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when there's a country that's more autistic than germany

>Broadcasting Companies in France band together to fight back against "ravages of the market economy."

>Meanwhile France has been letting in Muslims left and right and not protecting its culture from the ravages of Religious Extremity.

You literally can not make this shit up.

Netflix doesn't have enough shows in Arabic?

Canal+ lost big time to Netflix, so now they are trying to involve the government. Same channel that is constantly promoting mass immigration and miscegenation.. I hate this fucking country.

What 'cultural exception'?

It's a law that forces radio waves to have quotas of French artists so they don't just broadcast American music which is far more popular. Supposedly to avoid americanization of French society. They want to extend it to Netflix, force them to buy French shows and hire less American propaganda.
It's not just France that does that, dozen of countries have similar laws.

>air less American propaganda

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I've never even thought this to be ever a problem

When your mere existence causes frogs to go asshurt.

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C+ for a time (since early 90s) was somewhat alright.
But since few years back they offer dwindled and they went full retard and agenda like with their programming
2bh c+ can eat gravel
I will miss planete tho

>We must protect our culture from the Americans!
>Let the Muslims in, they'll enrich our culture!

go away potato spic

You can struggle all you like frogboi but we both know how this ends.

It's like putting on a bandaid after you've cut off your balls.

seems reasonable.
something only the Jews would disagree with

soviet tier.

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yep, we do too in Australia.

If they produce good content, they would win anyway. The strange corrupt cops shows, that look like underfunded, bad written clones of NCIS or Law and Order doesn't cut it anymore.
Watched a french "top cop" show recently somewhere, none of the characters where likeable, married female cop sleeps with boss, boss starts mistreating her, runs around with blue eye, husband retaliates, yadda, yadda, plots from the last century.
30 million will just cost advertising this turds.
French has a rich history, just drop some couple of millions into a good show, damnit.

Sure argument against it is that only a culture in decline need that kind of law, so it's pointless. On the other hand, the only reason we have those laws is so French labels, and tv producers can make more money. These people couldn't care less about actual culture. It's just about making money.

There was an report in TV where some french composer was asked how he has his ideas, and then went by like 100 golden records.
They asked him what they are, and he says, he pushes out a couple of records a year with french "chansons" that are well produced. And they have to play them, then he laughed, and then they went on further why he is the genius who made the sound to a couple of movies.

Worried about Americanization
Welcomes Islamination

sounds great on paper but we all know that at the end of the day the french music will be just as degeneret like the american trash they promote

do you have to make every thread about muslims ? Fucking obsessed

Or perhaps allow the free market to do its thing. Perhaps the French should up their quality instead, since not as if American media is even that amazing. But its easier to bitch and demand the government to enforce "regional quotas" for entertainment or something. Sounds like something Jews would agree with.

so the french care more about protecting their culture from amerifats than they do from mulims and niggers?

fuck off abdul

Based. Don't let Amerikikes poison the world with their (((Hollywood))) garbage and their faggot values

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Do we? It makes less sense when we speak English anyway

When you let niggers invade your country but a company hiring your actos is too much.

>watching Netflix
>watching American television
Too dumb for me.

Yes, I'm not sure what the percentage is, but that's why you always see those low budget Australian dramas/reality shows being advertised.

Frogs without French are just another USA, they got enough niggers.

Real men watch reality show documentaries like Vice used to be. Regular documentaries are good too, as long as they show how it is, not leaving out dirty stuff.

what the fuck is that english

The problem with French television is that when i get that by cable you can't go back in time to select a show like with other channels, maybe that's intentional, but it always bothered me. Sometimes i would like to go back to watch French circus.

French TV is basically a heavily corrupt talmudvision bankrolled by taxpayer money, first thing I would do if I was french would be to shut them all and cut all aids, boom 5 billions saved.

It's literally french jews moaning that american jews are stealing their potential shekels.
(((American entertainment))) is still absolute cancer though.

France is the sole reason the US exist in the first place, it's kind of ironic how former colonies are colonizing Europe.

that's a smart move
And a smart law

learn something about history, dipshit

good. france is doing it right.
dont give this pesky faggot american nazis more money.

i wish germany would be as cool as france.