Do any of you transphobes actually have an argument as to why pride parades...

Do any of you transphobes actually have an argument as to why pride parades, especially ones with kids in them is a bad thing?

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Stop speaking German you fucking nazi

>I love facts
>will mentally block out this post

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>Based (((Christianity)))

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>when you go to jewgle to find pictures of homos at pride parades being degenerate and just find a bunch of pictures of trudeau



German? I'm speaking English m8

>why do we want to stop putting up mental illness as example to follow for innocent kids?

>I love facts.

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Bullshit lies you nazi which of those are peer reviewed

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These BIGOTS are just scared of anything that they don't understand. Oh well, it must suck to be full of hatred because no-one loves your tiny penis! ;)


Trannies are sex objects. Once you cut off your dicks you're useless.

The lgbtq+ community serves a very important role in the workforce

We stopped having civil discourse a long time ago, fag.

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Here's a better one. It has sources too

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The nazi doesn't like to argue ideas who woulda thought

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Because of government stats from many countries, I believe all of this except the 92% of children being abused. What's the definition of abuse here?

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Nothing later than 1995 where are techniques for studies have improved greatly also no peer reviews?

kids should not be exposed to anything sexual in nature. let me guess, you get gangbanged in front of your kids too?

aaaaaaaaaaaaand op is gone

>peer reviewed
o ok this is bait. nice meme but good thread to see some good old misotranny

Why shouldn't they learn about natural things like sex

I find it highly amusing that some people are bothered by other people's penises

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It's degenerate.

>give me reasons why ____
>rejects all of them and wants to waste our time

Basically a "redpill me on ____" thread. Reported, newfag.

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Also most kids in the UK learn it at 9-10 why was this arbitrary age picked it seems like they pulled it out their ass

homosexual men have a 11:1 ratio of pedophilia compared to straight men

I replied to it you dumbfuck


Speaking for myself here but I don't think kids should be exposed to sex or sexualized because sex is the basic end goal of human life and giving it away too cheap or oversexing kids' minds could DESTROY their ability to self-motivate towards other goals. A fuckton of people under 40 right now have this problem. Fried brains from subconsciously thinking they've already made it.

Or statistically it's when kids start diddling with themselves more and their bodies change

they should learn about sex, and the morality/immorality of it with their parents at an appropriate age. Not told she can fuck whoever she wants whenever she wants, because with contraceptives theres no consequences, oh and if you get pregnant, theres no god or anything so you can just kill the baby, and keep fucking.....

If you look like that (dude on the left and right) and think it's OK to leave the house, you should be, formally, lynched.

I know but that's still not enough to account for "92% of children [being abused]" by same-sex guardians. I need a real source on that one.

Then why arent men and women tought differently since women enter puberty first

It psychologically effects the kids into desensitization towards sexual degeneracy and promiscuity. This will then lead to many of them having deseases, unhealthy habits, negative personality traits and worst of all, unstable relationships which can effect their children. Which creates a malignant pattern of problems for many people.

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OP can you stop being a coward and identify your bias? Tell us that you were molested by some faggot as a child, resulting in a chemical change that in turn made you a faggot. By your posts it's clear you are not here as an objective, impartial judge of facts, but a textbook pro-sodomite shill.

Did you accept that it's not genetix yet? Prove me wrong.

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But how does a priide parade show that it's okay to fuck anyone

i disagree with that as well, because muslims keep their faggotry on the low and only rape boys when their wives arent looking

I'll come clean I'm playing devils advocate for the lols

What are they proud about exactly? being weird perverts? wouldnt matter if they were all straight, prancing around in public dressed like youve robbed a sex shop is bizarre behaviour. no responsible parent would even let their kids look at these sick degenerates let alone spend any time in their company.

But it's funny how much this thread blew up made my morning an entertaining one


M*slim definition of rape, sickfuckophilia, sexual harassing are 180 degrees different from common sense, christian, european, american, western definitions.

>exposed to the lowest unnatural form of sexuality, besides pedophilia, by potential pedophiles
sex should be about love, and having children. if you want to be a deviant, keep it in your sex dungeons

Very well.

Romans 1
24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Children deserve to be enriched to be pizzagate fodder


you know that faith in humanity is lost when there are people out there believing that don't know what is their gender, but know what it isn't

Promiscuity and sleeping around a lot makes you less satisfied with relationships and more likely to have children out of wedlock or divorce, both of which negatively effect the development of the child. Children are always better off in a traditional family unit as opposed to single parent households

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what gives faggots the right to offend me? why do i have to know you like to suck dick just by looking at you or hearing your voice? why cant you just present yourself as normal and be a faggot at home?

blew up? You've made nearly 30% of the posts here...

>1 post by this ID

>The nazi doesn't like to argue ideas who woulda thought

ideas aren't facts

ideas aren't results

the problem is that faggots keep producing bad results that don't correlate to the stupid ideas they preach.

Homophobe? Why would I be scared of a faggot?

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Because we don't have sex segregated classes you moron

Why not just show your kids hardcore porn? Why not take them out to clubs every night?
Why not take them to every kind of adults-only gathering around?

Because they're children who deserve to have innocent childhoods, free from adult bullshit.

can we ban this inana JEW SLIDE THREAD ?

Pride is one of the seven deadly sins.
Also there is no need to rub in everyone's faces this kind of sick stuff. Literal attention manwhores.
Also sage for bait threads

Because it's disgusting


It encourages self destructive behavior.

>Why not just show your kids hardcore porn? Why not take them out to clubs every night?
>Why not take them to every kind of adults-only gathering around?
It's a shame your lands with its resources is infested with retards like you

>normalisation of degenerate behaviour that otherwise should be a private matter in people's lives not flamboyantly promoted as a social status symbol

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Trannies are disgusting degenerate freaks who should be shunned for their obscene behaviour. Anyone who can’t recognise this obvious fact is a mental midget, a degenerate themselves, or both

Someone has to commit suicide I guess

I'm a massive dyke but pride parades are such bad optics they are basically charlottesville for gays but hundreds of times all over the world every year to make sure everyone gets the worst idea

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The leftwing retard projects his own shortcomings. Surprise surprise

Techniques by far leftwing retards who already support homosexuality and will do anything to justify it you mean?

Those are drag queens with a cuckold fetishist.

If you need explanation you are already beyond redemption.

why do pride parades have to be like this ? why do they have to be so over the top you no longer look like women (you dont to begin with) you look like clowns, why cant you all turn up to these things in relativity normal attire, normal levels of make up etc to make you point of "hey were just like you except we like the same sex lets have a conversation about it", instead you INSIST on wearing fucking latex,leather,massive wigs parading around in next no clothing, thrusting and taking sexual positions signs with penises etc and you wonder why you come across as wired sexual deviants and play the victim card

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everyone's sooo progressive up here in denmark that hard working gays that don't give a shit about these degenerate street parties are shamed for not participating or supporting them, and just like the LGBTESJNXWH it tarnishes the "image" of functional gays by showing these parades full of attention-whoring deficient human beings on live TV

Because gender dysphoria and/or homosexuality is not something you're born with.

Because they're mentally ill. And then they're incited by their leftist allies who hate everything beautiful and natural.

what do they achieve

It's called aposematism. Appearance or coloration that tells normal healthy beings to avoid them. Like the stripes on a coral snake.

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Pathetic. At least this thread may have redpilled some newfags.

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