns, this one could still be a dude, if its a girl she has the body shape of a stick
It's not a dude. How dense can people be?!
...and there's always one asshole that would ruin it.
That guy marching in the #metoo movement. The guy that hits on your girlfriend when you're having troubles. The guy that's the "best friend" in the group of women.
Fuck that guy.
it's 4 chan. everyone's a dude
>(((her))) butt
SAGE you meme untermensch
Is it because degenerate trap culture is so strong here?
Indeed, fuck that guy.
I know because ive been him, ive hunted after girls who had boyfriends and hit on them because...what else am i supposed to do? The pool of dateable women is very, very small and when youre 18 you think with your dick
It's fucking simple: women and men like to feel sexy. Whether this is an invitation to approach depends completely on the individual.
it's mostly trap trickery shoving their pictures in people's face
Its a child model, he's made a few threads with the same type of cropped photos
This. It's both
Women like to look pretty. They like attention. Either from their men (if they are in a relationship) or others (if single, or highly flirtatious). Most like to be treated like objects at some point - but those most don't like to be degraded.
Other kiddy ass thread
Explain her flabby butt. Children don't have flabby butts
Why i dislike those type of buts so much? God so dsigusting.
Here you have a real ass.