revolutionary war 2 when
Revolutionary war 2 when
Brits need 1688 to commence again. 1776 really only applies to this side of the pond.
The difference is that Trump incites violence with his speech. The left is merely defending themselves from what Trump supporters want to do in the future. How do Trumptards not get this?
consider walking in a straight line and never returning
the left incites physical violence through antifa and paid protestors and wants white genocide for the future through mass immigration they are replacing white populations
i mean you obvious know this and still post b8
nice bump let me sage real quick
Again, they are only doing this to stop Trump supporters from carrying out their genocidal fantasies. Look at this board, how many of you unironically want to kill all these different groups simply because they are not white? You are all Trump supporters. If you were in charge, you would carry out your plans. Antifa is only trying to delay and stop your plans
just you I think